There is no religion ?
I apologize for the length of the article but the subject takes me particularly and it is right that we speak.
Since the early years we were led to believe by her family and the school to the existence of God and we take as true, to the right, the things we were told about it. No child, given his ignorance, would object to what the family and the teachers tell because they are figures in which the child sees the ultimate expression of good example, the right way, and the correct behavior.
The child in the course of his life, such as baptism ceremonies are imposed (of which I will discuss further below) or Confirmation, Communion and Confirmation; ceremonies in which the child shall, without knowing the deep meaning to taking them right, for normal things, things you need to do.
In most children, however, is not allowed in which god to believe as the only one who knows is the one proposed by Catholicism, the only religion taught in schools and catechesis. The children clearly do not know the existence of other religions because they are taught is the first Catholic and believe that this is the only learned at school and just and when they learn of the existence of other religions are beginning to ask questions like because the that each child is placed.
The child grows, however, get to know, learning theory and other sources to form his own opinion, but too late.
may one day decide that the Catholic religion is not for him then argues for more reliogiosi cults or agnosticism or atheism, but now without realizing it has already received two sacraments of a religion in which no reflects.
My opinion about these opening lines is that the religious orientation, like politics of belonging, and must be freely chosen for themselves at an age when the individual is able to decide without saying what he thinks is more correct.
looking more specifically follow the chronology of the stages of its submission to the religious majority of the children.
Baptism The Sacrament of Baptism is the act "whereby one is freed from sin and reborn as sons of God, we become members of Christ, it is incorporated into the Church and made sharers in her mission ".
This heavy task and then learn the small through baptism.
Like a poor little a few pounds and without cognitive abilities may already be a sinner, no one can explain it or maybe it does the Catholic Church but not providing theses funds.
Given the inability of understanding and the will of a newborn there may be an offense incapable of division.
The child, unconsciously, he became a member of the Roman Catholic Church no one will know what it is.
Canon law states that "man is incorporated into the Church of Christ and it is in person, with rights and duties that Christians held their present condition, are proper, as they are in ecclesiastical communion and they do not come between a lawfully imposed sanction. "
Catholic education
Benedict Crax good thing he did: in 1984 there was the Revison of the Concordat. Since then, the Catholic religion is no longer the state religion and no longer exists an obligation to freuenza time religion. Nevertheless, teachers are appointed the Curia but paid by the State.
Far freuqntare a child of the time religion is not entirely wrong as he learns what is a religion and can begin to ask questions regarding both the teacher and parents. The answers, however, must be impartial or have the child sucitare doubt on the existence of God or not, the truth or otherwise of religion, so for him to get a feel.
I said that "it is not entirely wrong to attend religious instruction" because I think it wrong that this time we only teach the Catholic religion and will not provide a basic knowledge about all religions. If so the child would have real freedom of choice to follow a religious cult. Unfortunately this does not happen then the child takes the right to mere existence, the Catholic religion.
During the progress in primary education can enroll the child or teaching the catechism of the Catholic religion itself. It is assumed that parents who enroll their children to catechism classes are not believers "rose water" but the true followers of Catholicism who want to learn very specific education to the child. Again the child, most often, is in the catechism without knowing why. If his classmates go there we want to go too. He attended catechism classes only for the company quinidi. A child will never ask, "Mom subscribe to the catechism because I want to know the religion."
Other Sacramento is provided by the Catholic confession.
Usually the child receives the Sacrament if enrolled in a catechesis that taught him the meaning of this Sacrament, perhaps the only truly learned by a child.
Inside the dark confessional the boy, about 6-7 years, must confess their sins to a priest.
I can not understand what could be the sins committed by a child of 6 years and is expected to admit up to a stranger for a not well defined.
This term means that the faithful enter into communion with God Communion is the act by which one receives the sacrament of the Eucharist.
Ask yourself if a child 7-8 years old when it takes communion, includes the meaning of the Eucharist.
The child feels that we should simply take communion and be happy with the gifts received from relatives of the farthest degree.
Another way in which the innocent ignorance of abused children and a note in which overshadow the religious principles of this by virtue of consumerism.
Confirmation Confirmation is often known by the most faithful and intgralisti only by the name of Confirmation.
This sacrament is to make people fully aware of the believer by which he confirms, as the name implies, was a Mebra the Catholic Church, a witness to the Word of God and that promise to give thanks to the faith.
One child 9-10 years certainly knows full operation of the Catholic Church and therefore can undergo with firm conviction in the Sacrament of Confirmation.
The child is actually being said is that the confirmation to get married tomorrow.
This is the last sacrament that a child receives before it begins to understand the world.
We come now to the social aspects of religion.
Secular state
As mentioned above, thanks to the revision of the Concordat in 1984, Italy is a secular state that guarantees freedom of worship and does not constitute in any form or by any means a particular religion nor permit the decisions concerning the nation are affected by the intervention of the church.
