A Goddess ... in Paradise. The beautiful Raffaella Fico, "godmother" of the TV show aired on Italy with a Enrico Papi entitled "Take and Leave", Friday, January 29 celebrated his 22nd birthday at the Disco-Paradiso Dinner in Rimini. Wrapped in a soft red coat, Ross has drawn the attention the guests then offer the first cut of the pie - made with Chantilly cream and berries prepared for the occasion by Chef Fabrizio Fraternali Romagna - Antonio Grandi, from November 2009 to guide, along with Ross Mordini, the local-symbol par excellence of worldliness.
Saturday, January 30, 2010
What To Stds Look Like
cake made with Chantilly cream and berries for Raffaella Fico
A Goddess ... in Paradise. The beautiful Raffaella Fico, "godmother" of the TV show aired on Italy with a Enrico Papi entitled "Take and Leave", Friday, January 29 celebrated his 22nd birthday at the Disco-Paradiso Dinner in Rimini. Wrapped in a soft red coat, Ross has drawn the attention the guests then offer the first cut of the pie - made with Chantilly cream and berries prepared for the occasion by Chef Fabrizio Fraternali Romagna - Antonio Grandi, from November 2009 to guide, along with Ross Mordini, the local-symbol par excellence of worldliness.
A Goddess ... in Paradise. The beautiful Raffaella Fico, "godmother" of the TV show aired on Italy with a Enrico Papi entitled "Take and Leave", Friday, January 29 celebrated his 22nd birthday at the Disco-Paradiso Dinner in Rimini. Wrapped in a soft red coat, Ross has drawn the attention the guests then offer the first cut of the pie - made with Chantilly cream and berries prepared for the occasion by Chef Fabrizio Fraternali Romagna - Antonio Grandi, from November 2009 to guide, along with Ross Mordini, the local-symbol par excellence of worldliness.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
How Soon Can I Have A Bath After A Hysterectomy
"Ut unum sint"
publish Here is the Holy Father's homily delivered during the recitation of Second Vespers on the Solemnity of the Conversion of St. Paul at the end of the week of prayer for Christian unity.
Dear brothers and sisters, united in fraternal
liturgical assembly, the Feast of the Conversion of Paul, we conclude today the annual Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. I would like to greet you with affection and, in particular, Cardinal Walter Kasper, president of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, el'Arciprete of this basilica, Archbishop Francesco Monterisi, with the Abbot and the Community of the monks, who are hosting us. I also extend my cordial greeting to the Cardinals present, the Bishops and all the representatives of the Churches and Ecclesial Communities of the city, gathered here.
Not many months have passed since we finished the year dedicated to St. Paul, who has given us the opportunity to develop his extraordinary work as a preacher of the Gospel, and, as we pointed out the theme for the Week of Prayer for 'Christian unity - "You are witnesses of this" (Luke 24:48) - our call to be missionaries of the Gospel. Paul, while preserving a living and intense memory of his past as a persecutor of Christians, the Apostle does not hesitate to call. In support of that title, there is for him to meet the Risen Lord on the road to Damascus, which was also the beginning of a tireless missionary activity, which will spend all his energy to proclaim Christ to all nations that he had personally met. So Paul, a persecutor of the Church, he himself becomes the victim of persecution on account of the Gospel to which he gave testimony: "Five times I received from the Jews the forty lashes minus one, three times I was beaten with rods, once I was stoned ... Journeys, in dangers from rivers, danger from robbers, dangers from my countrymen, dangers from Gentiles, danger in the city, in perils in the wilderness, danger at sea, dangers among false brothers; inconvenience and hardship, through many sleepless nights, hunger and thirst, often without food, cold and nakedness. Besides all this, my daily pressure, concern for all the churches "(2 Cor 11,24-25.26-28). The testimony of Paul reaches the climax in his martyrdom when, not far from here, will test his faith in Christ that conquers death.
The dynamics of this experience is the same Paul that we find in the Gospel we just heard. The disciples of Emmaus, upon recognizing the risen Lord, return to Jerusalem and found the eleven gathered together with others. The Risen Christ appears to them, comforts them, wins their fears, their doubts, they are made to the diner and open their hearts to understand the Scriptures, remembering what had happened and which will form the core of the Christian. Jesus says: "Thus it is written: The Christ will suffer and rise from the dead on the third day, and in his name would be preached to all nations repentance and forgiveness of sins, beginning at Jerusalem" (Luke 24.46-47). These are the events which bear witness of the first disciples of the first hour and then, believers in Christ in every age and every place. It 'important, however, point out that this witness, then as now, was born from the encounter with the Risen Lord feeds on the constant relationship with Him, is animated by deep Only to Him who has experience of hearing the Christ present and alive - "Look at my hands and my feet, it's me" (Lk 24.39 ) -, to sit at table with him, face to hear it because the burning of the heart, can be your witness! For this, Jesus promises his disciples and to each of us a powerful support from a new presence, the Holy Spirit, gift of the risen Christ, who guides us into all truth: "Behold, I send him on you that the promise of my Father "(Luke 24:49). The Eleven spend all his life to preach the good news of the death and Resurrection of the Lord, and almost all sealed their testimony with the blood of martyrdom, like a seed that produced a bumper harvest.
The choice of theme for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity this year, the invitation, that is, a common witness of the risen Christ according to the mandate that He has entrusted to his disciples is tied to the memory of the hundredth anniversary Missionary Conference of Edinburgh in Scotland, which is seen by many as a defining event for the birth of the modern ecumenical movement. In the summer of 1910, met in the Scottish capital over a thousand missionaries belonging to different branches of Protestantism and Anglicanism, who joined a host Orthodox to reflect together on the need to achieve the union to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ credibly. In fact, it is the desire to proclaim Christ to others and to bring to the world his message of reconciliation to experience the contradiction of the division of Christians. How can they, in fact, the unbelievers to accept the Gospel if Christians, although they all appeal to the same Christ, are at odds with each other? Moreover, as we know, the Master himself, at the end of the Last Supper, had prayed to the Father for his disciples: "Let all be one ... so that the world may believe" (Jn 17:21). The communion and unity of the disciples of Christ is therefore particularly important condition for greater credibility and effectiveness of their testimony.
