Friday, September 19, 2008

Mirena Throat Side Effect

Once upon a time ... the bollards.

long time ago .... there were bumps (two concrete parts connected by a chain) to prevent access to cars and motorcycles on the road that leads from the end of the bridge the Pool Hall and from there into the park Montereale.

During the work of "retraining", carried out between 1998 and 1999, these bollards were removed and then lie unused and lonely side of the road!

Since that infamous decision Potentini motorists can freely enter with their cars right into the heart of the park at a meter from the pool (So \u200b\u200bdo not get tired and do not take cold ........ and thank goodness that go there to play sports!).

Following the town council has even legitimated this situation by establishing the edge of the road, bordered by the blue line, a paid parking area entrusted to the management of the Power Mobility Company, adding thus insult to injury !

Only at the end of July 2008 that, following our representations, has seen fit to place, finally, a sign of good no-parking 24 hours at 24, too bad you forgot to hire someone to do it respect and that, according to those who are gentlemen, traffic police, do not pass by there very often (perhaps because of their small number, compared to the many tasks).
This is the current situation: a mere prohibition of parking (not observed) instead of the coveted no-entry!

So the cars continue to park and it is increasingly remote possibility that the Park Montereale seems like a real park!

Monday, August 18, 2008

Statler And Waldorf Gnomes


After about two months after forwarding the petition to the Committee for the spontaneous "Montereale Park," has raised a number of issues affecting life, the livability and usability of the site (air pollution, noise pollution, lack of controls, etc ...), some things have happened, which demonstrates that, in fact, that it is not absolutely nothing happened.
Before reporting developments (non-development) initiative, which, somewhere, we wanted to give a distorted view, the role of opposition (to which or whom?), The Committee wishes to claim joint authorship.
So in order to immediately bring down the (false) belief, common in art, those who believe they see the group as a tool of individual and shield.
This interpretation, in addition to being biased, offends intelligence, intellectual honesty of members to the committee, mortify the commitment of themselves and of the delegates, and most importantly, does not recognize its independence.
is not unlikely that its spread represents nothing if not an attempt to undermine the group, weakening its strength, breaking a front that until now has been shown together.
So what happened? Or what did not happen?
What happened: The petition has certainly had the merit to do so was inhibited in the park, along the road from the end of the bridge goes up to the building that houses the pool and skirts, the parking of motor vehicles. Parking, In fact, it is now permanently banned (from 0:00 to 24:00), with anticipation of forced removal in case of failure to comply with the ban.
That did not happen: the vehicles continue to enter and stay in that area at all hours of the day, especially in the evening and night hours. The presence of signs ban clearly can not avoid the car, in the absence of the fundamental action of the Municipal Police, that systematically sanctions violators, thereby providing clear messages to motorists about the consequences of violations of the ban.
What happened: With the petition, it was learned that engaging in "Dancing" has no permissions to the noise in the atmosphere, the fact is not smentibile as expressly declared to the delegates of the committee by the Municipal Police, as well as personally confirmed by the Mayor, during three sessions of City Council, after many questions from the Board.
That did not happen: the year in question has regularly continued, and continues each night to deliver music through the sound system to which the exercise has, diffused through loudspeakers placed outside the premises for the sale.
E 'strong, the committee and its members, Frustrating as an unpleasant feeling of helplessness in the face of such a situation of lawlessness tolerated!
The following questions are in order:
who we are administered?
If these are the benchmarks, all they can do whatever they want with impunity? Or maybe just a few?
think about it, something happened: Sunday, August 2, the Central Park fountain gushing water, the space devoted to children has been integrated with new games.
The Committee hopes that this is a significant step, though minimal, to resolve the issues proposed, and looks more consistent signals to that effect.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Where To Buy Maplestory Cards

reap what you sow

Sometimes you can!
Sometimes you may be able to dent the wall of indifference.
Sometimes things change because people have believed, despite
the walls, at times, are high and very thick;
something moved because someone has moved a system,
atrophied, blind.
Sometimes you can!
If you believe in it.
has now been expanded the space devoted to children's games;
there is now a permanent ban on parking in a public park