Alas, unfortunately it is not: the Vatican always influence the enactment of any law or social value on the life events such as artificial insemination, abortion, euthanasia, oral contraceptives and do not and so on. What is serious is that the same rulers to respect the principle of secularism.
The crucifix
He recently caused a stir the European Court ruling that requires the removal of crucifixes from the walls of state buildings.
Again, the principle of secularism is less: why display a religious symbol in a secular state? Some say that is part of Italian history, who claims it is a tradition and such. I say to Article I argue that these arguments that the posting of crocefisio in public buildings has been imposed by a law enacted during the Fascist period in which Catholicism was the state religion. Today Not having more no longer makes sense to exist on the crucifix on the wall.
If a believer wants talk to God it does in places designated for that purpose.
believers - Catholics and to the 'rose water'
I think there are two types of believers: the real ones, just Catholics, and those to the 'rose water'.
The first are those who follow quite literally the Catholic doctrine or any other religion: prayers, fish (which is always meat) on Friday, Sunday church services, Christmas and pasuqali and anything else required by the rules , those believers who claim that theirs is the only right religion and their God is the only one making fools of those who think like them.
I believe second hand because according to them God exists and exists because the majority believes it (!), Go to Mass because it makes thanks to the Lord even if they do not know the various phases of commissioning. I mean are those children who as adults have not discussed the religious aspect and have never put a question on what raccontatogli childhood.
Then there are those who call themselves believers but do not belong to any religious belief but claim that God exists and that it need not be as described by various religions. Maybe they have not learned the meaning of the word agnostic.
agnostics are often confused with the atheists.
Agnostics are those who "do not care" whether or not a god, not follow any religion or because they have not found one that seems most likely either because they despise all religion as a state that each god cult has described to your liking, as it was more convenient to make it appear.
Agnostics then suspend their judgments about the divine but believe that there is something more but do not call with nesun name or identify something with this kind improperly called god.
An individual atheist denies the existence of any religious deity and supreme force.
The atheist denies the existence of a god because it believes that all apparentementi insipegabili phenomena can be explained by the passage of time and scientific innovation without seeking the answer to a god giving a specific event.
Usually a person becomes an atheist after learning information about different religions through agnosticism.
The atheist, therefore, states that everything in due time, can be explained by logic and reason.
An operation can be assumed that some atheists who behave the same way as the more fundamentalist believers but on the opposite side.
The beauty of being atheists (like the writer) or agnostic is that each that defines the individual who is in his own way: there is no doctrine which governs atheism and agnosticism.
Another hot topic is marriage or the instrument with which it is confirmed in writing to the union between two people through a contract that has legal effects as the rights and responsibilities of spouses.
For the definition of marriage since I guess you understand what I prefer ritual: the calendar.
If an atheist and wanted to marry a believer that there is not famous at all. The atheist would opt for a civil ceremony for the believer that canon. Usually, alas, it is the atheist who accepts the religious rites and sacrifices under the blackmail of the partners believer who says, "If you do not believe in God should not care about getting married in church." An immense this aberration as the atheist can not care nicely of marriage before God but that rode to celebrate both the official of a institution (the church) that represents it. It's like saying to Vendola to join the new force.
could bring the rite to end mixed but always in the church there is always a priest to celebrate it. The civil ceremony but does not affect any of the two future spouses.
But if the atheist is told "but it's tradition" or "and the choreography?" it is better not to marry their own. The civil ceremony can take place well in any place of surprising beauty.
This word has spread recently thanks to a campaign promoted by the 'Union of Atheists, Agnostics and Rationalists.
is to communicate to the Roman Catholic Church that will not be his Mebra. With the baptism was in fact subjects of the church.
In the jargon canonical "sbattezzo" is said to apostasy and is considered a mortal sin, a crime (that fear, eh!).
This act has consequences NOT civli but only as part of canon law or rule that is not any legal relationship of everyday life.
When we hear "tot Italians are believers" means that to make the survey was based on the number of the baptized. One who has been named, unknowingly, may well be an atheist or any other religion.
I proceeded to sbattezzo.
Finally I'll tell you what I am religiously: I stopped going to the time of my own religion in the third grade (and thus to maturity) and the catechism, always I made my decision not to or communion or confirmation in November 2010 and I proceeded to "sbattezzo.
Being one of the most complex topic I apologize for any omissions.
If you'd like to explore the themes you see Wikipedia, the site Union of Atheists, Agnostics and Rationalists regard secularism , atheism, agnosticism and "sbattezzo" or Site for "classification" of atheists.
Friday, February 25, 2011
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Suitcase Piercing Foto
'Go, thought
Yesterday afternoon, walking the streets of the home of Sheriff I met a couple of a certain age with little dog in tow.
The woman was intent on explaining to humans what has been learned from television about the riots in Libya in recent days with a worried tone and sorry for the victims.
The man, walking with his eyes and hands into the asphalt behind his back, comes out with: "Yes, yes, xe suits nonsense!" (trad: Yes, yes, they are all nonsense ). The woman, trying to convince the gentleman , have shown that repeated excruciating scenes in TV's: outbreaks, deadly clashes, bloody young.