For a century after the event in Edinburgh, the intuition of those brave precursors is still very current. In a world marked by religious indifference, and even by a growing aversion to the Christian faith, we need a new, intense work of evangelization, not only among people who have never known the Gospel, but also in those which Christianity has spread and is part of their history. There are, unfortunately, issues that separate us from each other and that we hope will be overcome through prayer and dialogue, but there is a central content of the message of Christ that we proclaim together: the fatherhood of God, Christ's victory over sin and death through His cross and resurrection, in confidence ' transforming action of the Spirit. While we are on the path toward full communion, are called to offer a common witness in the face of increasingly complex challenges of our time, such as secularization and indifference, relativism and hedonism, the delicate ethical issues concerning the beginning and the end of life, the limits of science and technology, dialogue with other religious traditions. There are also other areas where we from now to give a common witness: the preservation of creation, the promotion of the common good and peace, defense of the centrality of the human person, the commitment to overcome the miseries of our time, such as hunger, poverty, the 'illiteracy, the unequal distribution of goods.
commitment to Christian unity is not the duty of some, or activities ancillary to the life of the Church. Everyone is called to make his contribution to accomplish those steps that lead to full communion among all the disciples of Christ, never forgetting that it is above all a gift of God to be invoked constantly. Indeed, the force that promotes unity and mission flows from the fruitful and exciting with the Risen Lord, as happened to St. Paul on the road to Damascus and to the eleven and the other disciples gathered in Jerusalem. The Virgin Mary, Mother of the Church, make sure that as soon as possible to fulfill the wish of His Son: "That all may be one ... so that the world may believe" (Jn 17:21).

publish Here is the Holy Father's homily delivered during the recitation of Second Vespers on the Solemnity of the Conversion of St. Paul at the end of the week of prayer for Christian unity.
Dear brothers and sisters, united in fraternal
liturgical assembly, the Feast of the Conversion of Paul, we conclude today the annual Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. I would like to greet you with affection and, in particular, Cardinal Walter Kasper, president of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, el'Arciprete of this basilica, Archbishop Francesco Monterisi, with the Abbot and the Community of the monks, who are hosting us. I also extend my cordial greeting to the Cardinals present, the Bishops and all the representatives of the Churches and Ecclesial Communities of the city, gathered here.
Not many months have passed since we finished the year dedicated to St. Paul, who has given us the opportunity to develop his extraordinary work as a preacher of the Gospel, and, as we pointed out the theme for the Week of Prayer for 'Christian unity - "You are witnesses of this" (Luke 24:48) - our call to be missionaries of the Gospel. Paul, while preserving a living and intense memory of his past as a persecutor of Christians, the Apostle does not hesitate to call. In support of that title, there is for him to meet the Risen Lord on the road to Damascus, which was also the beginning of a tireless missionary activity, which will spend all his energy to proclaim Christ to all nations that he had personally met. So Paul, a persecutor of the Church, he himself becomes the victim of persecution on account of the Gospel to which he gave testimony: "Five times I received from the Jews the forty lashes minus one, three times I was beaten with rods, once I was stoned ... Journeys, in dangers from rivers, danger from robbers, dangers from my countrymen, dangers from Gentiles, danger in the city, in perils in the wilderness, danger at sea, dangers among false brothers; inconvenience and hardship, through many sleepless nights, hunger and thirst, often without food, cold and nakedness. Besides all this, my daily pressure, concern for all the churches "(2 Cor 11,24-25.26-28). The testimony of Paul reaches the climax in his martyrdom when, not far from here, will test his faith in Christ that conquers death.
The dynamics of this experience is the same Paul that we find in the Gospel we just heard. The disciples of Emmaus, upon recognizing the risen Lord, return to Jerusalem and found the eleven gathered together with others. The Risen Christ appears to them, comforts them, wins their fears, their doubts, they are made to the diner and open their hearts to understand the Scriptures, remembering what had happened and which will form the core of the Christian. Jesus says: "Thus it is written: The Christ will suffer and rise from the dead on the third day, and in his name would be preached to all nations repentance and forgiveness of sins, beginning at Jerusalem" (Luke 24.46-47). These are the events which bear witness of the first disciples of the first hour and then, believers in Christ in every age and every place. It 'important, however, point out that this witness, then as now, was born from the encounter with the Risen Lord feeds on the constant relationship with Him, is animated by deep Only to Him who has experience of hearing the Christ present and alive - "Look at my hands and my feet, it's me" (Lk 24.39 ) -, to sit at table with him, face to hear it because the burning of the heart, can be your witness! For this, Jesus promises his disciples and to each of us a powerful support from a new presence, the Holy Spirit, gift of the risen Christ, who guides us into all truth: "Behold, I send him on you that the promise of my Father "(Luke 24:49). The Eleven spend all his life to preach the good news of the death and Resurrection of the Lord, and almost all sealed their testimony with the blood of martyrdom, like a seed that produced a bumper harvest.
The choice of theme for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity this year, the invitation, that is, a common witness of the risen Christ according to the mandate that He has entrusted to his disciples is tied to the memory of the hundredth anniversary Missionary Conference of Edinburgh in Scotland, which is seen by many as a defining event for the birth of the modern ecumenical movement. In the summer of 1910, met in the Scottish capital over a thousand missionaries belonging to different branches of Protestantism and Anglicanism, who joined a host Orthodox to reflect together on the need to achieve the union to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ credibly. In fact, it is the desire to proclaim Christ to others and to bring to the world his message of reconciliation to experience the contradiction of the division of Christians. How can they, in fact, the unbelievers to accept the Gospel if Christians, although they all appeal to the same Christ, are at odds with each other? Moreover, as we know, the Master himself, at the end of the Last Supper, had prayed to the Father for his disciples: "Let all be one ... so that the world may believe" (Jn 17:21). The communion and unity of the disciples of Christ is therefore particularly important condition for greater credibility and effectiveness of their testimony.
For a century after the event in Edinburgh, the intuition of those brave precursors is still very current. In a world marked by religious indifference, and even by a growing aversion to the Christian faith, we need a new, intense work of evangelization, not only among people who have never known the Gospel, but also in those which Christianity has spread and is part of their history. There are, unfortunately, issues that separate us from each other and that we hope will be overcome through prayer and dialogue, but there is a central content of the message of Christ that we proclaim together: the fatherhood of God, Christ's victory over sin and death through His cross and resurrection, in confidence ' transforming action of the Spirit. While we are on the path toward full communion, are called to offer a common witness in the face of increasingly complex challenges of our time, such as secularization and indifference, relativism and hedonism, the delicate ethical issues concerning the beginning and the end of life, the limits of science and technology, dialogue with other religious traditions. There are also other areas where we from now to give a common witness: the preservation of creation, the promotion of the common good and peace, defense of the centrality of the human person, the commitment to overcome the miseries of our time, such as hunger, poverty, the 'illiteracy, the unequal distribution of goods.
commitment to Christian unity is not the duty of some, or activities ancillary to the life of the Church. Everyone is called to make his contribution to accomplish those steps that lead to full communion among all the disciples of Christ, never forgetting that it is above all a gift of God to be invoked constantly. Indeed, the force that promotes unity and mission flows from the fruitful and exciting with the Risen Lord, as happened to St. Paul on the road to Damascus and to the eleven and the other disciples gathered in Jerusalem. The Virgin Mary, Mother of the Church, make sure that as soon as possible to fulfill the wish of His Son: "That all may be one ... so that the world may believe" (Jn 17:21).
