Monday, July 26, 2010

What Color Hardwood With Dark Brown Leather?

Chronicle first meeting of the brotherhood

For your information we publish a small guide of the first meeting of the brotherhood of the sacrament of SSmo Anzino. For those interested, the first entry is made by Friday, June 30. The first meeting was purely informational for those who wish to register. We talked about the history of the institution and its purposes. He has also spoken of how legalization and registration of the same fraternity as a "church organization" recognized by the Italian state and the curia of Novara.
The next meeting will open with the first entry and the effective engagement of members in the life of the brotherhood. The second step Elections of Officers will be by secret ballot (prior, sub-prior, secretary, novice master, master of ceremonies, buildings). The positions will be in office until the approval of the Statute. Then we will discuss whether to maintain and to elect any new appointments or if re-elected in total. Finally, the elected offices, will move to the reading, discussion and approval of new statutes (this is not an official one) and rely to some managers to draw up the papers for the diocesan curia.

It calls for the presence of all those who were truly interested in being part of the brotherhood and to take responsibility. The subsequent entries will be put to the vote of the members already enrolled.

A warm greeting and a goodbye to Friday.

Mattia Matteo Minetti

The meeting is scheduled for 20:30 pm in the council chamber of the Institute of Public Anzino. We thank right now the agency for the availability of the site.


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