The gentleman, however, did not say anything and continued to the hips of the lady with the dog later, even if, now, I do not know what was between the dog: a mutt or gentleman.
Unfortunately, especially here in the 'beloved Padania, concomitantly with these statements: "Let the cope if " (trans: let them kill), "x The only good men to do the casino and fire picar to stuff! " (trad: they are only good to set fire to things), are the order the day not only among the old who find themselves at the inn for a game of scope but also among young people who carry out these old ideas.
short, it seems that many go well with what is happening in Libya against the demonstrators and in Italy, given that those who disagree is immediately marked with strange names.
If it is hoped that this past generation there is a renewal of ideas is now hoping for Schicchi by the disciples who know well the verb to apply lessons learned from their elders.
The woman was intent on explaining to humans what has been learned from television about the riots in Libya in recent days with a worried tone and sorry for the victims.
The man, walking with his eyes and hands into the asphalt behind his back, comes out with: "Yes, yes, xe suits nonsense!" (trad: Yes, yes, they are all nonsense ). The woman, trying to convince the gentleman , have shown that repeated excruciating scenes in TV's: outbreaks, deadly clashes, bloody young.
The gentleman, however, did not say anything and continued to the hips of the lady with the dog later, even if, now, I do not know what was between the dog: a mutt or gentleman.
Unfortunately, especially here in the 'beloved Padania, concomitantly with these statements: "Let the cope if " (trans: let them kill), "x The only good men to do the casino and fire picar to stuff! " (trad: they are only good to set fire to things), are the order the day not only among the old who find themselves at the inn for a game of scope but also among young people who carry out these old ideas.
short, it seems that many go well with what is happening in Libya against the demonstrators and in Italy, given that those who disagree is immediately marked with strange names.
If it is hoped that this past generation there is a renewal of ideas is now hoping for Schicchi by the disciples who know well the verb to apply lessons learned from their elders.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Baker's Coconut Baby Bootie Cake
Prohibition of left turn
War of the numbers seems to be a very practical use in policy debates of recent times.
All those in the Roman amphitheater not miss a chance to rigurgiatare sequelae of percentages derived from statistical surveys entrusted to institutions from the most strange.
How are these surveys have not yet understood; phone calls seeking my political affiliation I have never received nor have been stopped in the street by a kind and lovely lady with multiple choice questions to hand.
The last poll that I happened to pull regards consensus that would Pierluigi Bersani, or rather, the PD in case you go to the polls.
Apart from the survey methods used to obtain 36% of agreements under article I'd like to understand what did pushed the "polls" to support the PD.
Just browse the list of names of those who make up the Democratic Party to see from where. Many were born in the glorious PCI and Enrico Berlinguer must be turning in his grave to see the idea that his followers have since left the .
Below is a video prophetic whisker Massimo d'Alema eight years before the formation of PD.
Dear D'Alema was therefore contrary to the formation of what was then the PD would have considered him as a cauldron of ideas that go out of style. Agree more with Max but is now among the ranks of PD.
But where the PD is going now? Despite its intenro there are veterans of the Italian Communist Party are witnessing a shift more and more oriented toward the center, a movement that dares hypothesis of alliances with Casini, Fini and Rutelli. With a Democrat, a hermit and a former MSI. The PD does not want to look to the left.
Think What said Enrico Letta to marriage proposal made by Antonio Di Pietro, a proposal the union between the various parties on the left.
But the voters of the Democratic Party, unlike the party are left ? Maybe yes, maybe they remember what they voted in the primaries proved el'hanno twenty years ago in Milan, giving the candidate the majority of SEL. But the fellow meneghini not Italy, are few. Those who vote and dfendono the PD is defined not nostalgic, they say that it can no longer speak of right and left are concepts in the past.
All right, but not necessarily accept bisgona strange alliances, not to support this bisgona opposition that has never proposed an alternative to a government decision. No. The PD was always confined to criticize and say enough. Talk of the problem but does not propose possible solutions.
Then there's those who vote the Democratic Party using the same logic that a voter voting for the PDL appilca Berlusconi "has the numbers," there are no other "," only he can .. .
Similarly define the left or not mean to go right down the street with the hammer and sickle or do the salute. In other situations are not talking about more deployments, it is true, but in Italy the situation permits.
I am the first to say that must change, evolve, adjust to time but do not necessarily mean abandoning the ideals but to adapt to current ideals . What he was doing and wanted it did Enrico Berlinguer. Unfortunately, the PD, it seems, does not think so.
So the PD is allowed to all but left turn.
If anyone knows a command like c format that allows you to reset all the political mess that is making it communicates.
War of the numbers seems to be a very practical use in policy debates of recent times.
All those in the Roman amphitheater not miss a chance to rigurgiatare sequelae of percentages derived from statistical surveys entrusted to institutions from the most strange.
How are these surveys have not yet understood; phone calls seeking my political affiliation I have never received nor have been stopped in the street by a kind and lovely lady with multiple choice questions to hand.
