Monday, April 26, 2010

How Many Pennies Fit In A Tub

Iron Man 2 - Review

Just in the previous post we talked about as a result of achieving any successful franchise is a challenge in the case of Iron Man, honestly one of the best films based on comics with Batman Begins and its sequel, the task was made more difficult by the excellent success of his original film, thanks to the unique ability to not take itself too seriously, gained a sense of humor and enjoyable with the extraordinary performance of Robert Downey Jr is perfect in the part. ;
without being a victim of the tendency to exaggerate that characterizes most of the "number 2", director John Favreau shows almost the entire original cast and some welcome new entry on the scene of a sequel that re substantially the same formula as the original funny, but slipping in some extra drama. Although the humor is once again biting and honest, the plot allows himself moments of seriousness undeveloped and not always appropriate. The dilemmas which Tony Stark is facing and the real risk of life are largely clouded by a script that does not give these issues sufficient development, relegating them to a limbo of semi-indifference of both the performers as the audience, fortunately, it was decided not to hand over limestone, and these moments slip away without risk boredom. Good performance of the cast: Robert Downey if you definitively confirmed as the star of our times (and the feeling is that the charge will last for a long time), nothing bad is the Whiplash Mickey Rourke, except that the script tends to put too much on the sidelines. Good race for Sam Rockwell, which although at times overly dramatic monologues offers some very tasty (especially the one of the choice of weapons). Too bad for Scarlett Johansson, relegated to the expected tight jumpsuit and do the odd man out between Tony and Pepper, but without much convincing. Gwyneth Paltrow makes her a role that fits very while he may miss Terrence Howard, perfect in the role Rhodes in the first film: Don Cheadle tries to replace him, but sympathy is not the same.
The presence of Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury is revealed that a more apt choice: in addition to "build bridges" for the upcoming film about the Avengers, the actor manages to give his character a dimension that is just waiting to be properly developed.
Overall, a good sequel, made with intelligence and above all, without exaggeration, and that ends up doing exactly what he asks, have fun. It could be more daring? Certainly. As the director proves much bolder than in the predecessor (absolutely enjoyable sequence in first person) and the fights are choreographed with the expert hand, the script is to prove the weakest link in the chain. To see then, but with the right spirit and without too many expectations.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Play South Park Quicktime

Mass Effect 2 - Review

How to create a sequel, this is the question that must be placed in Bioware. More than anything else, it takes a lot 'of courage, and it seems that in Canada they have to sell. Take over his job, deconstructing, locate faults and begin to distribute cuts and scissor kick is definitely not an easy job.

Yet it is a profession needs to be done where the purpose is really to improve any product. The inventory did not work? Cut. The combat was too slow? We make Mass Effect a REAL third-person shooter, quick and covers the rest. The Mako was boring to drive? Goodbye. With this "cruel" philosophy, the gameplay has been stripped of all those RPG elements that, let's face it, worked very little.
What is left? Long sections shooter, which eventually really work, and an incredible amount of hours of dialogue. What a bore, you might think. Yet the quality of the dialogues is that playing Mass Effect I spent 2 more hours to explore the intricate psychology of people which to shoot.
no coincidence that the structure of the gameplay has just been created around the actors, who become even more important in our Shepard and end up stealing the show with their charisma. The new group of heroes and anti-heroes put together by Bioware surprised by the thickness of each figure, with its own history, a particular character to be reckoned with, especially a high credibility.
course exploration of the planets is very boring, some sections of the shooting is not really the best and the story tends to shrink too fast coming on the final epilogue, but Mass Effect 2 is a unique hybrid Typically, the GDR component which manifests itself in the best way, or offering to a player of real personality to discover and interact with.
The campaign could last 10 or 40 or more hours, it all depends on how deep you want to dig into the history of your traveling companions, true focal point of the narrative arc.
Waiting for an expansion at least worthy dell'Awakening issued for Dragon Age, I find myself imagining what we can expect from Mass Effect 3, given the upheaval that accompanied the release of this second chapter.
If it is not clear, it is an experience that I recommend to anyone with a modicum of passion for licenses ruolistica inspiration, or simply for narrative segments with a minimum thickness.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

