On the management of pedophilia scandal in Germany
A contribution to the work of the church in defending against the terrible evil that is child abuse, with which even these days trying to delegitimize the work of the church published a letter from Marcello Pera, posted by Introvigne up facebook this morning.
Note of Introvigne: I do not always agree on everything, and Marcello Pera. This open letter to Corriere della Sera "on a media campaign against the Pope in terms of pedophile priests, but I believe well written and able to hit the problem
Dear Editor,
The issue of priests pedophiles or homosexuals in Germany broke last It has targeted the Pope, however, would be committing a grave mistake if we thought that the shot is not going to sign because of the enormity of the rash. And a mistake is even more serious if one considers that the question now is how many will close early like. Not so.
is a war going on. Not really against the person of the Pope, because, on this ground, it is impossible. Benedict XVI has made it impregnable from its image, its serenity, its clarity, firmness and doctrine. Just his smile mild to defeat an army of opponents. No, the war between secularism and Christianity. The secularists know that if a splash of mud on the white robe came, the Church would be dirty, and if it is dirty then the Church would also be the Christian religion. This is why the secularists accompany their campaign with questions like "who will bring more children into our church?" Or "who will send more of our boys in a Catholic school?" Or even "Who will care for our children in a Catholic hospital or clinic? ".
few days ago, a secularist has missed the intention. He wrote:" the extent of the spread of sexual abuse of children by priests undermines the very legitimacy of Catholic Church as the guarantor of education of children ". It does not matter that this ruling is without evidence, because it is carefully concealed" the extent of the circulation: one percent of priests pedophiles? ten percent? all? No matter either that the sentence is devoid of logic: just replace "priests" with "teachers" or "political" or "journalists" to "undermine the legitimacy of public schools, parliaments or press. What matters is the insinuation, even at the expense of the coarseness of the argument: the priests are pedophiles, so the Church has no moral authority, therefore, Catholic education is dangerous, then Christianity is a fraud and a danger.
This war of secularism against Christianity is pitched. You must bring the memory of Nazism and communism to find one similar. Changing the means, but the end is the same today as yesterday, what you want is the destruction of religion. Europe then paid the price for this destructive fury of their liberty. à incredible especially Germany, while repeatedly hitting the chest to the memory of that price that it inflicted on the whole of Europe today that the Democratic returned if they forget and do not understand that democracy itself would be lost if Christianity was still canceled. The destruction of the religion then entailed the destruction of reason. Today will not lead to the triumph of secular reason, but another barbarism.
On an ethical level, is the barbarism of those who kill a fetus because her life would be detrimental to "mental health" of the mother. Who says that an embryo is a "clump of cells" good for experiments. Who kills an old man because he has more of a family that if you take care. Of those who hastened the end of a child because it is no longer conscious and is incurable. Of those who think that "Parent A" and "Parent B" is the same as the "father" and "mother." Those who think that faith is like the tailbone, a body that no longer participates in the development because the man does not need the tail is erect and alone. And so on.
Or, to consider the political side of the War of the secularists to Christianity, barbarism will be the destruction of Europe. Why, down Christianity, remain multiculturalism, claiming that each group has the right to their culture. Relativism, who thinks that every culture is as good as any other. The pacifism that denies that evil exists. Or will that Europe and irresponsible rhetoric that says that Europe must not have their own specific identity, but being the container of all identities. But then change their minds and go in the cathedral of Strasbourg to say: "Now we need the Christian soul of Europe."
This war would not be so dangerous to Christianity if Christians would understand. Instead, many of them participate in incomprehension. I am frustrated by those theologians intellectual supremacy of Benedict XVI. Those bishops who feel uncertain that any compromise with modernity is the best way to upgrade the Christian message. Those cardinals in a crisis of faith that are beginning to suggest that the celibacy of priests is not a dogma, and that perhaps we should rethink it. Those Catholic intellectuals plush who think that there is an issue of women in the Church and an unsolved problem between Christianity and sexuality. Those who make mistakes episcopal conferences and the agenda, and advocate for open borders policy at all, do not have the courage to denounce the attacks and that Christians suffer the humiliation they are forced to try from all, without discrimination, brought to the dock. Registrars from the East or those that exhibit a good foreign minister homosexual while attacking the Pope on every topic of ethics, or those born in the West, who think that the West must be secular, that is anti-Christian.