The last poll that I happened to pull regards consensus that would Pierluigi Bersani, or rather, the PD in case you go to the polls.
Apart from the survey methods used to obtain 36% of agreements under article I'd like to understand what did pushed the "polls" to support the PD.
Just browse the list of names of those who make up the Democratic Party to see from where. Many were born in the glorious PCI and Enrico Berlinguer must be turning in his grave to see the idea that his followers have since left the .
Below is a video prophetic whisker Massimo d'Alema eight years before the formation of PD.
Dear D'Alema was therefore contrary to the formation of what was then the PD would have considered him as a cauldron of ideas that go out of style. Agree more with Max but is now among the ranks of PD.
But where the PD is going now? Despite its intenro there are veterans of the Italian Communist Party are witnessing a shift more and more oriented toward the center, a movement that dares hypothesis of alliances with Casini, Fini and Rutelli. With a Democrat, a hermit and a former MSI. The PD does not want to look to the left.
Think What said Enrico Letta to marriage proposal made by Antonio Di Pietro, a proposal the union between the various parties on the left.
But the voters of the Democratic Party, unlike the party are left ? Maybe yes, maybe they remember what they voted in the primaries proved el'hanno twenty years ago in Milan, giving the candidate the majority of SEL. But the fellow meneghini not Italy, are few. Those who vote and dfendono the PD is defined not nostalgic, they say that it can no longer speak of right and left are concepts in the past.
All right, but not necessarily accept bisgona strange alliances, not to support this bisgona opposition that has never proposed an alternative to a government decision. No. The PD was always confined to criticize and say enough. Talk of the problem but does not propose possible solutions.
Then there's those who vote the Democratic Party using the same logic that a voter voting for the PDL appilca Berlusconi "has the numbers," there are no other "," only he can .. .
Similarly define the left or not mean to go right down the street with the hammer and sickle or do the salute. In other situations are not talking about more deployments, it is true, but in Italy the situation permits.
I am the first to say that must change, evolve, adjust to time but do not necessarily mean abandoning the ideals but to adapt to current ideals . What he was doing and wanted it did Enrico Berlinguer. Unfortunately, the PD, it seems, does not think so.
So the PD is allowed to all but left turn.
If anyone knows a command like c format that allows you to reset all the political mess that is making it communicates.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
What Does It Mean To Have Calcified Fibroids
Why is San Remo San Remo (that never changes)
As I write this article, the first evening of the 61st Festival of Italian Song enters into full swing.
It 's amazing the effort that each year the Rai takes to select the presenter and his shoulders, rummaging through his basement between dust and cobwebs to bring the festival to its former glory.
This year has opened the closet (coffin) which Gianni Morandi at which they were side by side the two hyenas Luca Bizzarri and Paolo Kessisoglu and two ... showgirl (?) Belen Rodriguez and Elizabeth Hurley to hear "the milkman" younger than we already feel and to try to raise the ' audience focusing on the current reputation of the two entertainers.
I do not comment on the singers, much less between loving (so to speak) Albano.
I discuss these two "ladies " . Everyone will have learned the opinion of two showgirl about Italian women at the event held on 13 February.
To hear again the nausea caused by the statements of these people you can read here .
the words spoken by these two, who evidently feel the same way as guests of Villa San Martino, I hope the San Remo Festival in 2011 will suffer the brutal killing of Rai plays so the next time use a little ' more than common sense in choosing who will lead the Festival and who will accompany him to the conductor without carers.
But these two just before the Festival had to talk such nonsense?? For goodness sake, everyone is free to express her but there are ways and a good time to do so.
It 's like the day before the maturity or degree tore the tires of the Commissioner claiming the gesture!
As I write this article, the first evening of the 61st Festival of Italian Song enters into full swing.
It 's amazing the effort that each year the Rai takes to select the presenter and his shoulders, rummaging through his basement between dust and cobwebs to bring the festival to its former glory.

I do not comment on the singers, much less between loving (so to speak) Albano.
I discuss these two "ladies " . Everyone will have learned the opinion of two showgirl about Italian women at the event held on 13 February.
To hear again the nausea caused by the statements of these people you can read here .
the words spoken by these two, who evidently feel the same way as guests of Villa San Martino, I hope the San Remo Festival in 2011 will suffer the brutal killing of Rai plays so the next time use a little ' more than common sense in choosing who will lead the Festival and who will accompany him to the conductor without carers.
But these two just before the Festival had to talk such nonsense?? For goodness sake, everyone is free to express her but there are ways and a good time to do so.
It 's like the day before the maturity or degree tore the tires of the Commissioner claiming the gesture!
Monday, February 14, 2011
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150 years in music
This year marks the 150th anniversary of the Unification of Italy . There are many celebrations that are held across the nation as well as institutional spot for some 'time to appear on television.