80 Aerobic Instructor Costume

Happy Easter Holy Father

fifth anniversary of the Chair of Peter
83 th birthday

"Oremus pro Pontifice our Benedicto
conservet eum Dominus et eum et vivificet
beatum faciat on earth
eum et non tradat eum in animam eius inimicorum. "

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Reptile Fogging System

Kindle the library in your pocket

I buy a lot of books, here's the problem. The shelves (thankfully deep) of my library have passed the first of welcoming a row, then two (resulting in logistical problems for research and sudden landslides) and ended at the third horizontal row. More than I have in my attic, plus the ones I sold. A nightmare. Add to this a second problem: I read mostly Anglo-Saxon authors and are opposed to the average translation. A book is not only imported often difficult to find, but also average more expensive than the norm and seen the average prices of the press and my pace of reading, we're talking about a lot 'of money.

I knew the existence of the famous / infamous e-book reader, and I tried to read up a bit 'on the subject. Unfortunately, I found poor documentation, confusing information. The following will explain the reasons for my choice, and all the pros and cons.
Among the many models available in the market is undoubtedly the most fascinating of the Amazon Kindle. It is not about aesthetics or other technical characteristics, but the opportunity to buy books directly from the Kindle itself.
Let me explain: traditional e-book reader from reaching the hands of the user as "empty shells". To fill them with e-book should get them (legally) at the shop or online (illegally) at hacker sites and programs peer2peer. This means that there is always an intermediate step, ie the use of a computer connected to the Internet with which you download e-book, and then pass them to the player via a cable connection, quite a chore. Not to mention other problems of compatibility of formats, layouts and the like.
The Kindle is different and can in fact use a 3G connection (ie the same protocol on which they are based phones) to connect directly to the shop Amazon's online and thus allow the direct purchase of books to be charged to your credit card, with a nearly global coverage at no additional cost and timing of which are around a minute to download an entire book.
This possibility was until a few months ago for the exclusive prerogative of the residents in the U.S., but Amazon has just made the big step and extended connectivity to almost all of Europe, including Italy fortunately. As
not result in what telephone operators Amazon has strict agreements also allow Italy to connect to the 3G network and make purchases in real time, the important thing is that there are costs. You can stay connected as you want, download what you want, the only costs involved are the prices of individual e-book.
Sometimes there is drawback: the books purchased from Amazon can only be read with the Kindle (which is not really a problem), and catalog e-books is vast, but it sees the lack of some new releases that are made wait for licensing issues, the council is, if you intend to buy the Kindle, take a look around on Amazon and some books of interest to you: If one of the versions available for purchase is "Kindle Edition", you are on horseback. Add to this the fact that buying from Italy you pay an additional tax on cover price: in the dark without losing percentage is enough to say that additional charges including prices ranging from 7 to $ 13 for each volume. I consider that much more convenient than paper counterparts.
That's it. I am happy with my Kindle, without whose screen contrast and brightness without adding this and what makes a page hard copy, I buy books in a minute and enjoy a battery that lasts for several thousand "turn the page" (when the screen is stationary, the Kindle does not consume energy).
I can also add notes to books through the full QWERTY keyboard, consult a dictionary right on the page I'm reading (the Oxford Dictionary) and access to Wikipedia from anywhere in the world for free (a little extra treat).
I miss the paper? It 's just a matter of nostalgia, but for me I willingly do without the physical support to devote to what really matters. If you've read Fahrenheit 451 you know the drill: the book is not important, but what is written.
Council on Kindle to all lovers of reading in that language originally published as I have had problems of accessibility and space: you will not regret the decision.
Finally, rate: postage, and all 250 € and only 2 days of waiting because the carrier is present in my door.
Nice work Amazon. Happy reading!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

How Long Are Pur Flavor Options Cartridges Good

" Christ, my hope is Risen "

Good Santa Easter