Despite his interest in film at 360 degrees and the valuable political and humanitarian interests, I have never had much interest in the figure of Ben Affleck. After all, as apparently trying to approach decoupled from the Hollywood star system, it is still an actor, and can not say I have never appreciated nor film, nor even the performances.
The Town I was still attracted by the excellent trailer, and with the provocative image of a nun armed with a gun was undeniably capable of turning the curiosity, and luck. Because behind the promotion is a well made enjoyable movie, well scripted and shot with a steady hand, can nailed to the chair throughout the performance. The merits are different to the aforementioned director capable joins an obvious ability to create and gradually foster a palpable narrative tension, which is not limited solely to the action scenes (though effective), and extend to several well-orchestrated sequences dialogic. Then there are the characters believable, that the discrete Affleck seen alongside the excellent Jon Hamm and Jeremy Renner, respectively, in the role of the disillusioned detective road dangerous and crazy guy. We can not speak of a true investigation of these figures, although some sequences are able to dig a bit 'longer than necessary in their psychology, with interesting implications. Rebecca Hall also appreciated, much soap and water, able to transmit at the same time very fragile and determination. In the background is different from a Boston as I had seen, far from the center of the treated areas, decreased in the depression of the slums. In a few shootings, and many other pleasant pursuits dialogues (those expecting a pure action movie will be disappointed, best classified as a drama) the minute rush, and lead to the weakest part of the formula: an ending a bit 'trivial and controversial, unpleasant for the validity of its premise. On the other hand, The Town still worth watching because of its quality INEGI: manages to avoid the law of the average Hollywood gangster movie with more mature themes, not lost in the usual moral discounted and can not weigh in spite of above average duration.