The pilgrimage to venerate the body of S. Antonio, as announced, was held on Saturday 20 February. The proposed program will be skipped entirely for the large influx of pilgrims in the city of Veneto, which gave rise to a queue of no less than six hours to go before the remains of St. Antonio. They hit, and the number of persons, the variety of Italian regions and nations represented, a sign of great devotion to St. Antonio involving the entire world. During the wait, the pilgrims were able to meet Father Olindo Maria Schneebeli, former rector of the basilica and a great friend of Anzino. For a Anzinese or a friend to see Anzino the mortal remains of St. Antonio is certainly a great thrill, as witnessed by all participants, and although they have had to endure what appeared to be an endless queue, we are happy to see them having traveled to Padua. Even in the words of a pilgrim Quarna you could see the joy of being present on one occasion might be termed historical (it's the third time in almost eight hundred years that S. Antonio is made visible to the crowds), the gentleman above, who indicated that for S. Antonio tail six hours worth it, even just for the pleasure of meeting him. He also said: "It's like when it comes to Anzino for the feast, when you see the mountains that you wake up you know it's time to visit San Antonio." And it was this spirit of pilgrimage, to visit St. Antonio. ven with this we realize that it is not Anzino, who lives there or who organizes the festival that can attract people, but it is faith and devotion to the great saint that our country is honored to have as a patron know and can do as an example of the Gospel for the whole world. A lot of the fruits of the pilgrimage; in this article a bit 'thin we will not dwell further. Soon more news and impressions from participants. Here are some photos.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Getting Pokemon Cheats On Cydia
The pilgrimage to venerate the body of S. Antonio, as announced, was held on Saturday 20 February. The proposed program will be skipped entirely for the large influx of pilgrims in the city of Veneto, which gave rise to a queue of no less than six hours to go before the remains of St. Antonio. They hit, and the number of persons, the variety of Italian regions and nations represented, a sign of great devotion to St. Antonio involving the entire world. During the wait, the pilgrims were able to meet Father Olindo Maria Schneebeli, former rector of the basilica and a great friend of Anzino. For a Anzinese or a friend to see Anzino the mortal remains of St. Antonio is certainly a great thrill, as witnessed by all participants, and although they have had to endure what appeared to be an endless queue, we are happy to see them having traveled to Padua. Even in the words of a pilgrim Quarna you could see the joy of being present on one occasion might be termed historical (it's the third time in almost eight hundred years that S. Antonio is made visible to the crowds), the gentleman above, who indicated that for S. Antonio tail six hours worth it, even just for the pleasure of meeting him. He also said: "It's like when it comes to Anzino for the feast, when you see the mountains that you wake up you know it's time to visit San Antonio." And it was this spirit of pilgrimage, to visit St. Antonio. ven with this we realize that it is not Anzino, who lives there or who organizes the festival that can attract people, but it is faith and devotion to the great saint that our country is honored to have as a patron know and can do as an example of the Gospel for the whole world. A lot of the fruits of the pilgrimage; in this article a bit 'thin we will not dwell further. Soon more news and impressions from participants. Here are some photos.
