Friday, March 4, 2011

How Soon After A Wax Can You Shower

The atom splits

On April 26, 1986 occurred in the Ukrainian city of Chernobyl the worst nuclear accident history. Those who were present will remember the experts' recommendations regarding preventive behaviors to be adopted here in Italy against certain foods.
This incident caused many a fear of rejection that led to the construction of new plants in Italy and disposal of existing ones, laid waste by the outcome of repeal referendum that was held on November 8, 1987.
We gave a farewell to the atom as a resource for the production of electricity. There was no talk of nuclear power plants in Italy and Trino Vercelli Caorso, Latina and Garigliano were, and are still coming in as discontinued operations.

After more than two decades, ignoring the decision of the sovereign people, the government decides to meddle in this issue perhaps more for propaganda and get some consensus in a time of crisis to real needs.

Here, then returning the heated debates on the topic of famous scientists and environmentalists, the first excited by the desire to do research and innovation, taking the second breast hypothesis of a return to nuclear power without considering the system itself.
Two opposing positions, blinded by ideals or beliefs that leave no room for discussion of practical issues and heard by more people.

We come then to the argument for sustainable, aspects of the atom and try to figure it out.

The fear inherent in most of the population is expected to occur in a similar incident in 1986. I will not dwell on the complexity of the existing generation of reactors now used on the physical principle but we must remember that the Chernobyl reactor had adopted a first generation RBMK developed in the late fifties of the twentieth century, currently Generation III + is arrived at while they are still under study, the Generation IV fission reactors.
So the advance of the technological allowed to further reduce the risks related to malfunction of the reactor, the simple loss to collapse. Security is therefore the watchword for this there would be much to fear.
From a scientific point of view is, at least for me, very interesting topic. Maybe it's the same interest that pushes some people to take sides in favor of nuclear power without hesitation. But, you know, we are in Italy, a country where those in power is not just driven by a thirst for knowledge.

would be exhausting to list the amount of the number of unfinished eternal present in Italy. You imagine what would happen when there will be entrusted to the contract the construction and subsequent operation of nuclear power plants in Italy.
contracts assigned to the usual wide boys of the neighborhood, who are already long time for such works by increasing the final cost would tend to infinity so as to satisfy those who want to eat, management and control of power handled by who knows whom. In short, the usual Italian-style we all know.
Put some environmentalist banner, torch and a chorus of mayors and regional presidents who sang "In my house never a central" and here is complete the work.
Then there are those who maintain the thesis of "But in the meantime there are the central French if we were to blow up a contaminated ourselves, central Italy which now includes energy, why do not we have of our own? "This seems to me the excuse of the smoker (unfortunately they are):" Why should I stop if I go out just home are the exhaust gases that are much more dangerous? "

waste disposal
The thorny problem of the energy produced by nuclear fusion in the disposal of wastes. Currently, the system that goes fashion is to exploit deep natural cavities or artificial stocking as mines sealed drums conteneti waste. But we are in Italy. Who provides control and comprehensive monitoring of these drums? Not to mention that even the waste will be those who want to eat. Let us return then to the neighborhood crafty.
Currently in Italy we have difficulty even to dispose of waste from the radiology departments of hospitals, figuariamoci those most central to who knows how many megawatt-hours of energy produced.
If we buy now and then with nuclear energy from France, tomorrow we will have to pay a foreign state to dispose of waste.
not forget that today we are still taking away from the central Enrico Fermi Trino Vercelli radioactive waste.

Nuclear power yes, but not in Italy. Maybe in a few centuries when the crafty the neighborhood there will be more and you will find a valid method for the disposal of waste.


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