10 Weeks Pregnant Stomach Pains Disappeared
Sunday lily 2010
the last Sunday of January is traditionally in our sanctuary, the "Sunday of the lily." The party comes together at the shrine in 1669. All'arrvo of the picture, accompanied on the journey of wonders and miracles, and then with his place in the new altar was seen the curious phenomenon of blooming lilies in the fields around the country. Since then, to celebrate the event using solemnize especially on the last Sunday of January, with the solemn Mass and sung vespers. For the program of the party supply schedules:
10.30 am Solemn Mass sung.
15.00 pm Solemn Vespers sung (extraordinary form of the Roman Rite). To achieve
Anzino please see the link opposite. Waiting at the party assicuramo
many of my prayers to all the devotees of St. Antonio
the last Sunday of January is traditionally in our sanctuary, the "Sunday of the lily." The party comes together at the shrine in 1669. All'arrvo of the picture, accompanied on the journey of wonders and miracles, and then with his place in the new altar was seen the curious phenomenon of blooming lilies in the fields around the country. Since then, to celebrate the event using solemnize especially on the last Sunday of January, with the solemn Mass and sung vespers. For the program of the party supply schedules:
10.30 am Solemn Mass sung.
15.00 pm Solemn Vespers sung (extraordinary form of the Roman Rite). To achieve
Anzino please see the link opposite. Waiting at the party assicuramo
many of my prayers to all the devotees of St. Antonio
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Play Pokemon Fire Red Onling
Albana This is a wine ... Three Popes
the Merano Wine Festival 2009 (November) of Romagna wines have carved out a nice slice of fame. This time the spotlight came on gustocronaca of pure gold, Albana di Romagna DOCG 2006 Passito "The Vineyards of the Three Popes" that the Cantina di Cesena - Tenuta Amalia (Valmarecchia) presented in the "Last but not least" as the only "label" of our territory. The award, well deserved, is a wine whose grapes are produced in the hilly area of \u200b\u200bCesena, Bertinoro (the latter area has always suited to bottled prestigious, ed.) Yellow gold with amber - the smell is intense, delicate and persistent with hints of dried fruit - is proposed as ideal accompaniment to pastries, sweets mandrole, or to be served simply as a sipping wine. The service temperature is indicated in 10-12 degrees. For more information about the time we point out the Pure website www.cantinacesena.it or a telephone company, 0547.347037.

the Merano Wine Festival 2009 (November) of Romagna wines have carved out a nice slice of fame. This time the spotlight came on gustocronaca of pure gold, Albana di Romagna DOCG 2006 Passito "The Vineyards of the Three Popes" that the Cantina di Cesena - Tenuta Amalia (Valmarecchia) presented in the "Last but not least" as the only "label" of our territory. The award, well deserved, is a wine whose grapes are produced in the hilly area of \u200b\u200bCesena, Bertinoro (the latter area has always suited to bottled prestigious, ed.) Yellow gold with amber - the smell is intense, delicate and persistent with hints of dried fruit - is proposed as ideal accompaniment to pastries, sweets mandrole, or to be served simply as a sipping wine. The service temperature is indicated in 10-12 degrees. For more information about the time we point out the Pure website www.cantinacesena.it or a telephone company, 0547.347037.
Create My Own Wedding Dress
Michelin Guide 2010, The starry plate Pennabilli
great satisfaction to the Rimini and Romagna cuisine in general. The Michelin Guide 2010 has confirmed the star (a) Righi of San Marino at the Tavern and Restaurant Guido di Miramare di Rimini, and raised the headlines - and rightly so we would add - the alley Saint Lucia (Hotel Carducci 76) of the Catholic The plate and Pennabilli (still selected in the Marches) revelation of local and Italian.

great satisfaction to the Rimini and Romagna cuisine in general. The Michelin Guide 2010 has confirmed the star (a) Righi of San Marino at the Tavern and Restaurant Guido di Miramare di Rimini, and raised the headlines - and rightly so we would add - the alley Saint Lucia (Hotel Carducci 76) of the Catholic The plate and Pennabilli (still selected in the Marches) revelation of local and Italian.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Friday, January 15, 2010
Ap Biology Lab Eight Population Genetics Pre-lab
A devastating earthquake hit Port-au-Prince, the capital of Haiti, causing thousands of casualties and massive damage. Haiti is the poorest country in Latin America and is periodically tested by natural disasters and social crises. Caritas
A team of about 10 people is now adding local actors. Information received from the diocese to the north and south of the country seems to have been affected severely and can be used for the reception of displaced persons, as well as the basis for the storage of aid.
Caritas Haiti expressed his gratitude for the solidarity expressed by the entire network Caritas confirming that all those who were there are safe and are already dealing with emergency aid, trying to mobilize the active centers in every diocese in the country. Food, medicines, water, tents, hygiene products are the immediate needs. In particular, were distributed kitchen sets and hygiene products, disinfectants and mattresses for 1,000 families. They also come for the potable water tanks are able to meet the needs of 2,000 families. They are preparing food aid kits for 50,000 people.
Pope Benedict XVI has appealed to the generosity of all for a concrete solidarity. The Italian Church has asked for prayers for the many victims and to all the families affected. To deal with the immediate emergency and basic needs of people affected by the earthquake, has earmarked two million euro from funds derived from eight per thousand.
To support the ongoing interventions can be sent to the Italian Caritas offered by C / C POST N. 347013 specifying the reason: "Emergency Earthquake Haiti."
Deals are also possible through other channels, including:
UniCredit Banca di Roma SpA, Via Taranto 49, Rome Iban: IT 50 H 03 002 05 206 000 011 063 119
Intesa Sanpaolo, Via Aurelia 796, Rome Iban: IT 19 W 03 069 05 092 100 000 000 012
Banca Popolare Etica, via Paris 17, Rome Iban: IT 29 U 05 018 03 200 000 000 011 113
CartaSi Italian Caritas and Diners calling tel. 06 66177001 (office hours)
From "www.caritasitaliana.it"

A devastating earthquake hit Port-au-Prince, the capital of Haiti, causing thousands of casualties and massive damage. Haiti is the poorest country in Latin America and is periodically tested by natural disasters and social crises. Caritas
A team of about 10 people is now adding local actors. Information received from the diocese to the north and south of the country seems to have been affected severely and can be used for the reception of displaced persons, as well as the basis for the storage of aid.
Caritas Haiti expressed his gratitude for the solidarity expressed by the entire network Caritas confirming that all those who were there are safe and are already dealing with emergency aid, trying to mobilize the active centers in every diocese in the country. Food, medicines, water, tents, hygiene products are the immediate needs. In particular, were distributed kitchen sets and hygiene products, disinfectants and mattresses for 1,000 families. They also come for the potable water tanks are able to meet the needs of 2,000 families. They are preparing food aid kits for 50,000 people.