You To Feameale Nippel Piercings
Blue Restaurant, Magnani" chef "to watch
Marco Valeriani
's the color blue, in the bizarre and many nuances, to outline the boundaries of virtual Blu Restaurant in Igea Marina. The linear architecture, functional, essential in fact builds BluSuite Hotel in the heart of the space devoted to restaurants. A space that Katia Foschi, owner and general manager of the building, has "married" like a second home. "A restaurant located inside the hotel but not designed as a restaurant and then open the outside, the clients of the South and evening. As host we propose formula B & B + dinner at Blue a risky choice? ". The attention to detail, the choice of furnishings is his work: everything you see, nothing is obtrusive, above. Mario Magnani, 40, now chef of Blue, has resulted in Igea after another, rewarding experiences. In the kitchen, moving with great ease, without ever losing sight of the basic rule: "Never stop growing professionally." The impact between the environment and good dishes - the fish of the Adriatic is preferred, the proposed variety of other shores and countries combinations really tasty - it's all personal essence of Katie and Mario. The Call to territoriality, the choice of raw materials, no culinary fireworks are the conditions of our work - explain both -. Feeling good at the table is the natural extension of Blu whole philosophy: that of being ". Charter light from 12.30 to 15 with the fastest menu in the preparation (never trivial, ed), devoted to cooking seasonal variations from 19.30 to 22, represent the core of a restaurant not for crowds (60 seats in the winter, covered 90 's summer-thanks to the use of the pool). Far from the "broken" fashion, however, has a strong ability to attract short, you are well and happy returns ... We translate now territoriality - olive oil, cheeses, meats, wine, salt (and used strictly in Cervia and in the Spa), vegetables, fish - the invitation to the taste. To get started we recommend a triumph of crustaceans bellavista served with an emulsion of olive oil and lemon vinaigrette and vegetables, then pasta with lobster paccheri of Lampedusa, a sea bass in a crust of sea salt of Cervia, a turbot wrapped in crispy potatoes, the mirror exotic fruit and finally a chocolate souffle with a zabaglione cream. All accompanied by a bottle of scented (red) of the Company Scabi Valentine (Rimini). "I like to cook simple and that enhances the product. Not I give all'esterofilia additions. I expect though - adds Magnani - and this in full accord with the general direction, the utmost care when you are at work in the kitchen. " Hotel school and apprenticeship between pots and pans to get the recipes of her mother cook, have settled in Magnani awareness of the passion. The good food also requires excellent preparation of the table to sit around with friends. Tablecloths, cutlery, glassware add atmosphere. And the portions? From Romagna and we can not but ask ... "The refusal of the catering, the move away from certain stereotypes International damage already answered to this question. Yet a rule necessary. Ban the hype - explains Katia - we opted for a line of equidistance able to satisfy the palate and the eye. I like the idea of \u200b\u200bfood to wait, watch, enjoy. " Plans for the future? "Expanding the range of local products, to avoid the errors seen abroad." While the dream of the chef Magnani what? "Well, it's all too clear: I would buy this hotel." Useful References: BluSuite Hotel - Viale Pinzon, 290 - Igea Marina, Bellaria di Rimini 47814 - 0541.332454 - 0541.330765 -
Article published in the February issue of the magazine's 2010 "Taste" (The publisher Mandragora - Imola).

Marco Valeriani
's the color blue, in the bizarre and many nuances, to outline the boundaries of virtual Blu Restaurant in Igea Marina. The linear architecture, functional, essential in fact builds BluSuite Hotel in the heart of the space devoted to restaurants. A space that Katia Foschi, owner and general manager of the building, has "married" like a second home. "A restaurant located inside the hotel but not designed as a restaurant and then open the outside, the clients of the South and evening. As host we propose formula B & B + dinner at Blue a risky choice? ". The attention to detail, the choice of furnishings is his work: everything you see, nothing is obtrusive, above. Mario Magnani, 40, now chef of Blue, has resulted in Igea after another, rewarding experiences. In the kitchen, moving with great ease, without ever losing sight of the basic rule: "Never stop growing professionally." The impact between the environment and good dishes - the fish of the Adriatic is preferred, the proposed variety of other shores and countries combinations really tasty - it's all personal essence of Katie and Mario. The Call to territoriality, the choice of raw materials, no culinary fireworks are the conditions of our work - explain both -. Feeling good at the table is the natural extension of Blu whole philosophy: that of being ". Charter light from 12.30 to 15 with the fastest menu in the preparation (never trivial, ed), devoted to cooking seasonal variations from 19.30 to 22, represent the core of a restaurant not for crowds (60 seats in the winter, covered 90 's summer-thanks to the use of the pool). Far from the "broken" fashion, however, has a strong ability to attract short, you are well and happy returns ... We translate now territoriality - olive oil, cheeses, meats, wine, salt (and used strictly in Cervia and in the Spa), vegetables, fish - the invitation to the taste. To get started we recommend a triumph of crustaceans bellavista served with an emulsion of olive oil and lemon vinaigrette and vegetables, then pasta with lobster paccheri of Lampedusa, a sea bass in a crust of sea salt of Cervia, a turbot wrapped in crispy potatoes, the mirror exotic fruit and finally a chocolate souffle with a zabaglione cream. All accompanied by a bottle of scented (red) of the Company Scabi Valentine (Rimini). "I like to cook simple and that enhances the product. Not I give all'esterofilia additions. I expect though - adds Magnani - and this in full accord with the general direction, the utmost care when you are at work in the kitchen. " Hotel school and apprenticeship between pots and pans to get the recipes of her mother cook, have settled in Magnani awareness of the passion. The good food also requires excellent preparation of the table to sit around with friends. Tablecloths, cutlery, glassware add atmosphere. And the portions? From Romagna and we can not but ask ... "The refusal of the catering, the move away from certain stereotypes International damage already answered to this question. Yet a rule necessary. Ban the hype - explains Katia - we opted for a line of equidistance able to satisfy the palate and the eye. I like the idea of \u200b\u200bfood to wait, watch, enjoy. " Plans for the future? "Expanding the range of local products, to avoid the errors seen abroad." While the dream of the chef Magnani what? "Well, it's all too clear: I would buy this hotel." Useful References: BluSuite Hotel - Viale Pinzon, 290 - Igea Marina, Bellaria di Rimini 47814 - 0541.332454 - 0541.330765 -
Article published in the February issue of the magazine's 2010 "Taste" (The publisher Mandragora - Imola).