Of course, even on a historical event is so important to those who allow themselves to have the orientation (a) and politician from the 'ideology. " The political class seems to all agree to celebrate an anniversary in a manner worthy so significant were it not for the usual independence party, the first of the Northern League, let me say, is not placed in any political party. To the left of course not, but not right, even if it occupies the benches, as an important characteristic of men of the right (the real one, as the left, missing in Italy) is patriotism.
Then there is the Autonomous Province of Bolzano that does not want to saperene Italy.
But I will not go into in the political aspects of the question but I would like to sign up for a prince of the identity of every nation: the national anthem.
Our Song, The Song of the Italians or, more commonly, Anthem of Italy is among the most beautiful in the world with that of France, the United States, England and Germany and politicians, the debates on this, prompted by the increasingly independent, are numerous. There are those who would like to sostiutirlo the Va, pensiero by Giuseppe Verdi ignoring that its contents have nothing to do with our history and which, moreover, is a chorus sung by a defeated people, not like Italy winner who managed to obtain ' independence from the various domains and so the unit.
Now consider, however, the patriots, those who are proud to be Italian (although I think each of us is, politics and bureaucracy in part): those who know the history of the Song the Italians? How many are aware of the full text? I think very few, most only know the first verse or the one that fits before a match to win the World Cup or an Italian athlete.
The Song deggli Italians, this is the real title is compoasto six stanzas of which carry its execution and the text below.
The Italias'è awakened,
Dell'elmodi Scipio
S'ècinta head.
Where he win?
Leporga hair,
Chesca ROME
Iddiola created.
gather cohort.
Siampronti death,
Siampronti death,
The Italiachiamò.
Noifummo centuries
downtrodden and derided, because it does
one people,
Perchèsiam divided.
flag, one hope;
propagete together
Giàl'ora rang.
gather cohort.
Siampronti death,
Siampronti death,
The Italiachiamò.
Let us unite and love one another,
The Merge love
Rivelanoai peoples
Levie of the Lord.
Giuriamofar free
Ilsuolo hometown:
U.S., by God!
Chivincer us?
gather cohort.
Siampronti death,
Siampronti death,
The Italiachiamò.
Dall'Alpea Sicily
Dovunqueè Legnano;
Ogniuom Ferruccio
Hail heart, has a hand
Ibimbi of Italy
Sichiaman Balilla,
Ilsuon of each ring
IVespri rang.
gather cohort.
Siampronti death,
Siampronti death,
The Italiachiamò.
Songiunchi Folding
Lespade sold;
Giàl'aquila of Austria
Lepenne has lost;
Ilsangue of Italy
Ilsangue Polish,
Bevècol Cossack,
Mail sen burned.
gather cohort.
Siampronti death,
Siampronti death,
The Italiachiamò.
Dalsonno has awoken, with Scipio
S'ècinta head.
Where he win?
Leporga hair,
Chesca ROME
Iddiola created.
gather cohort.
Siampronti death,
Siampronti death,
The Italiachiamò.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Bella By Danielle Crawley
February 14 in a single Games and development of the individual
Tomorrow is Valentine , onomasitco of those who bear this name and Valentine's Day.
In many countries around the world tomorrow, the couple will exchange gifts as a token of their love. For people like me who is single will instead be a day like any other single and I have always wondered: why two lovers have to wait to force recurrences (Valentine's Day and anniversaries) to show their love?
What I will say will be trivial, perhaps, but I think that the feeling for the partner should be shown days per day and if you wanted to make a gift to your beloved or your loved every moment is good so the surprise will be even more surprising (Sucs the pun).
Unfortunately, the Valentine's Day has become a means of financial gain characterized by consumerism: hearts everywhere, sweet shops and patisseries are colored red infarction, curio shops with shelves full of the strangest products.
So show your love every day without waiting for February 14 to purchase a gift for your partner, maybe the last minute!
Happy Valentine's Day to all the "Valentini" and "Valentine"! ! !
Do not despair fellow singles, we give and receive something .... Sooner or later!
PS: If you buy the chocolates do not take those of Fiat. I did but I was told that they are heavy. (Yes, I said to be single, but the gift was for a flame of 4 years ago!)
Tomorrow is Valentine , onomasitco of those who bear this name and Valentine's Day.
In many countries around the world tomorrow, the couple will exchange gifts as a token of their love. For people like me who is single will instead be a day like any other single and I have always wondered: why two lovers have to wait to force recurrences (Valentine's Day and anniversaries) to show their love?
What I will say will be trivial, perhaps, but I think that the feeling for the partner should be shown days per day and if you wanted to make a gift to your beloved or your loved every moment is good so the surprise will be even more surprising (Sucs the pun).
Unfortunately, the Valentine's Day has become a means of financial gain characterized by consumerism: hearts everywhere, sweet shops and patisseries are colored red infarction, curio shops with shelves full of the strangest products.
So show your love every day without waiting for February 14 to purchase a gift for your partner, maybe the last minute!
Happy Valentine's Day to all the "Valentini" and "Valentine"! ! !
Do not despair fellow singles, we give and receive something .... Sooner or later!