Pope Benedict XVI has appealed to the generosity of all for a concrete solidarity. The Italian Church has asked for prayers for the many victims and to all the families affected. To deal with the immediate emergency and basic needs of people affected by the earthquake, has earmarked two million euro from funds derived from eight per thousand.
To support the ongoing interventions can be sent to the Italian Caritas offered by C / C POST N. 347013 specifying the reason: "Emergency Earthquake Haiti."
Deals are also possible through other channels, including:
UniCredit Banca di Roma SpA, Via Taranto 49, Rome Iban: IT 50 H 03 002 05 206 000 011 063 119
Intesa Sanpaolo, Via Aurelia 796, Rome Iban: IT 19 W 03 069 05 092 100 000 000 012
Banca Popolare Etica, via Paris 17, Rome Iban: IT 29 U 05 018 03 200 000 000 011 113
CartaSi Italian Caritas and Diners calling tel. 06 66177001 (office hours)
From "www.caritasitaliana.it"
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Ga Unemployment How Do I Know If I
Earthquake Emergency Address to the Diplomatic Corps
As good Catholics we would like to publish the speech of Pope Benedict XVI to the diplomatic corps on 11 January 2010. Good reading.
11 Gebnnaio
"The denial of God
disfigured man and created"
Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen
It gives me great joy to this traditional meeting starting the year, two weeks after the celebration of the birth of the Incarnate Word. As we proclaimed in the liturgy: "In the adorable mystery of Christmas, He, the Word made invisible, appeared visibly in our flesh, begotten before the ages began to exist in time, to accept in all creation, and lift himself from his fall" (Preface of Christmas II). At Christmas, then, we contemplated the mystery of God and of creation through the proclamation of angels to the shepherds, we received the good news of salvation of man and the renewal of the entire universe. For this reason, in his Message for World Day of Peace this year, I invited all people of good will, to whom the angels rightly promised peace, to protect creation. It is in this spirit that I am happy to greet each of you, particularly those who are present for the first time at this ceremony. Thank you very much for the good wishes that have been done by your Dean, Ambassador Alejandro Valladares Lanza, and I repeat my deep appreciation for your mission to the Holy See. Through you, I would like to extend my cordial greetings and wishes for peace and prosperity to the leaders and people of the countries which you worthily represent. My thoughts also go to all the other nations of the earth: the Successor of Peter keeps his door open to everyone and everyone wants to have relationships that contribute to the progress of the human family.
few weeks ago, have been established full diplomatic relations between the Holy See and the Russian Federation: is this a cause for deep satisfaction. Similarly, the visit was very significant that I made recently the President of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, a country that is dear to my heart, where the Church is celebrating its centuries-long presence with a Jubilee Year. In this spirit of openness, in 2009, I met many political figures from different countries, I also visited some of them and I intend in the future, wherever possible, to continue to farlo.La Church is open to all because - in God - there for others! Therefore it is involved deeply in the fortunes of mankind, that in this new year continues to be marked by the dramatic crisis that has hit the world economy and caused a serious and widespread social instability. With Encyclical "Caritas in Veritate I asked to identify the root causes of this situation: ultimately, they reside in the selfish and materialistic mentality, oblivious of the limitations inherent in every creature. Today I would like to stress that the same mentality also threatens creation. Each of us could probably cite a few examples of the damage it causes to the environment anywhere in the world. I will mention one, among many others, the recent history of Europe two decades ago when the Berlin Wall fell and the collapse of the materialistic and atheistic regimes that had dominated for several decades a part of this continent, it could not be have the great harm that an economic system without references to the truth about man had done not only to the dignity and freedom of individuals and peoples, but to nature, with pollution of soil, water and air? The denial of God demeans the human person's freedom, but also devastates creation! It follows that the integrity of creation is not responding primarily an aesthetic need, but a moral need, because it expresses the nature of a plan of love and truth that precedes us and that comes from God
Therefore, I share the growing concern caused by economic and political resistance to combating environmental degradation. These difficulties are evident even recently, during the fifteenth session of the Conference of States Parties to the UN Convention on Climate Change held last December 7 to 18 in Copenhagen. I hope that in the current year, first in Bonn and later in Mexico City, it is possible to reach an agreement to address this issue effectively. The stakes are so much more important in that the very future of some nations, in particular, some island states.
should, however, that this concern and commitment to the environment should be framed in the collection of the greatest challenges facing mankind. If, in fact, wish to build true peace, how can we separate or even opposing environmental protection to that of human life, including life of the unborn? E 'in that respect the human person has for himself that his sense of responsibility towards creation. Because, as shown by S. Thomas Aquinas, man is what is most noble in the universe (cf. Summa Theologiae, I, q. 29, a. 3). Moreover, as I noted during the recent World Summit on World Food Security, "the world has enough food for all its inhabitants" (Speech of 16 November 2009, 2), provided that selfishness does not lead some to hoard the goods for everyone!
I would stress again that the safeguarding of creation calls for proper management of natural resources of countries, first of all, of the economically disadvantaged. My thoughts go to the African continent, where I had the pleasure of visiting in March, visiting Cameroon and Angola, and which were the deliberations of the recent Special Assembly of the Synod of Bishops. The Synod Fathers noted with concern the erosion and desertification of large tracts of arable land as a result of overexploitation and pollution of the environment (see Propositio 22). In Africa, as elsewhere, it is necessary to make political and ensuring economic "forms of agricultural and industrial production of respecting creation and satisfying the basic needs of all" (Message for World Day of Peace 2010, 10).
How can we forget, then, that the struggle for access to natural resources is one of the causes of various conflicts, not least in Africa, as well as the source of an ongoing risk elsewhere? For this reason, I repeat emphatically that, to cultivate peace, we must protect creation! On the other hand, there are still large areas of land, for example in Afghanistan and in some Latin American countries, where agriculture is unfortunately still tied drug production and is a significant source of employment and income. If you want peace, we need to preserve created by the conversion of such activities. I therefore ask the international community, once again, that does not become resigned to the drug trade and the serious moral and social problems that it genera.Sì, Ladies and Gentlemen, the protection of creation is an important factor of peace and justice! Among the many challenges that it presents, one of the most serious is the increase in military spending, as well as that of maintaining and developing nuclear arsenals. This resource-intensive, which could instead be devoted to the development of peoples, especially the poorest ones. I firmly hope that the Review Conference of the Non-Proliferation Treaty, scheduled for May in New York, effective decisions are taken with a view to phasing, to freeing the world from nuclear weapons. More generally, I regret that the production and export of weapons helps to perpetuate conflict and violence, as in Darfur, Somalia and the Democratic Republic of Congo. Inability of the parties directly involved to escape the spiral of violence and suffering generated by these conflicts, there is the apparent powerlessness of other countries and international organizations to restore peace, not to mention the indifference almost resigned world public opinion. Do not need to insist on such conflicts as damage and degrade the environment. Finally, how can we not mention the terrorism that threatens so many innocent lives and causing a widespread sense of anxiety? On this solemn occasion, I renew the appeal I made on January 1 during the Angelus prayer to all the members of armed groups of any kind to abandon the path of violence and open their hearts to the joy of peace.