(even if not enforced, that fact should give pause to all
have now been allocated 220,000 euros for a new redevelopment of
Montereale (according to the
municipal mayor in the last council held at the Palazzo della Provincia Piazza Prefecture
in which some of the Volunteer Committee participated);
now the noise of dancing Montereale
are smaller than in previous years
(although many are complaining about
respect to actions taken dall'amminisstrazione municipal
not taking account of serious irregularities come to the surface,
and in particular the lack of permits for emissions into the atmosphere by
sound year in question, that, despite this
, in the irregularity persists, it also should give pause to all
Today is Sunday morning.
air, a roar of a distant memory ...
is the fountain of women taking the sun, the fountain in Central Park
Montereale, gushing water to the eyes of all.
may last only one day, but today,
something has changed.
heartfelt thanks to all those who believe in this initiative, made more difficult

obstructionism of those who should enforce the rules;
and especially thanks to those who do not believe in us
the greatest stimulus to motivate us to do better.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Poop Once A Week Bloated


E 'usual and customary now to let things run ... it is appropriate to say! Moto high displacement and high-speed within Montereale dart in front of our eyes!
E 'was this the defendant, who drove us to make another video about the situation that constantly lives the park ..
The theme is always the same: degradation, permissiveness, lack of protection by the institutions!
If the cops come running in the park will certainly not set a good example to those who will park mopeds on the street walking;
if a wheel goes straight when the police cars are parked in such a way that half of Relief could not pass, they will think of doing your own convenience. Unfortunately
weekends dancing Dancing Montereale promoted by a horde of vehicles claims to reach by car, the closest to the dance floor.
With the total failure to article 16 of the "Regulations for Public and Private Urban Green", the levels of CO2 released into the air are unsustainable, that the levels of the busiest rush hour of power!
strongly require the intervention of the police and dell'ARPAB.
What happens is a brief summary of the new video of the Volunteer Committee for the District of Montereale (CSQM)

Katydids Chocalates When Can We Order.


Please note that on You-Tube has a video report on the degradation of the fountain next to the unused Belvedere of the rotunda. We draw attention to this smoke and mirrors created some years ago by the administration in conjunction with the opening of Dancing Montereale. No coincidence that the choice of tiled fountain and the little fountain for drinking water, is the same as for the benches in front of the ice cream, probably to give continuity to the aesthetic redevelopment of the Park. To give more visibility to the new gift given to us by the city, was even changed the original layout of two benches and it is right there in front of an invitation to enjoy the water games granted to any bystanders. Well, the work ran over 4 years, six or seven times. Whether due to a lack of responsibility by citizens, including parents who permettonoai their children throw stones and cones within the same, both for the total lack of assistance by the competent organs and maintenance personnel. The fountain does not have a form of self-venting to filter and clean water and therefore should be subject to constant bleeding. Some of the municipal administration, which does not mention the name of fairness, he argued instead that it is only the fault of people who can not manage the public good and that Berlusconi has taken the ICI Well, even before this year things did not go well and the state a general deterioration in maintenance of the green was almost constant over the years preceding the new government. To demonstrate this we made a video on You-Tube now present, with some filming done so amateur in 2006. A video scandal that should make us reflect on how we can have the courage to issue certain orders to operators of ecological inter alia with disabilities.
Someone must be accountable to their conscience for what happened .... if it still has one ... The video's title is "April 24-Waiting for the Liberation

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Wait and THEN come true

We apologize for not updating this period. There
reicontriamo but with more than a few headlines.
We were called to the City for the First
Council Committee, chaired by President Julius Spadafora,
where he discussed about the willingness on the part of the Committee,
did not want to be merged with other districts.
We have our reasons to be exposed to both nails
collected after the sleepless night of Sport held in Montereale.
We said that such a situation the
can learn about the inhabitants of the district who daily pass through the park, and certainly not some
resident of Walled or Via Vaccaro.
A concrete example of how, who really lives a place
one can really know the issues.
Here we also presented to the President of the Commission Spadafora
the full text of the Petition
about the "Respect for the regular urban public and private sectors."
latter, which is also attached to the Green Party, has shown
sensitive to the issues raised by the initiative and is available for future dialogue with the
Comitato.Noi we trust! Really!
Especially against the Mayor, the Police and the ARPAB
power of individuals to whom was referred the Petition
After a month but we have not still had no official response
's why we have that on July 7 delivered a reminder to the Protocol.
fiduciosie Nearly 700 people are waiting and looking forward ....

Monday, June 9, 2008

Do Lip Piercings Give You Ulcers

The petition 'MATCH (for a long journey ...)

