Just in the previous post we talked about as a result of achieving any successful franchise is a challenge in the case of Iron Man, honestly one of the best films based on comics with Batman Begins and its sequel, the task was made more difficult by the excellent success of his original film, thanks to the unique ability to not take itself too seriously, gained a sense of humor and enjoyable with the extraordinary performance of Robert Downey Jr is perfect in the part. ;
without being a victim of the tendency to exaggerate that characterizes most of the "number 2", director John Favreau shows almost the entire original cast and some welcome new entry on the scene of a sequel that re substantially the same formula as the original funny, but slipping in some extra drama. Although the humor is once again biting and honest, the plot allows himself moments of seriousness undeveloped and not always appropriate. The dilemmas which Tony Stark is facing and the real risk of life are largely clouded by a script that does not give these issues sufficient development, relegating them to a limbo of semi-indifference of both the performers as the audience, fortunately, it was decided not to hand over limestone, and these moments slip away without risk boredom. Good performance of the cast: Robert Downey if you definitively confirmed as the star of our times (and the feeling is that the charge will last for a long time), nothing bad is the Whiplash Mickey Rourke, except that the script tends to put too much on the sidelines. Good race for Sam Rockwell, which although at times overly dramatic monologues offers some very tasty (especially the one of the choice of weapons). Too bad for Scarlett Johansson, relegated to the expected tight jumpsuit and do the odd man out between Tony and Pepper, but without much convincing. Gwyneth Paltrow makes her a role that fits very while he may miss Terrence Howard, perfect in the role Rhodes in the first film: Don Cheadle tries to replace him, but sympathy is not the same.
The presence of Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury is revealed that a more apt choice: in addition to "build bridges" for the upcoming film about the Avengers, the actor manages to give his character a dimension that is just waiting to be properly developed.
Overall, a good sequel, made with intelligence and above all, without exaggeration, and that ends up doing exactly what he asks, have fun. It could be more daring? Certainly. As the director proves much bolder than in the predecessor (absolutely enjoyable sequence in first person) and the fights are choreographed with the expert hand, the script is to prove the weakest link in the chain. To see then, but with the right spirit and without too many expectations.
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