Monday, February 15, 2010
How To Create Ceiling Drapes
Anthony Padovano chronicles the pilgrimage of Pope Benedict XVI in Catechesis Registration deadline
Dear brothers and sisters,
two weeks ago I presented the figure of Saint Francis of Assisi. This morning I would like to talk about another saint belonging to the first generation of Friars Minor: Anthony of Padua or as it is also called, from Lisbon, referring to his hometown. This is one of the most popular saints in the whole Catholic Church, revered not only in Padua, where he was raised a magnificent basilica, which houses his mortal remains, but all the world. Are dear to the faithful images and statues represent him with the lily symbol of purity, or with the infant Jesus in her arms, in memory of a miraculous apparition mentioned in literary sources. Antonio has made a significant contribution to the development of Franciscan spirituality, with its outstanding qualities of intelligence, balance, apostolic zeal and, mainly, of mystical fervor. He was born in Lisbon of a noble family around 1195 and was baptized with the name of Fernando. He entered the canons who followed the monastic rule of St. Augustine, first in the monastery of San Vincenzo in Lisbon and later in that of Santa Croce in Coimbra, a renowned cultural center Portugal. He devoted himself with interest and concern to the study of the Bible and the Fathers of the Church, acquiring that science and technology that put to good use in teaching and preaching. In Coimbra was the episode that marked a turning point in his life: In 1220 the relics were exposed for the first five Franciscan missionaries who had gone to Morocco, where they met with martyrdom. Their case aroused in the young Fernando desire to imitate them and to move forward on the path of Christian perfection: He then asked to leave the Augustinian canons and become a Friar Minor. His request was accepted and took the name of Antonio, he also left for Morocco, but Providence God ordered otherwise. Following an illness, was forced to return to Italy and, in 1221, participated in the famous "Chapter of Mats" in Assisi, where he also met Francis. Subsequently, he lived for a time totally hidden in a convent near Forli in northern Italy, where the Lord called him to another mission. Invited to circumstances completely random, to preach on the occasion of a priestly ordination, he showed he was gifted with such learning and eloquence, that his superiors sent him to preaching. He began in Italy and France, so intense apostolic activity and effectively induced not a few people who had separated from the Church to retrace their steps. Anthony was among the first teachers of theology of the Friars Minor, if not the first. He began his teaching in Bologna, with the blessing of St. Francis, who, recognizing the virtues of Anthony, sent him a short letter that opened with these words: "I like to teach theology to the friars." Anthony set the foundations of Franciscan theology which, cultivated by other famous figures of thinkers, came to its climax with St. Bonaventure and Blessed John Duns Scotus.
Becoming provincial superior of the Friars Minor of North America, continued with the ministry of preaching, alternating with the tasks of government. Concluded the office of Provincial, retired, near Padua, where he had gone on other occasions. After just one year, died at the gates of the City, June 13, 1231. Padua, who had welcomed him with affection and awe in life, forever honor and devotion. The same Pope Gregory IX, who after hearing him preach, he called the "Ark of the Testament," canonized him only a year after his death in 1232, even after the miracles that happened through her intercession.