Dear readers of the blog, informs you that the parcomontereale Thursday, June 5 the petition was received and sent to the Mayor, all'arpab, and the police. also forward it to various newspapers to which anyone with a channel for the visibility and transparency of the active committee as soon as possible! The text of the petition were attached to the 700 signatures collected in 11 days, it is true that if they could collect more, but all the problems' acuendosi and early summer are to be prevented in the bud! now expect a prompt reply, meanwhile I invite anyone reading to press the institutions to obtain an immediate resolution to the problems! a committee, a blog, a petition in a month: there seems little? now we must wait not-too-press and to reap the rewards of signatures and the will of the people ... see you soon

Monday, June 2, 2008

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To all friends (near and far!)

Tomorrow June 3 will be recovered and counted all the signatures collected in these days to petition the pro Montereale park. The first can be delivered to the Mayor of power, the Directorate General of 'ARPAB power, the Police Power, and, for information, a number of newspapers and media. Anyone who is interested and believes in the reasons for this petition is seguirene invited to the events and put pressure on institutions - including through e-mails or letters - so you get not only an answer but a timely resolution to issues raised. From tomorrow onwards there is a need for further support! Anyone who seriously wants to participate sends a request to the blog!
NB On is the video about the environmental degradation and the cleaning of the fountain of Montereale of April 24, 2006. To view it just go to you tube and type in search: 24 April waiting for the release

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Tv Component Plugs No Yellow Diagram

Petition to the requirements of the rules of public urban green

the Mayor of power
the Director General of 'ARPAB Power-
the Police Power
The undersigned, acting as delegates of the European Volunteer arose among the residents in buildings adjacent to the park Montereale and surrounding areas, so compulsive to a considerable number of citizens, have resolved to deal with you personally in order to submit comments on issues related to the livability of the park and provide direct suggestions, where possible, resolve them, specific interests of these residents and the entire community that benefits from that area.
1) The first question that you submit to your attention, is on the road. In particular, the companies argue that the option for citizens to bring in the Park, including parking, motor vehicles and motorcycles, is incompatible with the green should ensure that health, already affected almost continuous traffic that motor vehicles operate daily through the main road connecting the bridge to the area of \u200b\u200binterest.
This situation contrasts, however, with the provisions of the Regulations on Urban Police use of public parks and gardens or public use, supplemented by "Regulation of urban green public and private" and approved by the City of Power with Resolution No. 45, April 27, 2004 , who all ' Article 16, strictly prohibits the introduction and the parking of motor vehicles in the parks, except for people with disabilities and service vehicles.
addition, the continual stopping and frequent comings and goings of vehicles inside the area, Subtract availability of space to citizens, especially children and the elderly, not to mention the dangers that their children can run dall'incedere of those assets.
The representatives reminded that SV in the recent past, prior to the renovation, access to vehicles in the inner area was inhibited, its provision for the administration, by cement linked chain, which is why they are inexplicable that the outcome of its restructuring, has replaced a sort of permissiveness, which certainly can not be justified, as we have got to understand, with the need to ensure access to municipal swimming pool by users. The writers also complain that the almost complete unavailability of parking.
In fact, even if the signals that should ensure that they are residents of the reserve parking, always make a fine show, the so-called sensitive areas (such as Zone 9 in the Cedar Street and Via dei Linden) are permanently occupied vehicles by non-residents to park in the morning, throughout the working hours, in breach of the temporary stop with a parking disc, which exists in those areas, the problem afternoon and evening, however, is represented by vehicles property of visitors at:
- Sports Hall CONI;
- Pool Hall;
- Bowls;
- Dancing Subzero Montereale.
Basically, it is almost impossible for residents to find parking.