The serious violence that I just mentioned, combined with the scourges of poverty and hunger, as well as natural disasters and environmental degradation, have helped to swell the ranks of those who own the land. Faced with this exodus, I invite the civil authorities who are involved in various ways, to act with justice, solidarity and vision. I would particularly like to mention the Christians in the Middle East affected in various ways, even in the exercise of their religious freedom, they are leaving the land of their forebears, which developed the early Church. E 'to offer them support and make them feel the closeness of the brothers in faith, I have convened for next autumn, the Special Assembly of the Synod of Bishops on the Middle East.
Ladies and Gentlemen, to which I have alluded only some of dimensions related to environmental concerns. However, the roots of the situation is under eyes of all are the moral and the question must be addressed in the framework of a large educational effort to promote a real change of thinking and creating new lifestyles. Of what can and wants to share in the community of believers, but if this is possible, that it must recognize the role public. Unfortunately, in some countries, especially Western ones, propagate in political and cultural, as well as in means of communication, a sense of lack of consideration, and sometimes hostility, if not scorn for religion, particularly Christian. It 'clear that, if relativism is seen as an essential element of democracy, one could conceive of secularism only in terms of exclusion or, more precisely, denying the social importance of religion. Such an approach creates conflict and division, disturbs the peace, pollutes the 'human ecology "and by refusing, on principle, approaches other than its own, it becomes a dead end. It is urgent, therefore, define a positive and open secularity, which was founded on a just autonomy of the temporal order and the spiritual, can foster healthy collaboration and a sense of shared responsibility. In this perspective, I think of Europe, With the entry into force of the Treaty of Lisbon began a new phase of its integration process, which the Holy See will continue to follow with respect and benevolence. Noting with satisfaction that the Treaty provides that the European Union to maintain a dialogue with the Churches "open, transparent and regular dialogue" (Article 17), I hope that in building its future, Europe will always draw on sources of its Christian identity. As I said during my apostolic visit to the Czech Republic last September, it has a unique role for the formation of the conscience of every generation and the promotion of a basic ethical consensus in the service of every person who calls this continent 'home' "(Address to the civil authorities and the diplomatic corps, September 26, 2009).
Continuing our discussion, you must remember that the problem of the environment is complex. You could say it is a multifaceted prism. The creatures are different from each other and can be protected, or, conversely, endangered, in different ways, as we know from daily experience. One such attack comes from laws or proposals which, in the name of fighting discrimination, affect the biological basis of gender difference. I refer, for example, certain countries in Europe or North America. "If you take away freedom, take away dignity," as S. Columbanus (Epist. to Attel n.4, at St. Columban work, Dublin 1957, p. 34.) However, freedom can not be absolute, since man is not God, but the image of God's creation. For humans, the way forward can not be arbitrary, or desire, but must rather, correspond to the structure intended by the Creator.
The protection of creation also involves other challenges, which can only be met through international solidarity. I think the natural disasters in the past year that have sown death, suffering and destruction in Philippines, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia and Taiwan. How can we forget Indonesia, and, closer to us, the region, hit by devastating earthquakes? Faced with such events should not be lacking generosity, and because the very life of God's creatures is at stake. But the protection of creation, in addition to solidarity, it also needs harmony and stability between states. When disagreements and conflicts arise among them, to defend peace must be pursued with tenacity the way of constructive dialogue. And 'what happened twenty-five years ago with the Treaty of Peace and Friendship between Argentina and Chile, which was achieved by the mediation of the Apostolic See. It has borne abundant fruits of cooperation and prosperity, which has benefited in some way, all of Latin America. In the same part of the world, are pleased by the rapprochement undertaken by Colombia and Ecuador, after several months of tension. Closer to home, I welcome the agreement concluded between Croatia and Slovenia on the arbitration agreement on their sea and land borders. I am also pleased by the agreement between Armenia and Turkey, ahead of the resumption of diplomatic relations, and I hope that through dialogue, relations between all South Caucasus countries will improve. During my pilgrimage to the Holy Land, I called so pressing the Israelis and Palestinians to dialogue and to respect the rights of others. Once again I raise my voice for a universal recognition of the right of Israel to exist and to enjoy peace and security within internationally recognized borders. And, equally, have the right of the Palestinian people to a sovereign and independent homeland, to live with dignity and to be able to move freely.
I would also request the support of everyone for the protection of the identity and sacred character of Jerusalem, its religious and cultural heritage, whose value is universal. Only in this way this unique city, holy and troubled, be sign and foretaste of that peace which God desires for the whole human family! For the sake of dialogue and peace, which protect creation, I urge the leaders and citizens of Iraq to overcome their divisions and the temptation of violence and intolerance, to build together the future of their country. The Christian communities also want to give their contribution, but if this is possible, they need to be assured respect, security and freedom. Pakistan has been hard hit by violence in recent months and some episodes were directly aimed at the Christian minority. I ask that every effort is made to ensure that such attacks do not happen again and Christians will feel fully integrated into the life of their country. Of acts of violence against Christians, I must mention also the deplorable attacks in which the victims were Egyptian Coptic Community in the last few days, just when they were celebrating Christmas. Regarding Iran, I hope that through dialogue and collaboration, joint solutions, both nationally and internationally. Lebanon, which has passed a long political crisis, to continue along the path of concord. I am confident that Honduras, after a period of uncertainty and unrest, will move towards a recovery of normal political and social. And so I hope for Guinea and Madagascar, with the help of effective and impartial international community.
Ladies and Gentlemen, at the end of this quick tour d'horizon, which, due to its brevity can not dwell on all the situations but worthy of mention, I am reminded of the words of the Apostle Paul, that "the creation groaning "and" ... we too groan inwardly "(Romans 8:22-23). There is so much suffering in our human selfishness hurts the creation in many ways. That is the expectation of salvation, which affects all creation is even more intense and present in the heart of all, believers and nonbelievers. The Church points out that the response to this aspiration is the Christ, the "firstborn of all creation, for in him were created all things in heaven and on earth" (Colossians 1:15-16). Gazing on him, I urge all people of good will to work with confidence and generosity for the dignity and human freedom. May the light and the power of Jesus help us to respect the 'human ecology, environmental ecology also aware that it is of benefit, since the book of nature is one and indivisible. It 's so that we can consolidate peace, today and for generations to come. Happy New Year to all!

