now we're almost in a few hours celebrating Italy 's anniversary of the 150th anniversary of the Kingdom of Italy. First of all I am thinking of the many patriots, young and old, which for this purpose have sacrificed their lives to the end, this liberating and uniting the country by foreign forces, providing economic and social progress. The partisans of the 900 who fought and toppled the Duce and Fascism give Italy a constitution, the most beautiful of mondo.Ai many magistrates and the police that after half of the 900 who sacrificed their lives to fight terrorism and organized crime. Tomorrow all the schools, offices and factories will be closed ill the degree of discontent League and Confederation, as everyone will want to celebrate the anniversary. The 150th is an important historical moment for the country, an occasion for celebration but also of reflection, which includes the 150th year of growth, awareness and cambiamento.E the anniversary of the unification of Italy that you have to heal the enormous gap between North and South that has persisted for too long makes us less competitive in the market share mondiale.Bisogna to revive this wonderful country that we all invidiano.Qualcuno you ask from where? From Italy, especially South by launching a new course of economic development, investing in tourism, transport green economy and, increasingly intensifying the fight against crime. Because we are a country of art and culture, sun and sea, pizza and spaghetti, made in Italy and food products of excellence. Because despite all are the most beautiful country in the world!
Oreste Saabatino
Gd Coordinator of St. Nicholas High
Gd Coordinator of St. Nicholas High