"Battlestar Galactica - The Plan" is a farewell gift from the entire production of the series sci-fi fans. Directed by Edward J. Olmos (Commander Adama in the series), shot just before the sets were torn down and auctioned items, the film traces two hours in much of the narrative arc of the series, presenting the story from the perspective of the Cylons .
If it is true that the series had not spared long digressions from the perspective of the "enemy", this film manages the difficult task of condensing some basic steps of each other, allowing the viewer to understand the why of certain choices , playing on the concept that all is not what it seems.
There is no need to expect great revelations or surprises, inappropriate given that the original series left no room for such alterations, but rather a series of small details that go into the story to fit perfectly, allowing a more in round of morality that permeates the entire narrative.
The Plan of the Cylons, or the extermination of the human race seems so perfect, it is to struggle with the unexpected survival of just over 50,000 refugees, the only solution is to infiltrate and destroy them from inside, striking the first the heart of the resistance, or the Galactica. This simple equation is turned upside down by Factor X, or the birth of real feelings Cylon infiltrators, who live in close contact with humans end up knowing the love and the painful consequences that it can bring in the dark ages as those in which is part of the story. The Plan of deus ex machina Number One is thus confronted with continued rejection by the bombers to carry out their missions, sometimes even culminating in suicide so as not to hurt people you love.
Using a good mix of clips from the original series and original material, the story is well told, and filmed in a "school" it adds nothing and takes nothing away from the original style. The result is a nostalgic point of view on the matter further, allowing a re-reading interesting and somewhat unexpected.
A good job then, Highly recommended to all fans who would do anything to relive a few hours in the company of the fantastic cast and the unique atmosphere that always manages to evoke Battlestar Galactica.
"You can not declare war on love ..."
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