The defense of the constitution now more than ever is appropriate, since our Constitutional Charter is subject to attacks by people who see constitutional reform as a personal salvation. E 'assertion in a statement co-ordinators Provincial PD and GD Nicholas Belcher and Joseph Eagle. We must firmly defend the attacks on rights and to public school. A great danger now threatens our national community. If you do not denounce it publicly, in a way and means which are not those of our business - namely research, training and information - it is because we do not think that there is still insufficient awareness. We warn of the danger signs in some public statements of senior politicians, especially those that impact clearly against certain articles of our Constitution. Since 1988, the Constitutional Court said it clearly that "the supreme principles" Charter can not be "subverted or changed in their essential content even more by constitutional amendment," and that the inalienable human rights are not "suppress either the majority or even unanimity of the members" because "irretrattabile heritage of the human person" . Ignoring these principles is to risk the destruction of the basic ethical assumptions or pre-political rule of law. Remain silent on the threat to these foundations is to be complicit in some way. The silence, conformity, indifference is the other face of oppression, rational argument through violence tones and words, gestures or the vulgarity of the stifling of public debate nell'incongruo language of hatred and love. But if they come from those who have a role in the formation of young people through school and university, and more generally the public through science, art and culture, indifference and silence are also signs of irresponsibility in the face of generations future: they contribute to increasingly restrict the margin of freedom and hope for justice that will follow. So we are close to all those who today have decided to take to the streets in defense of our beloved Constitution and with it the hopes of all those young people who see the constitution as the last bulwark in defense of their rights.
Nicola Belcastro (PD coordinator Crotone)
Joseph Dell'Aquila (GD coordinator Crotone)
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