Fernando de Bouillon was born in Lisbon from a noble family from portoghesediscendente crusader Godfrey of Bouillon.
Fifteen-year-old novice in the monastery of San Vincenzo aLisbona, then moved to the monastery of Santa Croce in Coimbra, the largest cultural center of Portugal belonging all'Ordinedei Canons Regular of St. Augustine, where he studied science eteologia with excellent teachers, preparing sacerdotaleche receive ordination in 1219, when twenty-four. Quandosembrava having to follow the career of the theologian and philosopher, decided to leave the Augustinian Order. Fernando, in fact, riding nonsopporta the political relations between the King and St Augustine AlfonsoII in his heart yearns for a life more religiously severa.Il his wish is realized when, in 1220, coming aCoimbra the beheaded bodies of five Franciscan friars in Morocco, where he had gone to preach for order Francescod'Assisi.
When the monks of the monastery of Mount Olivares come to house the remains of the martyrs, Fernando trusts them his aspiration to live in the spirit delVangelo. Obtained permission from the provincial and the Franciscan diSpagna prioreagostiniano, Fernando enters the hermitage of the Child and religious subitoprofessione ago, changing his name to Anthony in onoredell'abate, hermit egiziano.Anelando martyrdom, immediately applied for and obtained leave missionarioin Morocco. It is towards the end of 1220 that embarks on direct unveliero in Africa, but the journey is affected dafebbre malaria and confined to bed. The disease continues and inprimavera mates convince him to return home for treatment.
In other versions, Antonio never stops in Morocco, fell ill just left from Lisbon, the ship was driven by unatempesta directly in Messina, Sicily. Cure daifrancescani of the city in two months heals. A Pentecosteè invited to the General Chapter of Assisi, altrifrancescani arrives in Santa Maria degli Angeli, where he was able to ascoltareFrancesco, but not knowing him personally. Provincialedell'ordine minister for northern Italy's proposed move aMontepaolo, near Forli, where it serves a priest lamessa say that for the six resident monks hermitage consists unachiesolina, some cell and a vegetable garden. For about a year and Mezzovico in contemplation and penance, performing tasks personalele desire for more humble, until iconfratelli must descend into the city to attend the church of the ordination of new priests SanMercuriale order and where he preached in the presence of a wide plateacomposta also the notables. Antonio is assigned the role of preacher einsegnante by Francis himself, who writes a letteraraccomandandogli, however, do not lose the spirit of santaorazione and devotion. Begins to predicarenella Romagna, continues in northern Italy, using his combat heresy parolaper (It is also called the hammer deglieretici), in Italy and the Albigensian Cathars in France, where arriverànel 1225. Between 1223 and lays the foundation of that date scuolateologica Franciscan teaching in the convent of Bologna Pugliola of Santamaria. When in France, between 1225 and il1227, assume a government post as the guardian of Limoges. Mentresi is on a visit to Arles, it is said to have appeared Francescoche had just received the stigmata. As guardian participates nel1227 the General Chapter of Assisi, where the new ministrodell'Ordine, Francis died in the meantime, èGiovanni Parenti, then provincial of Spain who welcomed him anniprima between minors and for the appointment of provincial dell'Italiasettentrionale. Antonio opens new homes, visit iconventi to know personally all the brothers, check leClarisse and the Third Order, goes to Florence, until fixed laresidenza in Padua in two months and writes the Sunday Sermons. APadova gets the Republican graziealla statutory reform of the Code as an insolvent debtor without his guilt, averceduto all goods may not even be imprisoned. Nonsolo, keep head Ezzelino Romano, who was nicknamed ilFeroce and that one day he massacred eleven thousand Padua were hostile, because free guelfiincarcerati leaders. Meanwhile iSermoni writes for the feasts of saints, his favorite topics are precettidella faith, morality and virtue, love of God and lapietà to the poor, prayer and humility, lamortificazione and lashes out against pride and lust, avarice and usury which is arch-enemy.
E 'mariologist, firm believer of the Assumption of the Virgin, surichiesta of Pope Gregory IX in 1228 takes the sermons dellasettimana of Lent and this pope is described as "delTestamento ark." It is said that the sermons were delivered in front of unafolla cosmopolitan and everyone heard him speak in proprialingua. For three years he traveled tirelessly, he is tired, and swollen soffred'asma dropsy, he returned to Padova ememorabili are his sermons for Lent 1231. Perriposarsi retires Camposampiero, near Padua, where the conteTiso, who had donated a chapel to the monks, unastanzetta prepare him in the branches of a large walnut tree. From here Antoniopredica, but also falls in the evening to confess and return to its cellaarborea. One night he went to check how stesseAntonio, Count Tiso is attracted by a great light that escedal his shelter and witness the visit of the Child Jesus alSanto ago.
at noon of June 13 was a Friday, Antonio sentemancare and please the brothers to take him to Padua, where vuolemorire. Loaded on a cart pulled by oxen, on the outskirts dellacittà his health is deteriorating to the point that you decide diricoverarlo dell'Arcella in a nearby convent where he died in the evening. Siracconta as he was about to expire Eche had a vision of the Lord at the time of his death, in the city of Padua frottedi children began to run and scream that the saint was dead.
In the days following his death, unleashed "wars" trail convent where he died that he wanted to preserve the remains and quellodi Santa Maria Mater Domini, its convent, where he volutomorire. During the dispute occur even popular unrest, the father finally decides that the provincial body to be brought aMaterDomini. As soon as the body arrives at its destination imiracoli begin, some documented by witnesses. Even in life Antonioaveva worked miracles such as exorcisms, prophecies, healings, including reattach a leg or a foot cut off, he ritrovareil heart of a miser in a chest, a woman who hung up icapelli the jealous husband had ripped, made harmless cibiavvelenati, preached to the fish, forced a mule adinginocchiarsi before the host, was seen in most luoghicontemporaneamente, by someone with the Child Jesus inbraccio. As a husband accused his wife of adultery, did the baby talk "fruit of sin" according to the man pertestimoniare the innocence of women. His miracles in life and death dopola have inspired many artists including Titian eDonatello.
Anthony was canonized the year following his death by Pope GregorioIX.
The great Basilica dedicated to him stands near the convent of Mater Domini Santamaria.
Thirty-two years after his death, while translation of suespoglie, St. Bonaventure diAntonio language found incorrupt, and is kept in the chapel of the basilica Tesoropresso the city of Padua where èpatrono.
In 1946, Pope Pius XII proclaimed him a Doctor of the Church.
From Santiebeati.it Author: Maurizio Valeriani
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