Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Csr Bluetooth Window 7 Driver

E3 2010 - impressions

I stand here on my bed at the Kyoto Grand Hotel Los Angeles at the end of the first day of E3 2010, III & IV of things to write already, but I like to fuck and make wee hours, and then lose a bit here 'of precious minutes of sleep. After having attended the event and conference Kinect Microsoft yesterday, this morning that Nintendo and a large number of events around the stands I can easily pull the strings of a preliminary opinion on this year's most important exhibition of video games worldwide.
begin with the Microsoft conference, so rich in content, but definitely not dedicated gamers: very, very much space was dedicated to Kinect course (but I notice that many still call it Christmas ... maybe because it is unpronounceable, it sounds evil and lends itself to a thousand interpretations macaroni?), the much-chatted motion sensor that will allow you to play without devices, using only body movements and using voice commands. A vision that has captivated the press and public for about a year and unfortunately (predictably) is an instrument devoted exclusively reveal today to an audience very casual: the competitor to Wii Sports, Nintendogs competitor and so on. What can gamers expect? Certainly not an entire lineup hardcore, well integrated with existing games. Only one has come, perhaps the wrong drive the cars of Forza Motorsport 3 miming the gesture with his hands is really a ridiculous idea, and be able to closely observe its fleet with the motion sensor does not seem a big deal . Then, the Xbox 360 Slim: none of that, an obvious choice given the presence of the PS3 Slim has long been on the market and a questionable design, to provide all the features that Sony offers the same price for several months. As mentioned above, a few things for gamers. Quite different from the presentation Nintendo: Zelda with strong party (if Miyamoto then learn to play .... but it is an idol, we like it ^ ^), Epic continues with Mickey, to dream with Donkey Kong and Kirby and gave the final thrust with 3DS, announcing a ton of titles of the other most promising one on a platform that is right now is destined to smash the charts. A show worthy of the name after several years, Moscow, great job.
We then move on to my appointments today, a real hell began at noon and finished at six in the evening, without a break: great blow. Line up Bethesda, 2K line up, line up Warner, Ubisoft line-up all in one breath. Bei titles in general: XCOM was really a surprise, although the graphics are not exceptional lives of a striking design and an atmosphere somewhere between a 50's detective movie, the Man in Black and Ghostbusters. A delirious mix, apparently very dynamic gameplay, it could be a truly original product. Very nice Rage, Id and the rest is a house with "a certain tradition." Remarkable graphics, good gameplay, free roaming, very different: it seems to please those who loved the atmosphere of Fallout 3 but does not like RPG, Borderlands or who would have loved if he had a more serious matter. I have high expectations. Last surprise of the day, Assassin's Creed Brotherhood. I was among those who thought it was one of many commercial operations, a "milk cow" and the short demo game for me by the guys at Ubisoft has instead reserved a lot of new gameplay, use the script even more spectacular and the ability to actively use his teammates on the battlefield to complete the murders: 15 hours of gameplay and a guaranteed fund multiplayer that I can only try tomorrow, for a title that promises very well, against all odds.
And the show itself? The first thing you notice is the huge influx of people, eye significantly higher than last year. Endless queues everywhere, and despite the aid often pass as a journalist, sometimes even the experts are forced to wait to access the presentations. Not to mention eating or something to take the Starbucks inside the plant fair, queues are able to instantly switch any craving for food or derivatives of coffee. A real army of people, and if today while walking through the corridors to the maximum speed allowed by my body a little 'stressed out from jet lag I could not help being a bit' annoyed by the walls of people are really happy to see that the show works, the market pull, people are passionate about. For me, unfortunately this is not the wonders of E3 as last year, E3 will be the agenda of fierce and thick that barely allow me some quick visit to the showfloor, but I still hope at the end of everything, to discover to be successful also to absorb a little 'magic indisputable.
Appointment on Spaziogames for updates!


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