last period of his life, Anthony writing two series of "Sermons", respectively entitled "Sunday Sermons" and "Sermons on the Saints," written for preachers and teachers of theological studies of the Franciscan Order. In these sermons he comments on the texts of Scripture presented by the liturgy, using the patristic-medieval interpretation of the four meanings: the literal or historical, the allegorical or Christological tropological or morals, and the anagogic, which guides to eternal life. Today we discover anew that these are dimensions of meaning of sacred Scripture, which is right to interpret the Bible looking for the four dimensions of his word. Sermons of St. Anthony These are theological and homiletic texts, which echo the lively preaching, in which Antonio offers a real journey of Christian life. The wealth of spiritual teachings contained in "Sermons," the Venerable Pope Pius XII, in 1946, Antonio proclaimed Doctor of the Church, giving it the title of "Doctor of the Gospel" because it emerges from these writings the freshness and beauty of the Gospel, they still We read with great spiritual profit. In this sermon
Anthony speaks of prayer as a relationship of love, which drives the man to talk gently with the Lord, creating an ineffable joy, which gently wraps the soul in prayer. Anthony reminds us that prayer needs an atmosphere of silence that does not coincide with the withdrawal from external noise, but it is inner experience, which seeks to remove the distractions caused by the concerns of the soul, creating a silence in the soul itself. According to the teaching of this great Franciscan doctor, prayer is divided into four indispensable attitudes, which in Latin Antonio, are defined as follows: obsecratio, oratio, postulatio, gratiarum actio. We could translate as follows: hopefully open their hearts to God, this is the first step of praying, not just pick a word, but open our hearts to God's presence, then speak affectionately with him, seeing him there with me, and then - very natural - to present our needs, then praise him and thank him. In this
St. Anthony's teaching on prayer we see one of the specific features of Franciscan theology, of which he was the initiator, that is the role assigned to the divine love as it enters the sphere of affection, will, heart, and that is also the source from which springs spiritual knowledge, which surpasses all understanding. In fact, in love, we know.
Anthony writes: "Love is the soul of faith, makes a living, without love, faith dies" (Sermones et Dominicales Holidays II Messaggero, Padova 1979, p. 37).
only soul that prays can make progress in spiritual life: that is the subject preferred the preaching of St. Anthony. He knows the flaws of human nature, our tendency to fall into sin, which calls for continuing to fight the inclination to greed, pride, impurity, and to practice the virtues of poverty and generosity, 'humility and obedience, chastity and purity. At the beginning of the thirteenth century, in the context of the rebirth of the city and the flourishing of trade, increased the number of people insensitive to the needs of the poor. For this reason, Antonio repeatedly calls the faithful to think about the real wealth of the heart, making it good and merciful, does up treasures for heaven. "O-rich - so he urges - ... befriend the poor, welcome in your homes and then they will, the poor, to welcome into the eternal tabernacles, where the beauty of peace, trust, security, peace and opulence eternal satiety "(Ibid., p. 29).
Is not this, dear friends, teaching a very important today, when the financial crisis and severe economic imbalances deplete the number of people, and create conditions of misery? In my Encyclical "Caritas in veritate remember:" The economy needs ethics for its efficient operation, no ethics whatsoever, but an ethics of the person "(n. 45).
school, Anthony Francis, always puts Christ at the center of life and of thought, action and preaching. This is another typical feature of the Franciscan theology: Christ. Gladly it covers, and invites us to contemplate the mysteries of the Lord of mankind, the man Jesus, in particular, the mystery of the Nativity, God who has become a child, was delivered into our hands: a mystery that stirs feelings of love and gratitude to God's goodness.
one hand, the Nativity, a central point of Christ's love for humanity, but also the vision of the Crucifix Antonio inspired by thoughts of gratitude to God and respect for the dignity of the human person, so that everyone, believers and nonbelievers, can be found in the crucified and his image meaning that enriches life. Anthony writes: "Christ is your life, is hanging in front of you, because you look at the cross as in a mirror. There you will find out what your injuries were fatal, which no medicine could heal, if not the blood of the Son of God if you look carefully you will realize how great are your dignity and your value ... Nowhere man can better understand what he is worth, which looked into the mirror of cross "(Sermones et Dominicales Holidays III, pp. 213-214).
meditated on these words, we can better understand the importance of the image of the Crucified for our culture, our humanism born of the Christian faith. Just looking at the Crucifix we see, as Anthony says, how great is human dignity and worth as human beings. At no other point you can understand what it's worth the man, because God makes us so important, that he sees as important, to be, for him, worthy of his suffering, so the whole human dignity appears in the mirror and look of the Crucifix to him is always a source of recognition of human dignity.