2) Secondly, the complainants maintain that, especially in summer (from June to October), the Park Montereale becomes the object of real noise, since the music systems of Dancing Montereale (municipal property and entrusted the management of third parties), placed outside the room, plenty of produce sounds that exceed the tolerances allowed, however, extended beyond the times compatible with the requirements of a green residential besides, they prevent the exercise of the sacred right to rest and tranquility. Moreover
added that the use of these plants almost constant during the day and also in the afternoon, without prejudice to the vocation of this green area, which is by its nature delegated to rest, study, relax, and this goes down not only residents in the District Montereale, who accuse more discomfort, but also of all citizens who want to use the park itself just to the vocation to which it is directed.
It is recalled that the Law October 26, 1995 447 "Framework Law on Noise" sets that: " noise is the introduction of noise in the living or outdoor use, such as to cause annoyance or disturbance to human activities, risk to human health, deterioration of ecosystems, (...) the environment or living environment outside or to interfere with the legitimate fruition environments themselves. " In the case of plants are Dancing, under the abovementioned law, fixed sound sources, certainly for identifying (and even led for over three years!) Noise, especially because of the way of use.
's still the case to highlight that on the basis of Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers of 14 November 1997 in the Official Gazette General Series No. 280, December 1, 1997 - " Determination of the limits of sound sources " Attachment 1, Table A - the area in question must be put in first class, as a public park, however the site close to residential area that is predominantly .
Moreover, from a standpoint of game is to be noted that the objectionable use of these fixed sound sources, causes damage to the valuable presence of bird life that enriches a few years and color the park: jays, doves, finches, blackbirds, crows real crowd the Montereale trees during the period from October to June, but disappear from June to September because of decibels emitted by Dancing!
As regards, however, the flora, as it should be noted also the management of Dancing is not even respectful of the plants that fall into the same area of \u200b\u200binterest: some specimens, in fact, were literally nailed to the location unnecessary and not consistent fixed light sources, more suitable, to be honest, for fir from the holiday season!
In light of the foregoing, it is not liable in error if it is stated that there is incompatibility between the activities of its own noise of Dancing, and the structure of the Park Montereale and housing adjacent to it.
The representatives have advised that the Park Montereale could very well be counted among the so-called Historic Gardens according to the information contained in the Bill of Historic Gardens and Trees monumental "(Annex E1 to the" Regulations for the public and private green space, " approved Power by resolution by the City of
No. 45, April 27, 2004).
In fact, the presence of the bronze monument to the fallen power of the First World War, the historic circular fountain, the two viewpoints and a number of trees of particular age, lead them to give the park historical, artistic and botanical and to subject it to regulation "according to its fragility, in order to preserve its substance and its cultural message" (See Article 18 Appendix E, called).
However, if by nature and vocation "the historic garden is a peaceful place that encourages contact, and listening to the silence of nature ... "and " newspaper this approach should be contrasted with the exceptional use of the historic garden as a place of celebration " (See Article 19 Annex E), one can well understand how, in the event in question, there is a striking contrast between the current situation and what is regulated by that provision.
In any event, whatever the type of the Park as a historic garden, can not be observed as the major problem of noise exists and that this situation violates the most basic rules of a quiet life, causing real damage to life and health to residents.

3) The third question that you want to submit for its consideration is that relating to the management of green areas of the park. Indeed
residents, summing up the well of the comments from non-residents have complained about poor cleaning of green areas, which, especially in summer, they become dangerous of open dumps, full of empty bottles, broken glass from the remnants of bottles, as well as glassware and plastic dishes, abandoned not only because of the lack of civic sense of some casual passers-by, but also to the insufficient presence of deputies containers to collect the remains.
In this regard, because of the presence in the immediate vicinity of the park and facilities resale of drinks, food and other items (Dancing bar, delicatessen, grocer, tobacconist), it would be appropriate to consider the placement of containers for recycling , also in response to recent national and municipal waste collection in the field. E 'must point out, however, that this lack of cleanliness is also dependent on specific staff shortages are not sufficient, for an 'area of \u200b\u200bthis extension, the units used.
It would also be essential, given the quality and quantity of flora, restoring the park of a skilled gardener, professional on-site existing in the past, and still working, for example, at Villa St. Mary.
It should be noted, unfortunately, the incompetence of those who are engaged in pruning trees. They, perhaps because they do not adequately prepared and trained, pruned (for years!) Some specimens (eg privet) umbrella. In winter, the snow piling up on sheets trimmed with little forethought, determines the breaking of branches if not the fall (remember the snow of January 2005) of specimens to more slender stem. The municipal government should train these players and follow them during periodic maintenance by experienced technicians (agronomists and forestry). It also goes for the safety of pedestrians and cars!
Another aspect to be reckoned with is that relating to 'use of facilities in the park, such as fountains, ornamental character and those of both those designed to quench the thirst of those requiring such services.
should not be forgotten, then, the state of insecurity in which pouring games for children.
We have already had occasion to point out how the circular fountain represents a historical monument, not only for the Park but for the entire city currently pays it in unused condition, and the other ornamental fountain, opened with great fanfare, was soon abandoned to itself, becoming merely a receptacle for garbage.
On the other hand, the other two fountains designed for administration of drinking water, are in a state of disrepair and are inactive as unfit for the purpose.
As for the neighborhood surrounding the park, the complainants point out the low maintenance of a number of vertical links, visited daily by many people, one wonders why is provided for the ongoing cleaning of the stairs from the ACT.
deserves a chapter of the management of green areas adjacent to the park: it is important that park maintenance was done regularly and not unusually in the whole neighborhood. He wants the decorum and wants our health. 40% of the population suffers from pollinosis problems, so it is not 'beautiful, nor have healthy grass five feet high under the window. In addition, during the months' warm our small green spaces become an ideal habitat for cockroaches, mice and insects of all sizes.
He complains, finally, the almost complete lack of control over the territory by the Municipal Police.
As introduced before, out, in regard to the solution of the issues raised in while they are prepared to provide any form of active cooperation, consider it appropriate, in advance, make a few requests, with the hope that they tend to make effective interventions, necessary that the government is requested to take.

