Monday, August 30, 2010

My Mircowave Has No Power

The Ghost Writer - Review

Polanski's films certainly have something unique: they are good or bad, after a vision of the mix of cutting and directing music is recognizable. When I put on The Ghost Writer (as always "good" translation from Ghost Writer) I did not even know that it was a film by Roman (holy ignorance), but ten minutes later I was absolutely certain.
Coming to the point, is not that this is an example of cinema's most senior director of Krakow: Despite the distinctive features of its grammar are directing us all, something in the course of the work is out of hand and close to an interesting start, the film gradually loses appeal until unsettling to a final, futile, better still horrible. Fortunately, the cast functions as it should, and it is a relief, since the film structured like a play: indoors, a general inertia, bearing absolutely dialogues. Ewan Mcgregor confirms his talent but also the versatitlità that distinguishes it, that ability to be at ease both in the role of Jedi's most famous of all time as those of a writer of modest hopes which it commissioned a review of a scorching autobiography of former British Prime Minister. The latter, played by Pierce Brosnan in great shape in a few minutes he can give the character a believable and original size, hiding much of a secret. The conditions are perfect to kick off the classic polanskyane situations, without a general sense of the protagonist's persistent inadequacy, paranoia, conspiracy theories and delusions of persecution.
A film without doubt pleasant for most of his life, which unfortunately end up wasting on by three quarters, slipping to a final unwarranted: even want to call a plot twist, this is a examples are the lowest I've come to the hands. Recommended, however, if only for the undeniable effect of the plots of the magnetic film, perhaps in a lonely night and in bad weather.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Catchy Names For Second Hand Stores

Parish Centre "Don Eugenio Manini" - Parish Convening Anzino

Dear friends and supporters,

is with great joy that the parish of Anzino will announce the birth of the new Parish center dedicated to Don Eugenio Manini Anzino pastor for sixty years in view of the fiftieth anniversary of the death (2011). The new center format and parish office and the library which now contains more than 800 volumes, bound to increase with the passage of time. The library is a flagship for our parish and the country of Anzino, an important element of cultural research. The solemn opening ceremony took place Sunday, August 8 at the festival co-owner of St. Lawrence, Deacon and Martyr Parish. The celebration took place before the highest civil authorities and parish: there were Pierfranco Bonfadini Mr. Mayor, the Priest Primicerio Don Don Giovanni Gabriele Romagnoli and Raia catechetical director of the Diocese of Assisi. After the speeches of the authorities has passed all'intitolazione plate and with the blessing of the new premises and it all ended with the rinfresco.Il work and cooperation of all are able to create something truly admirable. Thanks go to the heart to all, Don Gabriel, Father John, Mr. Mayor that as institutional us worthy of his presence as an electrician and was very patient with us, the Confraternity of the Blessed Sacrament and Anzino Prior to Cassietti Bruno, Gianmario, in Matthew, Matthias, to Hector, who gave us the first books to all Anzino associations that have worked together and all those who in any work center and so we have sostenuti.Il The library is open Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 17:30 to 18:30