PS: If you buy the chocolates do not take those of Fiat. I did but I was told that they are heavy. (Yes, I said to be single, but the gift was for a flame of 4 years ago!)
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Mount & Blade How To Increase Party
childhood and adolescence of those who were born since the late seventies were accompanied by the presence of console videogames, from the current Commodore 64 PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 through various Sega Nintendo and Mega Drive .
Every good gamer adult or neighbor that you will remember that looked forward every Christmas and Easter and any other occasion to make some money and run out to buy the latest video game.
Personally, the first console with whom I came into contact was the Sega Mega Drive 16-bit of my older brother. This console, fully functional, it is still jealously preserved by me along with several games including the first two issues of Sonic the Hedgehog , the most famous blue hedgehog.
The revolution of entertainment arrived in Europe in September '95 with the advent of the home console or the Sony PlayStation which soon became the most successful console. Both the costs of video game console and a thereby bringing more cresecente number of pairs of parents realized the greatest desire of their children (boys).
After this first summary of the most abstract of the summary of the history of video games begin to consider the impact these have had on society.
All will have at least once heard someone intent to undertake a crusade against video games and more specifically the effects that might cause in the minds of these future adults' emotional coldness, apathy, emulation of negative character, stupid.
About all'inebetimento else is saying that anyone who spends hours and hours before a screen before or after the head will feel like a balloon. Obviously this is not discussed.
I have to say about those arguments designed to make the videogicohi bad for education and growth of babies. And I will slaughter those contentions.
Who says that video games pushing the emulation of violent behavior by the player, altering the perception of actually affect the behavior, you should know that every game is rated according to the standards and ELSPA PEGI or classification methods according to the contents and the age at which they are suitable or not. Every parent, especially for younger gamers, can then decide whether or not to buy a game for your infant.
Then there are people who argue against the validity of videogames for the development of logical thinking. Well. There are many-to-the older games where there are puzzles to solve situations that require logic or wit to get past a certain step of the game. Many
are also the games where the plot was hatched on subjects biology, physics, history also. Obviously they are not treated De Architecture but arouse interest in the player that will bring these to work on. Examples include: Parasite Eve Parasite Eve II and whose plot is based on mutations / genetic evolution-of course, is fiction, but clues in the game through what is learned in a cell and a mitochondrion-General Dino Crisis and Dino Crisis 2 whose story comes from an experiment aimed at producing clean energy, which in turn will lay eyes on the various government forces for other purposes. These are just some of my favorites.
To break a lance in favor of the skeptics may say that there is play and play. Clearly, a mere game of fighting and bloodshed can not be expected to produce the purposes described above!
About the Games as a stimulus for learning read here. To find a curious discovery about the effects that video games have on the eyes read here.
childhood and adolescence of those who were born since the late seventies were accompanied by the presence of console videogames, from the current Commodore 64 PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 through various Sega Nintendo and Mega Drive .
Every good gamer adult or neighbor that you will remember that looked forward every Christmas and Easter and any other occasion to make some money and run out to buy the latest video game.

Personally, the first console with whom I came into contact was the Sega Mega Drive 16-bit of my older brother. This console, fully functional, it is still jealously preserved by me along with several games including the first two issues of Sonic the Hedgehog , the most famous blue hedgehog.
The revolution of entertainment arrived in Europe in September '95 with the advent of the home console or the Sony PlayStation which soon became the most successful console. Both the costs of video game console and a thereby bringing more cresecente number of pairs of parents realized the greatest desire of their children (boys).
After this first summary of the most abstract of the summary of the history of video games begin to consider the impact these have had on society.
All will have at least once heard someone intent to undertake a crusade against video games and more specifically the effects that might cause in the minds of these future adults' emotional coldness, apathy, emulation of negative character, stupid.
About all'inebetimento else is saying that anyone who spends hours and hours before a screen before or after the head will feel like a balloon. Obviously this is not discussed.
I have to say about those arguments designed to make the videogicohi bad for education and growth of babies. And I will slaughter those contentions.
Who says that video games pushing the emulation of violent behavior by the player, altering the perception of actually affect the behavior, you should know that every game is rated according to the standards and ELSPA PEGI or classification methods according to the contents and the age at which they are suitable or not. Every parent, especially for younger gamers, can then decide whether or not to buy a game for your infant.
Then there are people who argue against the validity of videogames for the development of logical thinking. Well. There are many-to-the older games where there are puzzles to solve situations that require logic or wit to get past a certain step of the game. Many
are also the games where the plot was hatched on subjects biology, physics, history also. Obviously they are not treated De Architecture but arouse interest in the player that will bring these to work on. Examples include: Parasite Eve Parasite Eve II and whose plot is based on mutations / genetic evolution-of course, is fiction, but clues in the game through what is learned in a cell and a mitochondrion-General Dino Crisis and Dino Crisis 2 whose story comes from an experiment aimed at producing clean energy, which in turn will lay eyes on the various government forces for other purposes. These are just some of my favorites.
