re-impose the confraternity of the Blessed Sacrament
A few months ago it was decided to re-impose the Brotherhood into a sanctuary for the service of the liturgy and works of charity. We publish the following notice for the first meeting. Those interested may approach the information space. Soon more news. We welcome assuring you of my prayers at the shrine of Anzino.
"Confraternity of the Blessed Sacrament
established at the parish church of Anzino
We advise all those interested that on Saturday, July 24, 2010 will be held at the council hall of the institution" Institute of Public Anzino " a meeting where it will be the restoration of the Brotherhood in recent years has held services in a sporadic and not organized. The invitation is open to all baptized males, not only of the country, wishing to get information on the Brotherhood and its purposes and, if wishing to join. Please note the following agenda.
1. Communication about the brotherhoods, the their history and birth and the way they are intended, in particular those dedicated to the Blessed Sacrament.
2. Communications on how to re-establishment of the brotherhood for the parish and diocesan level.
3. Reading the statutes of the confraternity and indicating the services to be performed during the year.
4. Election of temporary positions in the fraternity (Prior, deputy prior, etc..), And communication about their meaning and purpose.
5. Disseminating information on holidays where there is a requirement of the brotherhood.
6. Any other business.
The meeting was convened for the day to 20.30 above Thanks in advance for your interest and your presence.
Mattia Frisa.
Matteo Minetti. "
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