Dear friends, may Antonio of Padua, venerated by the faithful to intercede for the whole Church, and especially for those who dedicate themselves to preaching, pray the Lord to help us to learn a little of this art by Anthony. The preachers, inspired by his example, take care to combine solid and sound doctrine, sincere and fervent piety, incisiveness in communication. In this year the priesthood, we pray for the priests and deacons to carry out this ministry officials to register and update of the Word of God to the faithful, especially through liturgical homily. Whether that's an effective presentation of the eternal beauty of Christ, just as Antonio recommended: "If you preach Jesus, He melts the hearts hard, and if you plead, sweeten the bitter temptations, and if you think you illuminate your heart, if you read it, he feeds you the mind "(Sermones et Dominicales Holidays III, p. 59).
Dear brothers and sisters,
two weeks ago I presented the figure of Saint Francis of Assisi. This morning I would like to talk about another saint belonging to the first generation of Friars Minor: Anthony of Padua or as it is also called, from Lisbon, referring to his hometown. This is one of the most popular saints in the whole Catholic Church, revered not only in Padua, where he was raised a magnificent basilica, which houses his mortal remains, but all the world. Are dear to the faithful images and statues represent him with the lily symbol of purity, or with the infant Jesus in her arms, in memory of a miraculous apparition mentioned in literary sources. Antonio has made a significant contribution to the development of Franciscan spirituality, with its outstanding qualities of intelligence, balance, apostolic zeal and, mainly, of mystical fervor. He was born in Lisbon of a noble family around 1195 and was baptized with the name of Fernando. He entered the canons who followed the monastic rule of St. Augustine, first in the monastery of San Vincenzo in Lisbon and later in that of Santa Croce in Coimbra, a renowned cultural center Portugal. He devoted himself with interest and concern to the study of the Bible and the Fathers of the Church, acquiring that science and technology that put to good use in teaching and preaching. In Coimbra was the episode that marked a turning point in his life: In 1220 the relics were exposed for the first five Franciscan missionaries who had gone to Morocco, where they met with martyrdom. Their case aroused in the young Fernando desire to imitate them and to move forward on the path of Christian perfection: He then asked to leave the Augustinian canons and become a Friar Minor. His request was accepted and took the name of Antonio, he also left for Morocco, but Providence God ordered otherwise. Following an illness, was forced to return to Italy and, in 1221, participated in the famous "Chapter of Mats" in Assisi, where he also met Francis. Subsequently, he lived for a time totally hidden in a convent near Forli in northern Italy, where the Lord called him to another mission. Invited to circumstances completely random, to preach on the occasion of a priestly ordination, he showed he was gifted with such learning and eloquence, that his superiors sent him to preaching. He began in Italy and France, so intense apostolic activity and effectively induced not a few people who had separated from the Church to retrace their steps. Anthony was among the first teachers of theology of the Friars Minor, if not the first. He began his teaching in Bologna, with the blessing of St. Francis, who, recognizing the virtues of Anthony, sent him a short letter that opened with these words: "I like to teach theology to the friars." Anthony set the foundations of Franciscan theology which, cultivated by other famous figures of thinkers, came to its climax with St. Bonaventure and Blessed John Duns Scotus.
Becoming provincial superior of the Friars Minor of North America, continued with the ministry of preaching, alternating with the tasks of government. Concluded the office of Provincial, retired, near Padua, where he had gone on other occasions. After just one year, died at the gates of the City, June 13, 1231. Padua, who had welcomed him with affection and awe in life, forever honor and devotion. The same Pope Gregory IX, who after hearing him preach, he called the "Ark of the Testament," canonized him only a year after his death in 1232, even after the miracles that happened through her intercession.
