I buy a lot of books, here's the problem. The shelves (thankfully deep) of my library have passed the first of welcoming a row, then two (resulting in logistical problems for research and sudden landslides) and ended at the third horizontal row. More than I have in my attic, plus the ones I sold. A nightmare. Add to this a second problem: I read mostly Anglo-Saxon authors and are opposed to the average translation. A book is not only imported often difficult to find, but also average more expensive than the norm and seen the average prices of the press and my pace of reading, we're talking about a lot 'of money.
I knew the existence of the famous / infamous e-book reader, and I tried to read up a bit 'on the subject. Unfortunately, I found poor documentation, confusing information. The following will explain the reasons for my choice, and all the pros and cons.
Among the many models available in the market is undoubtedly the most fascinating of the Amazon Kindle. It is not about aesthetics or other technical characteristics, but the opportunity to buy books directly from the Kindle itself.
Let me explain: traditional e-book reader from reaching the hands of the user as "empty shells". To fill them with e-book should get them (legally) at the shop or online (illegally) at hacker sites and programs peer2peer. This means that there is always an intermediate step, ie the use of a computer connected to the Internet with which you download e-book, and then pass them to the player via a cable connection, quite a chore. Not to mention other problems of compatibility of formats, layouts and the like.
The Kindle is different and can in fact use a 3G connection (ie the same protocol on which they are based phones) to connect directly to the shop Amazon's online and thus allow the direct purchase of books to be charged to your credit card, with a nearly global coverage at no additional cost and timing of which are around a minute to download an entire book.
This possibility was until a few months ago for the exclusive prerogative of the residents in the U.S., but Amazon has just made the big step and extended connectivity to almost all of Europe, including Italy fortunately. As
not result in what telephone operators Amazon has strict agreements also allow Italy to connect to the 3G network and make purchases in real time, the important thing is that there are costs. You can stay connected as you want, download what you want, the only costs involved are the prices of individual e-book.
Sometimes there is drawback: the books purchased from Amazon can only be read with the Kindle (which is not really a problem), and catalog e-books is vast, but it sees the lack of some new releases that are made wait for licensing issues, the council is, if you intend to buy the Kindle, take a look around on Amazon and some books of interest to you: If one of the versions available for purchase is "Kindle Edition", you are on horseback. Add to this the fact that buying from Italy you pay an additional tax on cover price: in the dark without losing percentage is enough to say that additional charges including prices ranging from 7 to $ 13 for each volume. I consider that much more convenient than paper counterparts.
That's it. I am happy with my Kindle, without whose screen contrast and brightness without adding this and what makes a page hard copy, I buy books in a minute and enjoy a battery that lasts for several thousand "turn the page" (when the screen is stationary, the Kindle does not consume energy).
I can also add notes to books through the full QWERTY keyboard, consult a dictionary right on the page I'm reading (the Oxford Dictionary) and access to Wikipedia from anywhere in the world for free (a little extra treat).
I miss the paper? It 's just a matter of nostalgia, but for me I willingly do without the physical support to devote to what really matters. If you've read Fahrenheit 451 you know the drill: the book is not important, but what is written.
Council on Kindle to all lovers of reading in that language originally published as I have had problems of accessibility and space: you will not regret the decision.
Finally, rate: postage, and all 250 € and only 2 days of waiting because the carrier is present in my door.
Nice work Amazon. Happy reading!
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