not just this article, and I'm about to write the words to describe the excitement and enthusiasm that I tried to political training seminar held in Pisa at the Convention Centre March 4 to 7 entitled "The words and the things the Democrats' questions and assumptions about the Italian and European left. A long, intense seminar that was attended by 250 boys and girls from all regions of Italy. The meeting organized by the Young Democrats and the Democratic Party of Pisa in collaboration with the magazine in Schibboleth (which streamed the 4 days) and the Pd center studies. Divided into three plenary sessions open to the public was attended by Enrico Letta, Gianni Cuperlo, Anna Maria Parente, Rosy Bindi, Chiara Geloni, Fausto Raciti and finally Massimo d'Alema, who filled the conference room of the Pala and warmed the hearts of many militants present in the audience. These are three major plenary 5 classes followed with the participation of Pd deputies, journalists and opinion leaders and professors of the major Italian universities, where participants, after following the lesson have placed prominent questions. 4 days of this remains a great memory, as well as training that will bring back, the friendship will remain with the various David, Matthew, Antonio, Marcello, Vincent and others with a strong signal because there is hope for a better Italy Who governs it.
Oreste Sabatino (GD Secretary of the High St. Nicholas)
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