live by the rules. A healthy habit that I am not really capable of learning.
If the equation in a normal world "life rules + = good life" is likely, adding the factor X, that blood-thirsty zombies, the result would give "life rules + + X = the only way of survival" .
Here is the equation that keeps them alive Columbus (Jesse Eisenberg), a high school student who, thanks to its unexpected quality is managed to escape the virus that has infected nearly all the world's population, turning innocent citizens hungry undead human flesh.
to allow him to do everything is the strict observance of the rules he has given himself; some examples? Cardio, or keep in shape, the zombies run fast. Double Tap, which is always fire a further blow to security. Wearing seat belts when driving at full throttle in desperate flight you never know where you going to crash, and so on.
This thirty practice guidelines are one of the key points of the plot of the film, and they appear nicely on the screen every time someone looks, or forget to do so with tragic consequences.
"Zombieland" and "The Night of the Living Dead" of the new millennium. A little ' high school movie, very videoclipparo, frantic, seasoned with the healthy fetish for guns and gore , structured like a video game. Play with the audience, winking, splatter (but not too much) and not boring.
it to work are the characters: the phobic, unable nervous and always joins Columbus Talahassee soon (Woodie Harrelson), a cynical and muscular fellow traveler with a passion for fantasy and zombie massacre in constant search of his favorite snacks unavailable.
In his state of perpetual escape the unlikely duo is learning to live with and a solid balance: Talahassee realizes that some rule can save your skin healthy, Columbus that sometimes we must let go and "enjoy the little things" ( Rule No. 32).
Their wandering (with hazardous deviations in the name of the infamous snack) is random, however, upset by the encounter with the beautiful teenager Wichita (Emma Stone) and her sister, twelve year old Little Rock (Abigail Breslin), the which turn out to be much less innocuous than expected targeting fraud even before the disaster, the two do not make trouble swiped the precious machine Talahassee and run away. Destination Pacific Playland, an amusement park where the little Little Rock wants to go at all costs, pursuing the dream of a life in some way "normal".
Thus begins a chase that will lead players to bond inseparably, with a spectacular showdown in the infamous Luna Park.
Directed by Ruben Fleischer experienced first hand the film does not spare use of slow motion very "artistic", sometimes frantic editing and use ingenious set design that transforms public places every day in real battlefields.
Highly effective even make-up and interpretation of the zombies, making them totally believable in their frantic search for fresh meat: forget the dumb walking corpses of Romero, here replaced by fast and psychotic killer.
alternating sequences anthology (the supermarket and the home of Bill Murray cameo on at all) at some point a bit 'more "tired" and called (the predictable love story ) the film drags the viewer in an enjoyable and entertaining, despite its predictability, which is fully satisfaction with the characters brilliantly "written" and well interpreted, and can take the right.
rewarding and enjoyable as a long game of Left 4 Dead and Dead Rising (which often is openly based) Zombieland is not really to lose.
In our rooms will arrive only in May 2010, due to obscure business operations.
If you find that zombie comedy can make a nice mix, aspettatelo excited!
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