War of the secularists will continue, if only because Pope Benedict XVI as a smiling but did not retreat an inch for feeding. But if you understand why you do not move, then you take things in hand and does not expect the next shot. Who is limited only to empathize with him or has entered one in the garden at night and in secret, or is someone who does not understand why there is.
Friday, March 19, 2010
Monday, March 8, 2010
Train Grope Full Free
Matteo Giannotti, the inventor of orzopizza Diabetic
Marcella Bondoni
"I feel when mixing the flour that speaks to me ...". With these words, a good chat with Matteo Giannotti, 40, manager By Bruno Taverna in Bellaria Igea Marina.
Matthew is vice president of the Italian National Pizza and collaborates with the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, University of Ancona chaired by Professor Claus Scrubs, the laboratory tests are carried out on pastries and research on new products for the restaurant. Matthew was world champion in taste and quality in the nineties and at the same time he received the award for best acrobatic pizza in Italy. He now teaches the art of pizza to many young people coming from the beautiful country and the United States, Greece, Germany, France and Brazil. Today is one of the leading experts on alternative flours national
short, Matthew is what is known as a man who has made man in his profession and has invested effort, resources and above all love and passion.
How did the desire to do this job?
In fact I am a mechanical engineer but my passion has always been different. My father had a small mill in the province of Brindisi and my mother worked in the bakery of my uncle. I was fascinated by the flour and a child every time I went to the bakery where my mother worked and studied the art of baking is still done by hand as usual, I enjoyed creating special dough with flour. So thanks to my uncle, I learned the craft on the field and especially the art of mixing by hand to understand the touch the behavior of the meal and how to mix them to get better quality products.
But you're not a 'simple' pizza, even if your traditional pizza is delicious! Do you specialize in baking flour with 'alternative' and you invented a host of new and indovinatissimi dough. Tell us a little 'this aspect.
Let's say I started the gluten-free flours. It all started by accident when a client of mine suddenly found out she was celiac. I then knew nothing about this disease and began to inform me. Thanks to her I could do a postgraduate course in Bologna where I met Dr. Massimo Boschi responsible AIC (Italian Celiac Association) and From there I specialized in not only pizza but all the gluten-free foods such as cakes, pasta, panettone bread. Mine was the first local to have homo laboratory and separated from the rest of this pizzeria and to allow a total security to customers with food problems.
Why all this attention?
with celiac disease if you do something wrong the consequences can be severe. If you want a local certificate must be rigid. I'm just an example. To improve the service I demand that my pizza when the pizza extend 'traditional' use rice flour to prevent the particles of wheat volatize in the room. Keep in mind that in Italy the law sets a limit of 20 ppm (Parts per million) of powder of wheat flour as the level of intolerance for gluten. Just then a speck of grain to produce serious side effects.
How can customers be sure to enter a local 'certified'?
Together with the President of the Italian National Pizza, Duilio Nardi, we have created a network called Spigamica point where they entered the restaurants that are certified by one of our reference along with a mentor the IA. These local guarantee quality and service excellence.
And the story of Kamut?
Kamut is a cereal organic loading of selenium, has little gluten and high digestibility but not good for people with celiac disease. It 'great for those who have an intolerance to wheat. The pizza, however, must be certified to Kamut.
In what sense?
not play with people's health! Kamut flour is difficult to mix and cut the many pizza with wheat dough to get a better yield. This will automatically cause illness in people, intolerant, he eats it. As in the past this was a practice, me and my friend Duilio we have undertaken a battle that lasted five years and with the help of Kamut International, in the person of Dr. Ruskin, head Kamut Europe, now all the places that they want to be certificates with the 'dot' Kamut must guarantee a specific machining of the dough. To make this I have invented better Corn kneadable yeast fermented with the skins of apples. And I can assure you it works. I am committed to finding new solutions and I have never served in the most cost shortcuts.
What is the latest to be previewed at SIGEP in Rimini? I refer all'ORZOPIZZA.
pizza is a particularly suitable for diabetics. Barley is high in fiber, has less sugar and therefore good for diabetics. We are awaiting certification from the University of Ancona on tolerance, and their laboratories are completing tests on pastes that weekly deliveries.
When we try?
My clients the taste and I can assure you it is already very popular and appreciated.
What does it taste?
The taste is very particular, you need to go. It 's really original. The idea is to launch it nationally as well as Kamut flour and gluten-free.
The next invention?
I'm studying to be a cereal mixes enjoyable for people with special dietary problems. I do not want to create an alternative product of a functional product development but to improve their quality of life. But for now it is top secret.
