"The film on Facebook," is the name of The Social Network in Italy. And often with a sardonic smile included.
Why in our country by a lot of ignorance and easy judgments, the social site for excellence is so (often obsessively) used as vilified, accused of doing from heaven for nerds, sexual predators and pedophiles. Beyond the personal opinions of the nature and use of the site, "the film about Facebook" is such a great film, like it or not. With the dry style and control that has already proven to be used in Zodiac, Fincher is staging a fun mix somewhere between the legal thriller and comedy, thanks to a intelligent assembly and use of flashbacks as the backbone narrative arc not boring despite the considerable duration. If half of the applause and then go to the director, the rest are all for the excellent cast: Jesse Eisenberg was nice that it was already understood in Zombieland , but here shows very different maturity, playing to perfection Zuckerberg characterized by a rush of 'mood is not easy to give in front of the camera, that despite the many facets hours of the conclusion can emerge as a character in the round. Andrew Garfield is a more immediate and intense, and interprets it with remarkable naturalness, without exceeding in the most dramatic: it is no coincidence that the character is at the end where it is easier to identify with. Surprising even Justin Timberlake, on which personally I would not bet: convincing and sympathetic in his role, he manages to revive the fortunes of the film at a time when half performance was likely to slow down a bit 'too much. Overall a great film, perhaps over-praised by American critics, but worth the attention of anyone interested in cinema, for good ideas, the direction and level of morality, not too explicit, not at all trivial and obvious . Those who had interest in the facts, pure and simple do not enchant: the story has been thoroughly romanticized in many of its aspects, and despite the use of real names and logo, The Social Network is part of a work of fiction. Except for one thing: that in the era of the Internet can become a millionaire in twenty years is a reality, nondimendo remote but real. And that may not like how you think it is also true.
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