On the issue set out in paragraph 1) asks

A) prevent access to the internal areas of the park, even passable, for motor vehicles and motor vehicles, except for the media rescue, fire, authorities in charge of public security, the means of refuse collection, the school bus carrying schoolchildren at a municipal swimming pool or in green areas for study and educational purposes.
inhibition could occur by replacing the previous system, inexplicably and improperly disposed of, the concrete products related to the chain, to be placed at the beginning of the road deviating from the main street leading to the pool hall, as well as the entrance to the road with gravel along the bowling club;

b) prevent the parking of motor vehicles and motorcycles along the road, by the end of the bridge goes to the intersection of Route Pine forest and open space in front of the building CONI;

D) Return on Via Della Pineta, the areas of pay parking eliminated, operating regular and systematic checks.
e) ensure compliance in areas adjacent to the Park (via the cedars, Via Dei Tigli), identified as Section 9, the obligation to stop using temporary parking disc in order to ensure that motorists are not residents there are spared by their own means for the entire workday.

F) Put speed bumps on the descending part of Via Della Pineta often traveled by cars and motorcycles at high speed, with serious danger for the 'safety passers-by and where possible also in some streets adjacent buildings in the area.

Regarding the question in point 2) asks

A) Limit the use external sound system that comes with the Dancing common property (entrusted to the management of third ) from 22 hours to 24 hours with revocation of any permit, authorization or act that may have been granted for the use of the system beyond that time, all of course within the limits of a nuisance noise regulations established by the first mentioned , with provision for periodic inspections to verify compliance with acts;
B) Prohibit the use of full outdoor said at other times of the day;
C) Allow the legitimate use of the system sound inside the room, all intended 'entertainment of its patrons, to the extent compatible with the sounds of normal human tolerance of noise, the parameters determined by law, after verifying them through the ARPAB el' ASL competent

On issues outlined in paragraph 3) asks

-recruitment of qualified staff involved in the structural maintenance of the park, and botany;
-smoking location of bins and containers in adequate numbers for recycling;
-arrangement of the equipment set up for children's play, which, for the was faced, are a source of danger
-integration of vertical connections in the neighborhood of ordinary cleaning and constant maintenance of the same;
- restoring the flow of water in the fountains;
- recovery through the circular fountain maintenance, subsequent activation of the same, with contextual appropriate signs that they remain clean and fully functional;
- Provide routine checks on the territory by the police, aimed at preventing vandalism attitudes and to allow the peaceful use of space by citizens.

Finally, the writers call on the SV, in its capacity as mayor, to ensure that the Park Montereale, if not yet counted among the historic gardens, to acquire such status, thereby providing shine to 'administration and the entire community Potenza.
In conclusion, we note that the reasons justifying the petition, even if moving from the disruption and in particular the community the inhabitants of Montereale, however, tend to make improvements of a collective nature, consisting of the appropriate use by all citizens, the largest green space site in the city center.
aware that your note will lead to assess the sensitivity with due attention to the requests addressed to the undersigned representatives of the subject that this is also submitted to the Directorate General of 'ARPAB and the Police Power, so that these bodies will take , each for its own part, all direct interventions, relief, prevention and elimination of the serious problems of noise and air pollution in the area concerned. They also stress that the text of the petition, already put on the internet and visible to all, will be sent - for information - in newspapers and other media channels of information, to spread locally and nationally.
power there May 22, 2008

The group proposing the Volunteer Committee for the district Montereale

Brancati Giuliano, Lapenna David Lanorte Vito, Lapenna Marco, Brindisi
Salvatore Candido Nicola, Pecoriello Marina

A support of this is attached to collect signatures.