last period of his life, Anthony writing two series of "Sermons", respectively entitled "Sunday Sermons" and "Sermons on the Saints," written for preachers and teachers of theological studies of the Franciscan Order. In these sermons he comments on the texts of Scripture presented by the liturgy, using the patristic-medieval interpretation of the four meanings: the literal or historical, the allegorical or Christological tropological or morals, and the anagogic, which guides to eternal life. Today we discover anew that these are dimensions of meaning of sacred Scripture, which is right to interpret the Bible looking for the four dimensions of his word. Sermons of St. Anthony These are theological and homiletic texts, which echo the lively preaching, in which Antonio offers a real journey of Christian life. The wealth of spiritual teachings contained in "Sermons," the Venerable Pope Pius XII, in 1946, Antonio proclaimed Doctor of the Church, giving it the title of "Doctor of the Gospel" because it emerges from these writings the freshness and beauty of the Gospel, they still We read with great spiritual profit. In this sermon
Anthony speaks of prayer as a relationship of love, which drives the man to talk gently with the Lord, creating an ineffable joy, which gently wraps the soul in prayer. Anthony reminds us that prayer needs an atmosphere of silence that does not coincide with the withdrawal from external noise, but it is inner experience, which seeks to remove the distractions caused by the concerns of the soul, creating a silence in the soul itself. According to the teaching of this great Franciscan doctor, prayer is divided into four indispensable attitudes, which in Latin Antonio, are defined as follows: obsecratio, oratio, postulatio, gratiarum actio. We could translate as follows: hopefully open their hearts to God, this is the first step of praying, not just pick a word, but open our hearts to God's presence, then speak affectionately with him, seeing him there with me, and then - very natural - to present our needs, then praise him and thank him. In this
St. Anthony's teaching on prayer we see one of the specific features of Franciscan theology, of which he was the initiator, that is the role assigned to the divine love as it enters the sphere of affection, will, heart, and that is also the source from which springs spiritual knowledge, which surpasses all understanding. In fact, in love, we know.
Anthony writes: "Love is the soul of faith, makes a living, without love, faith dies" (Sermones et Dominicales Holidays II Messaggero, Padova 1979, p. 37).
only soul that prays can make progress in spiritual life: that is the subject preferred the preaching of St. Anthony. He knows the flaws of human nature, our tendency to fall into sin, which calls for continuing to fight the inclination to greed, pride, impurity, and to practice the virtues of poverty and generosity, 'humility and obedience, chastity and purity. At the beginning of the thirteenth century, in the context of the rebirth of the city and the flourishing of trade, increased the number of people insensitive to the needs of the poor. For this reason, Antonio repeatedly calls the faithful to think about the real wealth of the heart, making it good and merciful, does up treasures for heaven. "O-rich - so he urges - ... befriend the poor, welcome in your homes and then they will, the poor, to welcome into the eternal tabernacles, where the beauty of peace, trust, security, peace and opulence eternal satiety "(Ibid., p. 29).
Is not this, dear friends, teaching a very important today, when the financial crisis and severe economic imbalances deplete the number of people, and create conditions of misery? In my Encyclical "Caritas in veritate remember:" The economy needs ethics for its efficient operation, no ethics whatsoever, but an ethics of the person "(n. 45).
school, Anthony Francis, always puts Christ at the center of life and of thought, action and preaching. This is another typical feature of the Franciscan theology: Christ. Gladly it covers, and invites us to contemplate the mysteries of the Lord of mankind, the man Jesus, in particular, the mystery of the Nativity, God who has become a child, was delivered into our hands: a mystery that stirs feelings of love and gratitude to God's goodness.
one hand, the Nativity, a central point of Christ's love for humanity, but also the vision of the Crucifix Antonio inspired by thoughts of gratitude to God and respect for the dignity of the human person, so that everyone, believers and nonbelievers, can be found in the crucified and his image meaning that enriches life. Anthony writes: "Christ is your life, is hanging in front of you, because you look at the cross as in a mirror. There you will find out what your injuries were fatal, which no medicine could heal, if not the blood of the Son of God if you look carefully you will realize how great are your dignity and your value ... Nowhere man can better understand what he is worth, which looked into the mirror of cross "(Sermones et Dominicales Holidays III, pp. 213-214).
meditated on these words, we can better understand the importance of the image of the Crucified for our culture, our humanism born of the Christian faith. Just looking at the Crucifix we see, as Anthony says, how great is human dignity and worth as human beings. At no other point you can understand what it's worth the man, because God makes us so important, that he sees as important, to be, for him, worthy of his suffering, so the whole human dignity appears in the mirror and look of the Crucifix to him is always a source of recognition of human dignity.
Dear friends, may Antonio of Padua, venerated by the faithful to intercede for the whole Church, and especially for those who dedicate themselves to preaching, pray the Lord to help us to learn a little of this art by Anthony. The preachers, inspired by his example, take care to combine solid and sound doctrine, sincere and fervent piety, incisiveness in communication. In this year the priesthood, we pray for the priests and deacons to carry out this ministry officials to register and update of the Word of God to the faithful, especially through liturgical homily. Whether that's an effective presentation of the eternal beauty of Christ, just as Antonio recommended: "If you preach Jesus, He melts the hearts hard, and if you plead, sweeten the bitter temptations, and if you think you illuminate your heart, if you read it, he feeds you the mind "(Sermones et Dominicales Holidays III, p. 59).