To break a lance in favor of the skeptics may say that there is play and play. Clearly, a mere game of fighting and bloodshed can not be expected to produce the purposes described above!
About the Games as a stimulus for learning read here. To find a curious discovery about the effects that video games have on the eyes read here.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Pants With Sharp Double Creases
50th Anniversary of the Death of Don Eugenio Manini
Fifty years ago, died October 26, 1961 to Don Eugenio Anzino Manini, Primicerio pastor of our parish from 1901 to 1961. In his sixty years of pastoral ministry at our parish, he was known for deep pastoral zeal against the souls entrusted to him and deep devotion to the Lord and St. Anthony. There are many works he created for the benefit of the whole country, and his memory is still vivid in the memory of those who had the good fortune to know him. In this special year also falls also 110th anniversary of his arrival in Anzino and the beginning of his ministry. For all these reasons, the parish decided to fifty years after his death, solemnly remember the man who spent all his priestly life to our country with a series of events. The celebrations formally open Sunday, June 19, 2011, the Feast of St. Anthony and St. Bernard of Menton (patron of Anzino) with the Holy Mass will be presided over by our Bishop, Bishop Renato Corti for his then end on August 15. To make all participants in this initiative, we have decided to convene a meeting , Saturday, February 19 2011 at 17:00 the Council Chamber at the Institute of Public Anzino which will be presented in the detailed program of events and will request the cooperation of various associations and individuals for the care and preparation of the various events scheduled .
The priest
Next to find the logo of the festivities that will open the link to the page in facebook where you can find all the updates on commemorations and further study.
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Can You Get Herpe On Your Nose
previous and proven experience in the job
This is the first article of the blog and I decided to discuss a topic that is always present for some years now in the newspapers and television: work.
More frequent surveys and social statistics on this subject are so many considerations - never coincide - advanced by politicians, unions and familiar faces.
Now, without listing polls, numbers, percentage changes, I will analyze some of the most discussed aspects of the world (or the market, but I prefer the first) of the work.
I graduate, rightly, think they can enter the world of work only a few months after hanging Room parchment signed by the magnificent because they have always heard "then go to university are now working," then continued his studies at the talks that you prefer over a graduate engineer, "you'll see how many roads you pave the degree "," choose a science, engineering, maybe "and all that sort of thing that is so true, but alas, perhaps unfortunately, not as a time.
However, such orientation courses dealt with questionable in high school and sleepless nights preparing for exams or notes from 8-9cfu, beautiful life - why, despite some 3 in mathematics and some rejection, school life is one that has less in Serbian solvable problems and often - is over, and that starts with "V" capitalized. A high school diploma or a degree in the months to follow are rightly after beating about the bush (to respect the netiquette not saying much).
Boredom, however, begins to be felt as well as family pressures, and so you decide to go looking for a job (and yes, ordinary people do whatever people may say so).
you send resumes to the right and left, you join an impressive number of employment agencies from the most unimaginable and the anxious wait for an interview appointment with the enthusiasm to see is rewarded with money and not with the votes. Obviously, today with conceit and shoots, you expect to be contacted for a job consistent with their studies.
In the meantime, consult the online services more often with the bitter surprise of seeing things falling apart all the projects and promises made to the absence of finding a job corresponding to the studies. So here we are sad and we are resigned to carry out any work, even more so if the economic situation of the family is not the best.
The years go by, months, and if they reckon singing the great Fabrizio minutes until a nice young lady, until recently in the same condition of newly unemployed people (because this has just finished school), does not ask the young man is available for an interview. The victim accepts and here comes the day of the interview all polished as learned from the advice of a psychologist who held some orientation course in the fourth and fifth higher.
(about studies - perspectives will focus on a specific post)
And here questions about family, about why he answered an ad piuttiosto than another, leisure time, on its merits or its defects and only after the KGB-style interrogation here that shows the details of the job to which the young unemployed is concerned.
These notes on his Moleskine notebook of all the details of the job and then be told "in ten days we'll let you know."
Young happily began to be worn by waiting before and then anger for not having received a reply on time. That even if a negative response was given by Crole all hope and enthusiasm to start such research.
Alas (young) often hear from men allegedly about to be navigated and awarded the title of Cavaliere del Lavoro that we do not want to work . Here, I believe that we are much more flexible from this point of view compared to our ancestors which are characterized by high plasticity.
Let me explain: we young people today we must be satisfied that even if there is a time (always) and not properly paid (always) and we are satisfied. Our forefathers had in mind instead of what to do, like us - but maybe they were more confident - and then went directly to those companies, studies, individuals who have the features to satisfy them. Often it has been answered in the affirmative to the request for work, he was joined to a "senior" to learn the job and shortly after he was hired permanently. The contracts were different and there were no employment agencies with names unlikely.