As good Catholics we would like to publish the speech of Pope Benedict XVI to the diplomatic corps on 11 January 2010. Good reading.
11 Gebnnaio
"The denial of God
disfigured man and created"
Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen
It gives me great joy to this traditional meeting starting the year, two weeks after the celebration of the birth of the Incarnate Word. As we proclaimed in the liturgy: "In the adorable mystery of Christmas, He, the Word made invisible, appeared visibly in our flesh, begotten before the ages began to exist in time, to accept in all creation, and lift himself from his fall" (Preface of Christmas II). At Christmas, then, we contemplated the mystery of God and of creation through the proclamation of angels to the shepherds, we received the good news of salvation of man and the renewal of the entire universe. For this reason, in his Message for World Day of Peace this year, I invited all people of good will, to whom the angels rightly promised peace, to protect creation. It is in this spirit that I am happy to greet each of you, particularly those who are present for the first time at this ceremony. Thank you very much for the good wishes that have been done by your Dean, Ambassador Alejandro Valladares Lanza, and I repeat my deep appreciation for your mission to the Holy See. Through you, I would like to extend my cordial greetings and wishes for peace and prosperity to the leaders and people of the countries which you worthily represent. My thoughts also go to all the other nations of the earth: the Successor of Peter keeps his door open to everyone and everyone wants to have relationships that contribute to the progress of the human family.
few weeks ago, have been established full diplomatic relations between the Holy See and the Russian Federation: is this a cause for deep satisfaction. Similarly, the visit was very significant that I made recently the President of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, a country that is dear to my heart, where the Church is celebrating its centuries-long presence with a Jubilee Year. In this spirit of openness, in 2009, I met many political figures from different countries, I also visited some of them and I intend in the future, wherever possible, to continue to farlo.La Church is open to all because - in God - there for others! Therefore it is involved deeply in the fortunes of mankind, that in this new year continues to be marked by the dramatic crisis that has hit the world economy and caused a serious and widespread social instability. With Encyclical "Caritas in Veritate I asked to identify the root causes of this situation: ultimately, they reside in the selfish and materialistic mentality, oblivious of the limitations inherent in every creature. Today I would like to stress that the same mentality also threatens creation. Each of us could probably cite a few examples of the damage it causes to the environment anywhere in the world. I will mention one, among many others, the recent history of Europe two decades ago when the Berlin Wall fell and the collapse of the materialistic and atheistic regimes that had dominated for several decades a part of this continent, it could not be have the great harm that an economic system without references to the truth about man had done not only to the dignity and freedom of individuals and peoples, but to nature, with pollution of soil, water and air? The denial of God demeans the human person's freedom, but also devastates creation! It follows that the integrity of creation is not responding primarily an aesthetic need, but a moral need, because it expresses the nature of a plan of love and truth that precedes us and that comes from God
Therefore, I share the growing concern caused by economic and political resistance to combating environmental degradation. These difficulties are evident even recently, during the fifteenth session of the Conference of States Parties to the UN Convention on Climate Change held last December 7 to 18 in Copenhagen. I hope that in the current year, first in Bonn and later in Mexico City, it is possible to reach an agreement to address this issue effectively. The stakes are so much more important in that the very future of some nations, in particular, some island states.
should, however, that this concern and commitment to the environment should be framed in the collection of the greatest challenges facing mankind. If, in fact, wish to build true peace, how can we separate or even opposing environmental protection to that of human life, including life of the unborn? E 'in that respect the human person has for himself that his sense of responsibility towards creation. Because, as shown by S. Thomas Aquinas, man is what is most noble in the universe (cf. Summa Theologiae, I, q. 29, a. 3). Moreover, as I noted during the recent World Summit on World Food Security, "the world has enough food for all its inhabitants" (Speech of 16 November 2009, 2), provided that selfishness does not lead some to hoard the goods for everyone!
I would stress again that the safeguarding of creation calls for proper management of natural resources of countries, first of all, of the economically disadvantaged. My thoughts go to the African continent, where I had the pleasure of visiting in March, visiting Cameroon and Angola, and which were the deliberations of the recent Special Assembly of the Synod of Bishops. The Synod Fathers noted with concern the erosion and desertification of large tracts of arable land as a result of overexploitation and pollution of the environment (see Propositio 22). In Africa, as elsewhere, it is necessary to make political and ensuring economic "forms of agricultural and industrial production of respecting creation and satisfying the basic needs of all" (Message for World Day of Peace 2010, 10).
How can we forget, then, that the struggle for access to natural resources is one of the causes of various conflicts, not least in Africa, as well as the source of an ongoing risk elsewhere? For this reason, I repeat emphatically that, to cultivate peace, we must protect creation! On the other hand, there are still large areas of land, for example in Afghanistan and in some Latin American countries, where agriculture is unfortunately still tied drug production and is a significant source of employment and income. If you want peace, we need to preserve created by the conversion of such activities. I therefore ask the international community, once again, that does not become resigned to the drug trade and the serious moral and social problems that it genera.Sì, Ladies and Gentlemen, the protection of creation is an important factor of peace and justice! Among the many challenges that it presents, one of the most serious is the increase in military spending, as well as that of maintaining and developing nuclear arsenals. This resource-intensive, which could instead be devoted to the development of peoples, especially the poorest ones. I firmly hope that the Review Conference of the Non-Proliferation Treaty, scheduled for May in New York, effective decisions are taken with a view to phasing, to freeing the world from nuclear weapons. More generally, I regret that the production and export of weapons helps to perpetuate conflict and violence, as in Darfur, Somalia and the Democratic Republic of Congo. Inability of the parties directly involved to escape the spiral of violence and suffering generated by these conflicts, there is the apparent powerlessness of other countries and international organizations to restore peace, not to mention the indifference almost resigned world public opinion. Do not need to insist on such conflicts as damage and degrade the environment. Finally, how can we not mention the terrorism that threatens so many innocent lives and causing a widespread sense of anxiety? On this solemn occasion, I renew the appeal I made on January 1 during the Angelus prayer to all the members of armed groups of any kind to abandon the path of violence and open their hearts to the joy of peace.
The serious violence that I just mentioned, combined with the scourges of poverty and hunger, as well as natural disasters and environmental degradation, have helped to swell the ranks of those who own the land. Faced with this exodus, I invite the civil authorities who are involved in various ways, to act with justice, solidarity and vision. I would particularly like to mention the Christians in the Middle East affected in various ways, even in the exercise of their religious freedom, they are leaving the land of their forebears, which developed the early Church. E 'to offer them support and make them feel the closeness of the brothers in faith, I have convened for next autumn, the Special Assembly of the Synod of Bishops on the Middle East.