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Creative Program Ideas For Church Anniversary
L'Angolo Divino in Cesenatico , prawns with the salt of Cervia excellent
Marco Valeriani
L'Angolo Divino in Cesenatico is a tavern with simple yet original. Harbor area designed by Leonardo da Vinci calls on the tasting score thanks to a series of "ads" guessed. We tried Sunday, February 7. From the menu - the wine list was not proposed because the return was expected in the car - the choice fell on prawns with the salt of Cervia, rice dishes, noodles and white to Fried Sea Bass. Despite the festive day and time typically declined to dinner, the service was fast. Never intrusive. Nothing special about the table linen and cutlery, as well as glassware. The seafood risotto arrived at the table in generous portions. Red tomato at the right point, perhaps slightly salty than the average. Amazing the prawns with the salt of Cervia. Good mixed fry, even if the kitchen could have "dry" better. Decent sorbet, expensive coffees (1.50 each!). Owner-operator with pleasing authority between the tables, helpful and courteous. We recommend it
. Our vote (60/60 being the best) is 50/60.

Marco Valeriani
L'Angolo Divino in Cesenatico is a tavern with simple yet original. Harbor area designed by Leonardo da Vinci calls on the tasting score thanks to a series of "ads" guessed. We tried Sunday, February 7. From the menu - the wine list was not proposed because the return was expected in the car - the choice fell on prawns with the salt of Cervia, rice dishes, noodles and white to Fried Sea Bass. Despite the festive day and time typically declined to dinner, the service was fast. Never intrusive. Nothing special about the table linen and cutlery, as well as glassware. The seafood risotto arrived at the table in generous portions. Red tomato at the right point, perhaps slightly salty than the average. Amazing the prawns with the salt of Cervia. Good mixed fry, even if the kitchen could have "dry" better. Decent sorbet, expensive coffees (1.50 each!). Owner-operator with pleasing authority between the tables, helpful and courteous. We recommend it
. Our vote (60/60 being the best) is 50/60.
Friday, February 12, 2010
Whats Better - Burton Custom Or Never Summer Evo
we regret to state the closing of entries for the pilgrimage on February 20 in Padua. The 64 seats are literally went like hot cakes. Sorry for those who would attend but could not, we assure you of my prayers.
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Stop C00021a Fatal Error
Good salami between Casa Zanni and Riccione
Marco Valeriani
Be "to" salami. " Not in the figurative sense - and even with a mocking tone - but as an act of true honor in bagging that makes peace in the world. In honor of good salami - one prepared by skilled craftsmen and dedicated amateurs - Casa Zanni, Villa Verucchio (in the lower valley Marecchia) finds shelter the congregation began 10 years ago at the dawn of May. Loris is its Primicerio Fantini, as well as gather around a strong partnership not only knowledge enogastronomy Emilia Romagna. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe congregation was inspired as a "viral" the progressive impoverishment of the land. Hence the need to put hand "to the deck of cards" of specificity so as to replace each card and each value in its place. From the restoration of the Romagna Mora, race at the time found in Faenza (Brisbane) today and not without difficulty reintroduced in other areas - see Rimini and Saludecio - has gained the idea, well-credited to the current state of the comparison, through the mechanism of competition trophy, crafts made of salami or more simple-butchers butchers-estimators. "Of course, you need a pre - highlights Fantini - where the taste is subtracted as indecent can be conceived. The average attendance fluctuates between 15 appearances in fact many craftsmen and for lovers. " Loyal to the trophy is a Riccione, First Badiali: a man of immense skill, more often under the spotlight in the amateur category. "The trophy organized by the Congregation of the Good Salame (given the uncertain times proposals deserve greater attention from local institutions, ed) - Fantini says - on some occasions, San Patrignano protagonist, has revealed a distinct shift in expression. That has removed the conviction that among the product prepared by the artisans and the one proposed by amateurs differences could be found almost unfathomable. " Thus, evidence of the facts may be seen, is not. Against the backdrop of the trophy rather well defined, though not blatantly acknowledged the potential conflict with those using non-genuine races (Mora, Cinta, villagers are absolutely authentic) has invested, and continues to invest on Large White pigs. Pigs 'foreign' to a culture and a tradition which is the less industrial Romagna. Thus becomes desirable, perhaps calling some 'dozing in the debate dispute to cellophane, the example of the Congregation grafts a miraculous multiplier effect on other products. To start, forgive the people of the hills, from the Congregation of the Good tempting and tasty fish. All this is topped by the following notice: those lull the dream of fake remain well protected in their stables. It 'just the examination of DNA derived from pigs' bristles to expose farmers Mora fraudulent.