These ancestors say that there is work, we are not wanting, not wanting to make sacrifices ... Um ... EHM ... SORRY, NO EXCUSE ... Have the contract renewed every 30 days (if not 15 sometimes) and receive € 900 per month does not mean sacrifice? In addition, we work him to creche, do not wait for a relative, friend, the friend of a friend of relative of the friend who is telling us "are trying holding Pinco Enterprise SpA", the ancestors often expect to feel say this to work, we are not, in fact, we reject because it's like giving a Sgarro towards our fellow (non-political references.)
They say that the Internet, in newspapers is full of offerings. Ok, my grandfather, did you read? Well, I do! In most cases you repeat endlessly the same bids, and most calls FORMER AND PROVEN EXPERIENCE IN THE TASK , not like when you, grandfather, looking for work and puts you on the side of an "elder." Let's say you also should have more takers humility and sacrifice a bit 'production to educate a young man who then incrmenterà !
Italy is a country so young.
(the article, as described in the presentation , is dedicated to presbyopia)
This is the first article of the blog and I decided to discuss a topic that is always present for some years now in the newspapers and television: work.
More frequent surveys and social statistics on this subject are so many considerations - never coincide - advanced by politicians, unions and familiar faces.
Now, without listing polls, numbers, percentage changes, I will analyze some of the most discussed aspects of the world (or the market, but I prefer the first) of the work.
I graduate, rightly, think they can enter the world of work only a few months after hanging Room parchment signed by the magnificent because they have always heard "then go to university are now working," then continued his studies at the talks that you prefer over a graduate engineer, "you'll see how many roads you pave the degree "," choose a science, engineering, maybe "and all that sort of thing that is so true, but alas, perhaps unfortunately, not as a time.
However, such orientation courses dealt with questionable in high school and sleepless nights preparing for exams or notes from 8-9cfu, beautiful life - why, despite some 3 in mathematics and some rejection, school life is one that has less in Serbian solvable problems and often - is over, and that starts with "V" capitalized. A high school diploma or a degree in the months to follow are rightly after beating about the bush (to respect the netiquette not saying much).
Boredom, however, begins to be felt as well as family pressures, and so you decide to go looking for a job (and yes, ordinary people do whatever people may say so).
you send resumes to the right and left, you join an impressive number of employment agencies from the most unimaginable and the anxious wait for an interview appointment with the enthusiasm to see is rewarded with money and not with the votes. Obviously, today with conceit and shoots, you expect to be contacted for a job consistent with their studies.
In the meantime, consult the online services more often with the bitter surprise of seeing things falling apart all the projects and promises made to the absence of finding a job corresponding to the studies. So here we are sad and we are resigned to carry out any work, even more so if the economic situation of the family is not the best.
The years go by, months, and if they reckon singing the great Fabrizio minutes until a nice young lady, until recently in the same condition of newly unemployed people (because this has just finished school), does not ask the young man is available for an interview. The victim accepts and here comes the day of the interview all polished as learned from the advice of a psychologist who held some orientation course in the fourth and fifth higher.
(about studies - perspectives will focus on a specific post)
And here questions about family, about why he answered an ad piuttiosto than another, leisure time, on its merits or its defects and only after the KGB-style interrogation here that shows the details of the job to which the young unemployed is concerned.
These notes on his Moleskine notebook of all the details of the job and then be told "in ten days we'll let you know."
Young happily began to be worn by waiting before and then anger for not having received a reply on time. That even if a negative response was given by Crole all hope and enthusiasm to start such research.
Alas (young) often hear from men allegedly about to be navigated and awarded the title of Cavaliere del Lavoro that we do not want to work . Here, I believe that we are much more flexible from this point of view compared to our ancestors which are characterized by high plasticity.
Let me explain: we young people today we must be satisfied that even if there is a time (always) and not properly paid (always) and we are satisfied. Our forefathers had in mind instead of what to do, like us - but maybe they were more confident - and then went directly to those companies, studies, individuals who have the features to satisfy them. Often it has been answered in the affirmative to the request for work, he was joined to a "senior" to learn the job and shortly after he was hired permanently. The contracts were different and there were no employment agencies with names unlikely.
These ancestors say that there is work, we are not wanting, not wanting to make sacrifices ... Um ... EHM ... SORRY, NO EXCUSE ... Have the contract renewed every 30 days (if not 15 sometimes) and receive € 900 per month does not mean sacrifice? In addition, we work him to creche, do not wait for a relative, friend, the friend of a friend of relative of the friend who is telling us "are trying holding Pinco Enterprise SpA", the ancestors often expect to feel say this to work, we are not, in fact, we reject because it's like giving a Sgarro towards our fellow (non-political references.)
They say that the Internet, in newspapers is full of offerings. Ok, my grandfather, did you read? Well, I do! In most cases you repeat endlessly the same bids, and most calls FORMER AND PROVEN EXPERIENCE IN THE TASK , not like when you, grandfather, looking for work and puts you on the side of an "elder." Let's say you also should have more takers humility and sacrifice a bit 'production to educate a young man who then incrmenterà !
Italy is a country so young.
(the article, as described in the presentation , is dedicated to presbyopia)
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