Ladies and Gentlemen, to which I have alluded only some of dimensions related to environmental concerns. However, the roots of the situation is under eyes of all are the moral and the question must be addressed in the framework of a large educational effort to promote a real change of thinking and creating new lifestyles. Of what can and wants to share in the community of believers, but if this is possible, that it must recognize the role public. Unfortunately, in some countries, especially Western ones, propagate in political and cultural, as well as in means of communication, a sense of lack of consideration, and sometimes hostility, if not scorn for religion, particularly Christian. It 'clear that, if relativism is seen as an essential element of democracy, one could conceive of secularism only in terms of exclusion or, more precisely, denying the social importance of religion. Such an approach creates conflict and division, disturbs the peace, pollutes the 'human ecology "and by refusing, on principle, approaches other than its own, it becomes a dead end. It is urgent, therefore, define a positive and open secularity, which was founded on a just autonomy of the temporal order and the spiritual, can foster healthy collaboration and a sense of shared responsibility. In this perspective, I think of Europe, With the entry into force of the Treaty of Lisbon began a new phase of its integration process, which the Holy See will continue to follow with respect and benevolence. Noting with satisfaction that the Treaty provides that the European Union to maintain a dialogue with the Churches "open, transparent and regular dialogue" (Article 17), I hope that in building its future, Europe will always draw on sources of its Christian identity. As I said during my apostolic visit to the Czech Republic last September, it has a unique role for the formation of the conscience of every generation and the promotion of a basic ethical consensus in the service of every person who calls this continent 'home' "(Address to the civil authorities and the diplomatic corps, September 26, 2009).
Continuing our discussion, you must remember that the problem of the environment is complex. You could say it is a multifaceted prism. The creatures are different from each other and can be protected, or, conversely, endangered, in different ways, as we know from daily experience. One such attack comes from laws or proposals which, in the name of fighting discrimination, affect the biological basis of gender difference. I refer, for example, certain countries in Europe or North America. "If you take away freedom, take away dignity," as S. Columbanus (Epist. to Attel n.4, at St. Columban work, Dublin 1957, p. 34.) However, freedom can not be absolute, since man is not God, but the image of God's creation. For humans, the way forward can not be arbitrary, or desire, but must rather, correspond to the structure intended by the Creator.
The protection of creation also involves other challenges, which can only be met through international solidarity. I think the natural disasters in the past year that have sown death, suffering and destruction in Philippines, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia and Taiwan. How can we forget Indonesia, and, closer to us, the region, hit by devastating earthquakes? Faced with such events should not be lacking generosity, and because the very life of God's creatures is at stake. But the protection of creation, in addition to solidarity, it also needs harmony and stability between states. When disagreements and conflicts arise among them, to defend peace must be pursued with tenacity the way of constructive dialogue. And 'what happened twenty-five years ago with the Treaty of Peace and Friendship between Argentina and Chile, which was achieved by the mediation of the Apostolic See. It has borne abundant fruits of cooperation and prosperity, which has benefited in some way, all of Latin America. In the same part of the world, are pleased by the rapprochement undertaken by Colombia and Ecuador, after several months of tension. Closer to home, I welcome the agreement concluded between Croatia and Slovenia on the arbitration agreement on their sea and land borders. I am also pleased by the agreement between Armenia and Turkey, ahead of the resumption of diplomatic relations, and I hope that through dialogue, relations between all South Caucasus countries will improve. During my pilgrimage to the Holy Land, I called so pressing the Israelis and Palestinians to dialogue and to respect the rights of others. Once again I raise my voice for a universal recognition of the right of Israel to exist and to enjoy peace and security within internationally recognized borders. And, equally, have the right of the Palestinian people to a sovereign and independent homeland, to live with dignity and to be able to move freely.
I would also request the support of everyone for the protection of the identity and sacred character of Jerusalem, its religious and cultural heritage, whose value is universal. Only in this way this unique city, holy and troubled, be sign and foretaste of that peace which God desires for the whole human family! For the sake of dialogue and peace, which protect creation, I urge the leaders and citizens of Iraq to overcome their divisions and the temptation of violence and intolerance, to build together the future of their country. The Christian communities also want to give their contribution, but if this is possible, they need to be assured respect, security and freedom. Pakistan has been hard hit by violence in recent months and some episodes were directly aimed at the Christian minority. I ask that every effort is made to ensure that such attacks do not happen again and Christians will feel fully integrated into the life of their country. Of acts of violence against Christians, I must mention also the deplorable attacks in which the victims were Egyptian Coptic Community in the last few days, just when they were celebrating Christmas. Regarding Iran, I hope that through dialogue and collaboration, joint solutions, both nationally and internationally. Lebanon, which has passed a long political crisis, to continue along the path of concord. I am confident that Honduras, after a period of uncertainty and unrest, will move towards a recovery of normal political and social. And so I hope for Guinea and Madagascar, with the help of effective and impartial international community.
Ladies and Gentlemen, at the end of this quick tour d'horizon, which, due to its brevity can not dwell on all the situations but worthy of mention, I am reminded of the words of the Apostle Paul, that "the creation groaning "and" ... we too groan inwardly "(Romans 8:22-23). There is so much suffering in our human selfishness hurts the creation in many ways. That is the expectation of salvation, which affects all creation is even more intense and present in the heart of all, believers and nonbelievers. The Church points out that the response to this aspiration is the Christ, the "firstborn of all creation, for in him were created all things in heaven and on earth" (Colossians 1:15-16). Gazing on him, I urge all people of good will to work with confidence and generosity for the dignity and human freedom. May the light and the power of Jesus help us to respect the 'human ecology, environmental ecology also aware that it is of benefit, since the book of nature is one and indivisible. It 's so that we can consolidate peace, today and for generations to come. Happy New Year to all!
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Cartoon Image Of Breast

Fernando de Bouillon was born in Lisbon from a noble family from portoghesediscendente crusader Godfrey of Bouillon.
Fifteen-year-old novice in the monastery of San Vincenzo aLisbona, then moved to the monastery of Santa Croce in Coimbra, the largest cultural center of Portugal belonging all'Ordinedei Canons Regular of St. Augustine, where he studied science eteologia with excellent teachers, preparing sacerdotaleche receive ordination in 1219, when twenty-four. Quandosembrava having to follow the career of the theologian and philosopher, decided to leave the Augustinian Order. Fernando, in fact, riding nonsopporta the political relations between the King and St Augustine AlfonsoII in his heart yearns for a life more religiously severa.Il his wish is realized when, in 1220, coming aCoimbra the beheaded bodies of five Franciscan friars in Morocco, where he had gone to preach for order Francescod'Assisi.
When the monks of the monastery of Mount Olivares come to house the remains of the martyrs, Fernando trusts them his aspiration to live in the spirit delVangelo. Obtained permission from the provincial and the Franciscan diSpagna prioreagostiniano, Fernando enters the hermitage of the Child and religious subitoprofessione ago, changing his name to Anthony in onoredell'abate, hermit egiziano.Anelando martyrdom, immediately applied for and obtained leave missionarioin Morocco. It is towards the end of 1220 that embarks on direct unveliero in Africa, but the journey is affected dafebbre malaria and confined to bed. The disease continues and inprimavera mates convince him to return home for treatment.
