Unwittingly it just a week before the earthquake and subsequent tsunami that struck Japan, I wrote "The atom splits " highlighting the concerns that I have against nuclear power. When the debate was dormant ancroa I wrote the article.
A disaster occurred in Italy and throne back in time 24 years creating the same discussions at that time regarding the use of nuclear power stations in our area with a succession of experts or assumed in favor of and against the atom.
sensation giving rise to the claims Chicco Testa, at the time of Legambiente founder and leader of the PCI, which be turned into huge anti-nuclear environmentalist nuclearists.
in favor of nuclear power, but was to be expected given the political affiliation, has expressed the Environment Minister Stefania Prestigiacomo, pity he did not provide any solution among those possible that the government, it always has, and adopt for the transport and storage of radioactive ooppure what program he plans to implement. Than that of thirty years ago.
But we claim that most impressed these days uttered by the head, namely: "The plants have been shown to hold punch, who was inspired by the tragedy of Japan to create in a political controversy is a jackal .[...]"
Taking sputno say by this statement as an axiom of the high security of nuclear power in any circumstance, and discuss why this is not convenient especially here in Italy.
The source from which it draws upon to produce electricity with nuclear fission is the 'uranium which splits the nucleus of its atoms.
Uranium, like oil, is a fuel geological origin and as such is present in limited quantities in different areas of the planet Earth.
According to estimates it is assumed that at the current rate of extraction, there are reserves for 50-60 years. But are estimates and as such are necessarily affected by error.
Why use therefore a source in many ways similar to the one mainly used today? When you start to run low and will increase its cost will be at the starting point.
Italy, we know the geography studied in elementary school does not have of significant mineral resources, much less uranium. We should therefore buy from foreign countries, such as Eastern Europe.
Some might argue that we have not even oil fields, however, extracting this fuel is not as difficult for uranium for the extraction of which you have to dig underground mining or open-just drill the ground and here the black gold begins to flow abundantly.
So here is the first hurdle, based, as opposed to fear as some might say, the adoption of energy power programs in Italy.
construction, management THE LIFE AND CENTRAL
Before the actual construction plants is necessary to identify the sites where these sorgerranno and waste storage sites as well as hold the various contracts.
sites should arise where a nuclear power station must be near water sources, in sparsely populated seismic risk and not high .
The entire Italian territory is earthquake risk higher or lower and the density of population is not indifferent figures.
Also most of the Presidents of Regions of any color have expressed their opposition to host nuclear plants on its territory before then of popular opposition there is a policy.
then find a suitable place in Italy for all the plants that you would like to achieve is not easy.
Another problem concerns the legislation that regulates the construction and management of nuclear plants. From the point of seismic finally entered into force in July 2009, the eggs Technical Regulations for Construction, which is the DM 14/01/2008, which require much more stringent standards than previous against criteria seismic be taken in construction. However, it is yet to be contemplated in the decree, the section on nuclear power then we should legislate.
Assuming that the Technical Regulations for Construction are integrated, which has been identified sites, which contracts must be awarded realizzione and start the real plant, the time for their completion are long, also known as 15 -20 years, away in Italy are companies that specialize in this area and so you should once again go abroad.
As is well known in Italy numerous are the eternal and unfinished works are less complex than a nuclear power plant let alone how longer delays and increase costs as compared to those budgeted and set up in the race.
But we are optimistic that we and everything goes well: it was the realizzta first nuclear power station. Now we need to maintain it. Clearly this is not an internal combustion engine and then the monitoring should be constant and must be implemented at regular intervals for updates and major maintenance. Currently a nuclear power plant has an average life is around 30 years later should provide for a profound renewal or decommissioning, which does not mean dismantling piece by piece and carry it away, but also clean up thoroughly all occupied zone.
All this comes at a cost disproportionate considering the state coffers and how this is usually complete its tasks, so not exactly exemplary.
waste storage
The process of nuclear fission to generate heat needed to produce electricity produces the waste. There are both radioactive and non radioactive.
In a state where the collection is not the norm, where do you have difficulty in disposing of municipal solid waste, hazardous waste where are spilled at sea or in normal landfills, where even the waste from the radiology departments of hospitals do not know where to put them, how you plan to handle the thorny problem of waste?
solution that goes out of fashion in the most advanced nuclear- is to put the drums containing the waste in deep underground cavities in attessa thousands of years necessary so that the radioactivity disappears.
also for the disposal of the waste then we should reach out to other countries beyond the Alps because, on a hypothetical construction, there have been difficulties in identifying sites for power plants.
Who will ensure that the proper storage and control of the waste drums? Someone will be there, yes, but the waste will remain active for thousands of years and everything can change, even worse.
24 years ago there was the referendum that ended the Italian nuclear program, particularly the sum of questions 1 and 2 .
After the people's decision however, successive governments have not rolled up their sleeves (known as the Bersani) to work on other energy sources or to produce a plan Energy resistant to changes of government. Nesusna strategy was adopted.
duqnue There was asleep until you reach the beginning of March with the Romans decree that cripples photovoltaics.
Also regarding renewable Vendola did a great job in Puglia. Thanks to him, this region has become the Sid the Veneto that was until a few years ago for the North.
Also in the south was a project funded by the EU for wind energy but the funds have gone into the pockets of the usual suspects and everything crashed.
The few times that Italy wants to move there is always quanlcuno which prevents the path.
If you want to prevent a return to nuclear power should not just stop dead or the appearance of greater security. Like it or not what happened in Japan occurred due to the tsunami, not the earthquake. The plant was sized for the same way and it has held up. Unable to withstand the tsunami because not proportioned to resist as he had not expected would happen.
In Italy, if not tsunami of that scale will verify that the appearance to consider is the earthquake, so that the central size posters to withstand an event of magnitude greater than that ever occurred to us . For instance, if you size up was 8.5 to 9.7.
reactor safety in short, someone will not, however, is the first thing that makes nuclear a chimera.
So who wants to show it but bringing other issues such as uneconomic, the problem of "raw material", the risk of "mangerie, the costs (which can then be in the bill), the problem of nuclear waste.
Below place the images of the seismic zoning the Italian territory.
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