The secret of your success ...
Work well, very seriously and respect the customers.
Visit the website www.spiagamica.com where you will find useful information on nutrition alternative.

Marcella Bondoni
"I feel when mixing the flour that speaks to me ...". With these words, a good chat with Matteo Giannotti, 40, manager By Bruno Taverna in Bellaria Igea Marina.
Matthew is vice president of the Italian National Pizza and collaborates with the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, University of Ancona chaired by Professor Claus Scrubs, the laboratory tests are carried out on pastries and research on new products for the restaurant. Matthew was world champion in taste and quality in the nineties and at the same time he received the award for best acrobatic pizza in Italy. He now teaches the art of pizza to many young people coming from the beautiful country and the United States, Greece, Germany, France and Brazil. Today is one of the leading experts on alternative flours national
short, Matthew is what is known as a man who has made man in his profession and has invested effort, resources and above all love and passion.
How did the desire to do this job?
In fact I am a mechanical engineer but my passion has always been different. My father had a small mill in the province of Brindisi and my mother worked in the bakery of my uncle. I was fascinated by the flour and a child every time I went to the bakery where my mother worked and studied the art of baking is still done by hand as usual, I enjoyed creating special dough with flour. So thanks to my uncle, I learned the craft on the field and especially the art of mixing by hand to understand the touch the behavior of the meal and how to mix them to get better quality products.
But you're not a 'simple' pizza, even if your traditional pizza is delicious! Do you specialize in baking flour with 'alternative' and you invented a host of new and indovinatissimi dough. Tell us a little 'this aspect.
Let's say I started the gluten-free flours. It all started by accident when a client of mine suddenly found out she was celiac. I then knew nothing about this disease and began to inform me. Thanks to her I could do a postgraduate course in Bologna where I met Dr. Massimo Boschi responsible AIC (Italian Celiac Association) and From there I specialized in not only pizza but all the gluten-free foods such as cakes, pasta, panettone bread. Mine was the first local to have homo laboratory and separated from the rest of this pizzeria and to allow a total security to customers with food problems.
Why all this attention?
with celiac disease if you do something wrong the consequences can be severe. If you want a local certificate must be rigid. I'm just an example. To improve the service I demand that my pizza when the pizza extend 'traditional' use rice flour to prevent the particles of wheat volatize in the room. Keep in mind that in Italy the law sets a limit of 20 ppm (Parts per million) of powder of wheat flour as the level of intolerance for gluten. Just then a speck of grain to produce serious side effects.
How can customers be sure to enter a local 'certified'?
Together with the President of the Italian National Pizza, Duilio Nardi, we have created a network called Spigamica point where they entered the restaurants that are certified by one of our reference along with a mentor the IA. These local guarantee quality and service excellence.
And the story of Kamut?
Kamut is a cereal organic loading of selenium, has little gluten and high digestibility but not good for people with celiac disease. It 'great for those who have an intolerance to wheat. The pizza, however, must be certified to Kamut.
In what sense?
not play with people's health! Kamut flour is difficult to mix and cut the many pizza with wheat dough to get a better yield. This will automatically cause illness in people, intolerant, he eats it. As in the past this was a practice, me and my friend Duilio we have undertaken a battle that lasted five years and with the help of Kamut International, in the person of Dr. Ruskin, head Kamut Europe, now all the places that they want to be certificates with the 'dot' Kamut must guarantee a specific machining of the dough. To make this I have invented better Corn kneadable yeast fermented with the skins of apples. And I can assure you it works. I am committed to finding new solutions and I have never served in the most cost shortcuts.
What is the latest to be previewed at SIGEP in Rimini? I refer all'ORZOPIZZA.
pizza is a particularly suitable for diabetics. Barley is high in fiber, has less sugar and therefore good for diabetics. We are awaiting certification from the University of Ancona on tolerance, and their laboratories are completing tests on pastes that weekly deliveries.
When we try?
My clients the taste and I can assure you it is already very popular and appreciated.
What does it taste?
The taste is very particular, you need to go. It 's really original. The idea is to launch it nationally as well as Kamut flour and gluten-free.
The next invention?
I'm studying to be a cereal mixes enjoyable for people with special dietary problems. I do not want to create an alternative product of a functional product development but to improve their quality of life. But for now it is top secret.
The secret of your success ...
Work well, very seriously and respect the customers.
Visit the website www.spiagamica.com where you will find useful information on nutrition alternative.
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