Article published in the December 2009 - January 2010 the magazine taste produced by the publishing house La Mandragora Imola.

Marco Valeriani
Be "to" salami. " Not in the figurative sense - and even with a mocking tone - but as an act of true honor in bagging that makes peace in the world. In honor of good salami - one prepared by skilled craftsmen and dedicated amateurs - Casa Zanni, Villa Verucchio (in the lower valley Marecchia) finds shelter the congregation began 10 years ago at the dawn of May. Loris is its Primicerio Fantini, as well as gather around a strong partnership not only knowledge enogastronomy Emilia Romagna. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe congregation was inspired as a "viral" the progressive impoverishment of the land. Hence the need to put hand "to the deck of cards" of specificity so as to replace each card and each value in its place. From the restoration of the Romagna Mora, race at the time found in Faenza (Brisbane) today and not without difficulty reintroduced in other areas - see Rimini and Saludecio - has gained the idea, well-credited to the current state of the comparison, through the mechanism of competition trophy, crafts made of salami or more simple-butchers butchers-estimators. "Of course, you need a pre - highlights Fantini - where the taste is subtracted as indecent can be conceived. The average attendance fluctuates between 15 appearances in fact many craftsmen and for lovers. " Loyal to the trophy is a Riccione, First Badiali: a man of immense skill, more often under the spotlight in the amateur category. "The trophy organized by the Congregation of the Good Salame (given the uncertain times proposals deserve greater attention from local institutions, ed) - Fantini says - on some occasions, San Patrignano protagonist, has revealed a distinct shift in expression. That has removed the conviction that among the product prepared by the artisans and the one proposed by amateurs differences could be found almost unfathomable. " Thus, evidence of the facts may be seen, is not. Against the backdrop of the trophy rather well defined, though not blatantly acknowledged the potential conflict with those using non-genuine races (Mora, Cinta, villagers are absolutely authentic) has invested, and continues to invest on Large White pigs. Pigs 'foreign' to a culture and a tradition which is the less industrial Romagna. Thus becomes desirable, perhaps calling some 'dozing in the debate dispute to cellophane, the example of the Congregation grafts a miraculous multiplier effect on other products. To start, forgive the people of the hills, from the Congregation of the Good tempting and tasty fish. All this is topped by the following notice: those lull the dream of fake remain well protected in their stables. It 'just the examination of DNA derived from pigs' bristles to expose farmers Mora fraudulent.
Article published in the December 2009 - January 2010 the magazine taste produced by the publishing house La Mandragora Imola.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Can You Buy London Fruit And Herb Company
Pilgrimage to Padua
Saturday, February 20
pilgrimage to Padua
At the Exposition of the Body of St. Anthony
Pilgrimage organized from the Shrine to venerate the relics of the Holy Healer, exceptionally exposed.
The program is a departure from Pontegrande at 6.00, arriving in Padua and the Veneration of the Body of St. Anthony. In the afternoon, after lunch, a visit to the city (Piazza di Prato della Valle and the Hall of Brotherhood) and the final Mass in the basilica also concelebrated by the parish priest of primicerius Anzino, Father Gabriele Romagnoli and P. Olindo Maria Baldassare, longtime friend of the country Anzino and former rector of the Basilica del Santo.
For information and reservations (reservations are open until Sunday 14):
Saturday, February 20
pilgrimage to Padua
At the Exposition of the Body of St. Anthony
Pilgrimage organized from the Shrine to venerate the relics of the Holy Healer, exceptionally exposed.
The program is a departure from Pontegrande at 6.00, arriving in Padua and the Veneration of the Body of St. Anthony. In the afternoon, after lunch, a visit to the city (Piazza di Prato della Valle and the Hall of Brotherhood) and the final Mass in the basilica also concelebrated by the parish priest of primicerius Anzino, Father Gabriele Romagnoli and P. Olindo Maria Baldassare, longtime friend of the country Anzino and former rector of the Basilica del Santo.
For information and reservations (reservations are open until Sunday 14):
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