In other versions, Antonio never stops in Morocco, fell ill just left from Lisbon, the ship was driven by unatempesta directly in Messina, Sicily. Cure daifrancescani of the city in two months heals. A Pentecosteè invited to the General Chapter of Assisi, altrifrancescani arrives in Santa Maria degli Angeli, where he was able to ascoltareFrancesco, but not knowing him personally. Provincialedell'ordine minister for northern Italy's proposed move aMontepaolo, near Forli, where it serves a priest lamessa say that for the six resident monks hermitage consists unachiesolina, some cell and a vegetable garden. For about a year and Mezzovico in contemplation and penance, performing tasks personalele desire for more humble, until iconfratelli must descend into the city to attend the church of the ordination of new priests SanMercuriale order and where he preached in the presence of a wide plateacomposta also the notables. Antonio is assigned the role of preacher einsegnante by Francis himself, who writes a letteraraccomandandogli, however, do not lose the spirit of santaorazione and devotion. Begins to predicarenella Romagna, continues in northern Italy, using his combat heresy parolaper (It is also called the hammer deglieretici), in Italy and the Albigensian Cathars in France, where arriverànel 1225. Between 1223 and lays the foundation of that date scuolateologica Franciscan teaching in the convent of Bologna Pugliola of Santamaria. When in France, between 1225 and il1227, assume a government post as the guardian of Limoges. Mentresi is on a visit to Arles, it is said to have appeared Francescoche had just received the stigmata. As guardian participates nel1227 the General Chapter of Assisi, where the new ministrodell'Ordine, Francis died in the meantime, èGiovanni Parenti, then provincial of Spain who welcomed him anniprima between minors and for the appointment of provincial dell'Italiasettentrionale. Antonio opens new homes, visit iconventi to know personally all the brothers, check leClarisse and the Third Order, goes to Florence, until fixed laresidenza in Padua in two months and writes the Sunday Sermons. APadova gets the Republican graziealla statutory reform of the Code as an insolvent debtor without his guilt, averceduto all goods may not even be imprisoned. Nonsolo, keep head Ezzelino Romano, who was nicknamed ilFeroce and that one day he massacred eleven thousand Padua were hostile, because free guelfiincarcerati leaders. Meanwhile iSermoni writes for the feasts of saints, his favorite topics are precettidella faith, morality and virtue, love of God and lapietà to the poor, prayer and humility, lamortificazione and lashes out against pride and lust, avarice and usury which is arch-enemy.
E 'mariologist, firm believer of the Assumption of the Virgin, surichiesta of Pope Gregory IX in 1228 takes the sermons dellasettimana of Lent and this pope is described as "delTestamento ark." It is said that the sermons were delivered in front of unafolla cosmopolitan and everyone heard him speak in proprialingua. For three years he traveled tirelessly, he is tired, and swollen soffred'asma dropsy, he returned to Padova ememorabili are his sermons for Lent 1231. Perriposarsi retires Camposampiero, near Padua, where the conteTiso, who had donated a chapel to the monks, unastanzetta prepare him in the branches of a large walnut tree. From here Antoniopredica, but also falls in the evening to confess and return to its cellaarborea. One night he went to check how stesseAntonio, Count Tiso is attracted by a great light that escedal his shelter and witness the visit of the Child Jesus alSanto ago.
at noon of June 13 was a Friday, Antonio sentemancare and please the brothers to take him to Padua, where vuolemorire. Loaded on a cart pulled by oxen, on the outskirts dellacittà his health is deteriorating to the point that you decide diricoverarlo dell'Arcella in a nearby convent where he died in the evening. Siracconta as he was about to expire Eche had a vision of the Lord at the time of his death, in the city of Padua frottedi children began to run and scream that the saint was dead.
In the days following his death, unleashed "wars" trail convent where he died that he wanted to preserve the remains and quellodi Santa Maria Mater Domini, its convent, where he volutomorire. During the dispute occur even popular unrest, the father finally decides that the provincial body to be brought aMaterDomini. As soon as the body arrives at its destination imiracoli begin, some documented by witnesses. Even in life Antonioaveva worked miracles such as exorcisms, prophecies, healings, including reattach a leg or a foot cut off, he ritrovareil heart of a miser in a chest, a woman who hung up icapelli the jealous husband had ripped, made harmless cibiavvelenati, preached to the fish, forced a mule adinginocchiarsi before the host, was seen in most luoghicontemporaneamente, by someone with the Child Jesus inbraccio. As a husband accused his wife of adultery, did the baby talk "fruit of sin" according to the man pertestimoniare the innocence of women. His miracles in life and death dopola have inspired many artists including Titian eDonatello.
Anthony was canonized the year following his death by Pope GregorioIX.
The great Basilica dedicated to him stands near the convent of Mater Domini Santamaria.
Thirty-two years after his death, while translation of suespoglie, St. Bonaventure diAntonio language found incorrupt, and is kept in the chapel of the basilica Tesoropresso the city of Padua where èpatrono.
In 1946, Pope Pius XII proclaimed him a Doctor of the Church.
From Santiebeati.it Author: Maurizio Valeriani
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Cmmi Organizational Process Audit
Dear Friends of St. Antonio, our sanctuary and casual visitors,
two years ago took the life of the project to open a website to publicize and make accessible the shrine of St. Anthony Anzino also to users of the web. Having had a few problems from this point of view we decided to simply publish this blog and a YouTube channel. The information contained about the sanctuary and its history, with dates, addresses and phone numbers to reach us on important occasions or when you want to visit the shrine. Reflecting the blog also brings a bit 'of the country's history of Anzino, which is not exactly a metropolis is inextricably linked to popular devotion to the saint and tributatagli in the diocese of Novara.
hope that in future times this space will prove useful to all of you wish you enjoy your visit, hoping to see you one day to honor St. Anzino Antonio and know its history.
FYI! The editors of the blog
Dear Friends of St. Antonio, our sanctuary and casual visitors,
two years ago took the life of the project to open a website to publicize and make accessible the shrine of St. Anthony Anzino also to users of the web. Having had a few problems from this point of view we decided to simply publish this blog and a YouTube channel. The information contained about the sanctuary and its history, with dates, addresses and phone numbers to reach us on important occasions or when you want to visit the shrine. Reflecting the blog also brings a bit 'of the country's history of Anzino, which is not exactly a metropolis is inextricably linked to popular devotion to the saint and tributatagli in the diocese of Novara.
hope that in future times this space will prove useful to all of you wish you enjoy your visit, hoping to see you one day to honor St. Anzino Antonio and know its history.
FYI! The editors of the blog
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